Image of Allevia Allergy Tablets
If you have any allergies or symptoms, then you might want to purchase a pack of these. (Picture: Amazon/Metro/Getty)

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Like most of us here at Metro HQ, our hayfever symptoms have been rife recently.

If you’re feeling the same, need to stock up ahead of the grass/pollen or tree season that will probably happen soon – Amazon have slashed the price of Allevia Allergy Tablets by 32%.

Over 30,000 people have purchased them in the past month alone – so if you need to purchase a few packs too, now’s the right time as they are only £7.79, compared to the usual price of £11.49.

Better yet, the Allevia Allergy Tablets are also great for effective relief of pet allergies, house dust mite allergies, and mould spore allergies too.

Allevia Allergy Tablets

Allevia Allergy Tablets

Allevia 24-Hour tablets begin working within one hour, providing relief from sneezing, runny nose, itchy and watery eyes, plus that irritating itchy nose.

shop £7.79 (save 32%) at amazon

No other one-a-day tablet offers faster allergy relief, allowing you to continue your day without delay. Best of all? They have zero drowsey effects, so you can carry on with your day as normal.

Fexofenadine, the most prescribed oral antihistamine by general practitioners in England, is now available over the counter – making it so much easier for those of us who suffer with pesky symptoms a thing of the past.

Rated over 7,590 times, 72% of those people gave the Allevia Allergy Tablets a full five stars – and countless comments about how they ‘work quickly’.

Loolabell said: ‘Have tried so many hay fever tablets over the years and these are by far the best for me.’

Informative image about Allevia Allergy Tablets from Amazon
If you suffer badly with any allergies, this could be the remedy you’ve been looking for. (Picture: Metro/Amazon)

Devon followed suit and added: ‘Works very well as an antihistamine. My doctor prescribed me 180mg tablets. When my prescription was late, I ordered these as I get bad hay-fever. They seem just as good, even though they’re not as strong as my prescription.’

David A simply mentioned: ‘It relieved the problems’, which is music to our ears.

‘Since a child (I’m now mid 30’s) I have suffered badly with hayfever in the months of June and July. It absolutely ruined my summers, impacted exams at school, I could never sleep, and felt like a zombie for months. It was awful,’ mentioned another five-star reviewer, Jodie Smith.

She went on to say: ‘THEY ARE INCREDIBLE. I’m shouting about these tablets to everyone. They have completely changed my life and allowed me to have a summer. I’ve gone from having now doors or windows ever open, not going out on weekends and living in front of my Dyson air filter fan to going to hardly having hayfever at all. Now I go to outdoor festivals, I’ve been camping in fields! All I get is a runny nose first thing in the morning as I find the tablets take about an hour to kick in, and the effects have worn off from the ones I took 24hrs before. But apart from that first hour of the day, I’m basically hayfever free. It’s amazing. These tablets have changed my life.’

Purely on this review alone, we’re stocking up immediately.

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