Joe Rogan's most unhinged interview yet: Terrence Howard's wild claims on podcast from remembering his own birth to how we're about to 'kill gravity'
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Empire actor Terrence Howard had quite the interview on The Joe Rogan Experience over the weekend – during which he raised some bizarre ideas about the universe.

The 52-year-old Iron Man star’s sit-down with the comedian-turned-commentator lasted more than three hours, and even spurred Rogan, 56, to warn his 16.7million subscribers this installment would be ‘a wild one’.

Howard, in turn, took the reins, taking his host down a number of bizarre avenues. 

This ranged from how he’s lost jobs for refusing the Covid vaccine, was ‘betrayed’ by old Marvel co-star Robert Downey Jr., and claims that we as humans are on the cusp of ‘killing gravity.’

The Hustle & Flow actor went on to assert he remembers being in his mother’s womb – echoing some equally outlandish comments from Nicolas Cage provided to Stephen Colbert last month.

‘I was about six months, maybe, inside the womb,’ Howard began, before offering his insight to a variety of strange conspiracies.

‘And I’m like, “Okay, don’t forget I’m here, don’t forget, don’t forget, don’t forget.” You go to sleep. You wake up again.’

An enthralled Rogan – who prefers not to call his guests out on-air – listened on. 

‘Now something’s moving in front of you and you’re like, “Oh, that’s my friend,”‘ the conspiracy-minded actor continued. 

‘But I had a different name for it – I didn’t know it was my hand.’

‘You remember coming out?’ an amazed Rogan went on to ask.

‘I remember being compressed and you want to panic,’ Howard replied.

‘But you’re flooded with some serotonin and dopamine, to where you feel relaxed and you go right back to sleep. 

‘And you remember being born,’ he added, claims that he also recalls being circumcised. 

‘I remember the whole nine,’ the Crash star proclaimed.

But the claims did not stop there, with Howard at one point turning to the number of ventures he’s been involved in over the course of his Hollywood career.

One was his purchase of a patent he abandoned  – one that’s since been cited by dozens of firms developing and selling augmented and virtual reality.

He said ‘the entire AR VR world was built off of [this] first patent’, which he said he abandoned due to a litany of fees.

‘I paid $260,000 for the worldwide patent, but then my agents kept – not my lawyers – kept sending me  these maintenance fees and annuities, and I’m like, “These folks are just trying to shake me down. I’m not going to pay this.”‘

A year later, he saw that companies like Sony, Microsoft, and Amazon were starting to cite aspects of the patent – one that continues to make money to this day. 

‘This patent has earned over seven trillion,’ Howard claim, before suggesting he was forced out of ownership of the 2010 patent.  

‘And you didn’t get a piece of the pie?’ Rogan asked.

‘Haven’t gotten a penny of it,’ Howard replied. ‘And it still has another nine years, another eight years, in which I would be making money off of.’ 

‘But what they didn’t know is they didn’t understand is how it was really supposed to work,’ he went on to add, of the actual patent that describes ‘a system and method of merging virtual reality sensory detail from a remote site into a room environment.’

‘So they’ve just been taking this gun and been using it as a bat,’ Howard claimed.

‘And if they wanted to know, I could show them how it really really works.’  

Calling the very conceptual patent ‘proof that my stuff is legit’, he went on to air even more claims – including one about old Iron Man costar Downey Jr.

He said he ‘sacrificed’ himself for the Avengers actor, before offering an anecdote that revealed he helped Downey Jr. get the famous role, before being cut from the second to be replaced by Don Cheadle – a move he said Downey Jr. let happen.

‘I called him 27 times and I left a message,’ he recalled of learning he was being forced out as War Machine.

‘I’m calling his assistant. I’m like, “I need the help I gave you.” I didn’t hear from him until 3 years later, when I bumped into him at Brian Grazer’s wedding,’ the actor recalled, referencing the producer who wed wife Veronica Smiley in 2016.

He also mentioned Downey Jr. had no remorse for his actions, adding that upon being reunited, the actor congratulated him on his success with the then new show Empire, that came out the year before.

‘But at that time I’d had Empire or whatever and I came back he was like, “Oh but everything worked out for you.” That broke me a little bit,’ he said. 

The next sensational claim from Howard – who famously faced flak for past arrests for alleged domestic abuse during the height of the #MeToo movement – involved metaphysics, and how ‘gravity’ is just a construct of electricity, and ‘God’ as well.

‘We’re about to kill gravity,’ he declared. ‘We’re about to kill their God, gravity, and they don’t want that.’

Earlier in the interview, he  claimed ‘Gravity is caused by electric force electricity, a claim that, while obliquely true, appeared to not be based in reality.

 ‘Gravity is always seeking a higher pressure condition,’ he explained, at one point producing a video from a business partner in which ‘linchpins’ were used to create ‘Saturn without gravity.’

‘It spins Northeast [and] is trying to get to the center of an area – the center of a cone,’ he continued.

‘But the next electric wave is coming so it gets pushed out,’ he continued.

‘And as it’s pushed out… instead of it spinning northeasterly – centripetally – it’s forced to spin centrifugally. And it spins southwesterly and it expands itself out.’

Then comes ‘decay’, said – specifically referencing the earth’s never-ceasing magnetic field.

That, he said,  ‘keeps decaying until you get four magnetic waves that hit each other at 120° angles

‘At that point they reconvert back into the electric field,’ he erroneously declared. And then they make their way back to their Source again – whether it’s the star, whatever star it came into.’

Electricity’s effect on gravity – more specifically that of electromagnetism – is nearly imperceptible in local conditions, but at larger scales, does affect the perpetual force.

Howards, claims, are not founded in science, but more in fringe studies s that attempt to explain the creation of the celestial bodies, with some creative liberties.

The next topic brought up by the star was more based in reality – his recollection of how he lost three or four prospective acting roles due to his refusal to get a jab to halt the spread of Covid. 

‘You took a bold stand years ago when the governments were trying to poison their citizens,’ he told Rogan, referencing the former Fear Factor’s host hesitance to get vaccinated as well.

He further told the UFC commentator: ‘That’s when I was like, wow, I appreciate you because I lost three to four jobs because I refused to take it.’

‘Now we have all of these diseases that are showing themselves because the body is overwhelmed trying to deal with the spike protein.

‘And the more boosters you get, the worse your outcomes are going to be.’

In regard to the government that pushed the formula from firms like Pfizer and Moderna in an attempt to stop the spread, he said it had been trying to ‘poison its citizens.’

When asked, he pointed to a history of other governments using ‘chemical warfare’ against citizens as his rationale for refusing the vaccine. 

Again, his claims, as of writing, were not based in science. 

The full interview can be viewed in its entirety here. As of Monday, it has received nearly 2.5million views.

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