馬桶的英文單字,馬桶的英文是什麽 - 英漢詞典


  • closestool
    馬桶; 恭桶;
  • stool
    凳子,高腳凳; 大便,糞便; 根株;
  • nightstool
    臥室用便器; 馬桶;
  • commode



便攜馬桶Portable Toilet


馬桶漏水Leaking toilet ; toilet water leakage ; Toilet leakage


馬桶刷子toilet brush

馬桶糖Moko Moko Mokolet

馬桶吸Toilet Suck

馬桶座圈{植} horseshoe vetch

真空馬桶vacuum toilet


  • 然后他們就用馬桶來弄干凈國旗。

    they then use the toilet to clean the flag.

  • 他試圖把鈔票從馬桶里沖走時被發現。

    he was found trying to flush banknotes down the toilet.

  • 讓你前任去回憶這一天,并且懊悔自己怎么就錯過了你吧,特別是每次她的老公從馬桶座圈上起身,或是在床上制造不雅氣體的時候。

    your ex- will look back on this day and stew in her great remorse at having lost you every time her husband leaves up the toilet seat or farts in bed.

  • 站在馬桶后邊,能有多遠就有多遠,快速提起蓋子.

    stand behind the toilet as far as you can, and quickly lift both lids.

  • 我把我的那些扔到馬桶里沖掉了.

    i「ve flushed mine down the toilet.

  • 家里最好選用下落速度較慢且有緩沖效果的馬桶座圈,這可以降低受傷的風險和程度。

    parents should consider using toilet seats that fall slowly and with reduced momentum, which would reduce the risk and degree of injury.

  • 她讓蒂娜把藥丸扔進馬桶里沖走。

    she made tina flush the pills down the toilet.

  • 所謂浴室,就指一般的浴缸和馬桶,但有很重要的一點你不能忽視,那就是當你在浴室?,你永遠都不要過長時間的閉上眼睛。

    the bathroom is your basic bath and toilet, but there is one very important thing about it that shouldn」t be ignored. you are in it, you should never, ever close your eyes for very long.

  • 當時商家稱這個馬桶將會被完整無缺的保留下來。但它的命運至今還是未知數。

    the jewelers said at the time that the toilet would remain intact, but its fate is currently unknown.

  • 一項有關電腦鍵盤上細菌數量的最新研究稱,以后撿起落在鍵盤上的食物碎屑往嘴里塞之前可得想好了,這跟從馬桶座上撿東西吃差不多。

    think twice before eating those dropped crumbs off your computer keyboard -- you might as well be eating off a toilet seat, according to a new study on the amount of germs on keyboards.

  • 在孩子們有能力自己把座圈舉起來前平時都要記得把馬桶座圈保持在抬起來的狀態。

    leave the toilet seat up at all times, until all of the boys in the household can hold the seat up on their own.

  • 馬桶沖不下去了(堵塞了).

    the toilet won「t flush properly, ie it is blocked.

  • 他當下認定它們太好、看起來不像真的,所以,就如同所有只有半邊腦子的人那樣(是,只有半邊腦子),他把它們沖下了馬桶

    he decided they were too good to be true, so, like anyone with half a brain (yes, only half) he flushed them down the toilet.

  • 我們丟掉了心愛的工作……但我們最終修好了馬桶

    we lost our beloved spot…but we finally fixed the toilet!

  • 任何人都可能遇到這種情況:把手機掉進了馬桶

    it could happen to anyone: you dropped your cellphone in the toilet.

  • 在樹林里有三個摔碎了的馬桶

    out in the woods are three crushed toilets.

  • 他們的新一代太空馬桶已被證明在地面上也同樣有用,比如對於醫院臥床不起的病人們。

    the developers indicate their next-generation space toilet may also prove useful on earth as well, such as in hospitals with bedridden patients.

  • 如果沒有,那么用小鏡子檢查一下沖馬桶的進水口,看看是不是被堵住了,用細釘子或者抗酸陶瓷清潔器清潔一下。

    if it does not, check the toilet bowl rim holes (through which the water enters the bowl) with a small mirror, and if they are blocked, clean them with a small nail and acid-based porcelain cleaner.

  • 一個小女孩坐在一個大陶瓷壺上進行馬桶訓練。

    an infant girl sits on a large ceramic pot while toilet training.

  • 床和馬桶是這小單人禁閉室內惟一的陳設.

    the bed and the toilet were the only furnishings in the tiny cell.

  • 這樣一來,排泄物會被氣流抽到馬桶底部的一個袋中,固體部分被收集起來,空氣則被過濾掉。

    this airflow pushes waste toward the bottom of the toilet, drawing it into a bag, holding solid waste, but letting the air through.

  • 放下洗手間馬桶的座墊。

    put the toilet seat down.

  • 臥室的后面是一個舊的廚房和一間浴室,浴室非常小,抽水馬桶的蓋子有時競會碰擦到浴缸。

    behind the bedroom were an old kitchen and a bathroom so small the toilet seat sometimes scraped against the bathtub.

  • 如果有人忘了刷牙,忘了沖馬桶或是忘了洗手,揚聲器就會發出提示聲音提醒他們去做這些事。

    when someone neglects to brush their teeth, flush the toilet or wash their hands, a speaker can prompt them to do so.

  • 她聽到馬桶沖水的聲音.

    she heard the toilet flush.

  • 我跪在馬桶邊,一陣惡心。

    i knelt by the toilet and gagged.

  • 於是我們給渠王打了個電話并邀請他來給我們修一個壞了的馬桶

    so we gave the plumber king a call and invited him over to fix a broken toilet.

  • 衛生間內:用清潔劑沖刷馬桶,水池和浴缸,讓它們這樣靜置一會兒。

    in the bathroom: spray toilets, sinks and bathtubs with cleaner and let them sit.

  • 我的馬桶堵死了,臟水全都涌到屋子里,家里臟得一塌糊涂,情況就是這樣。

    well my toilet」s all blocked up and i「ve got it all coming into my flat and it」ll ruin my home, such as it is.

  • 這些他們所謂的「會飛的馬桶」常常落到開裂的水管上。

    these 「flying toilets」, as they are called, often land on fractured water-pipes.

  • 由於同樣的原因, 馬桶常常無法抽水.

    for the same reason, the toilet often wouldn't flush.

  • 她沖完馬桶回到臥室。

    she flushed the toilet and went back in the bedroom.

  • 有的是被安放在辦公室,有的被放在衛生間,甚至是馬桶后。

    some were placed in the office, some were on the toilet, even the toilet.