Iron & Wine: Light Verse (Sub Pop) - review | Under the Radar Magazine Under the Radar | Music Blog for the Indie Music Magazine
Sunday, May 26th, 2024  

Iron & Wine

Light Verse

Sub Pop

Apr 25, 2024 Issue #72 - The ‘90s Issue with The Cardigans and Thurston Moore Bookmark and Share

It’s been seven long years since Iron & Wine’s last non Calexico-related album, 2017’s spectacular Beast Epic. Leader Sam Beam admits to suffering a bit of waning inspiration during the COVID pandemic, which sapped everyone’s energies, but he is back now with another near-perfect set of songs for more comfortable times.

There’s something comforting about hearing Beam’s gentle vocal delivery illuminate lyrics that poetically document life’s nuance, and the 10 songs on Light Verse feature all of this in spades.

Skittering strings open into an understated symphony on “Anyone’s Game.” “All in Good Time” is an orchestral folk song featuring alternating vocals by Beam and Fiona Apple. “Taken by Surprise” and “Yellow Jacket” are soft and gentle, captivating in a way that is very particular to Beam and his sensibilities. “Sweet Talk” has Beam leading a hopeful singalong, the chorus repeating the phrase, “Of a wonderful life.” And “Angels Go Home” is all sweeping and symphonic.

Iron & Wine’s catalog is peppered with albums that experiment and push the boundaries of the format that Beam chose with The Creek Drank the Cradle over 20 years ago. Light Verse is not one of those albums. Instead, it finds Beam doing what he does best, refining those songwriting touches and instrumental backdrops that are present in his most captivating work. (

Author rating: 7.5/10

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