Speeches and articles | The Royal Family

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Texts of speeches given by The Queen and other members of the Royal Family, as well as written articles are available in this section.

A speech by The King at the UK's National Commemorative Event in Portsmouth to mark the 80th anniversary of the D-Day Landings

Ladies and gentlemen, eighty years ago today Field Marshal Montgomery – Commander in Chief of the Allied Ground Forces – wrote in his message to all soldiers on the eve of D...

A message from The King to the United Nations 4th International Conference on Small Islands Developing States

Your Excellencies, Ladies and Gentlemen, You have gathered at a crucial moment for our planet, and for all of us who share it. Small Island Developing States exemplify, in so...

A speech by Her Majesty The Queen at the Charleston Festival 2024

Good morning everybody, I'm sorry about the weather, I lived in Sussex for many years and it was always sunny. As the proud Patron of Charleston, I am delighted to welcome you...

The Queen's speech at a reception to recognise those who support survivors of sexual assault

Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to Buckingham Palace, as we gather to recognise and thank those who support survivors of sexual violence. Each one of you has a powerful story to...

Message from The King for the 2024 Royal Maundy Service

His Majesty was unable to attend the 2024 Royal Maundy Service, so a recording of the following message was played to the congregation at Worcester Cathedral. The audio...

The Queen's speech at a reception to mark the results of The Queen’s Reading Room study

Ladies and gentlemen, it is a huge pleasure to welcome you to Clarence House this evening to mark the third anniversary of my Reading Room as a book club and its first as a...

Message from The King to mark the 70th anniversary of the end of the Korean War

The following message was read by The Princess Royal on behalf of The King during a reception held at Buckingham Palace to mark 70 years since the signing of the Armistice...