The Delectable Dollies: The Dolly Sisters, Icons of the Jazz Age by Gary Chapman | Goodreads
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The Delectable Dollies: The Dolly Sisters, Icons of the Jazz Age

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Icons of the Jazz Age, the delectable dancing Dollies were stars of cafe society on both sides of the Atlantic in the 1920s. Gary Chapman reveals the untold 'rags to riches' story of identical twins Jenny and Rosie, set against the glittering backdrop of pre-war high society in America and Europe. Jenny and Rosie Dolly Deutsch were born in Hungary in 1892 and moved to America at the age of twelve, where they began making their living as entertainers in big shows. They were close friends of the elite of Broadway and Hollywood - including Mary Pickford and Irving Berlin - and became the essential prerequisite of any celebrity party. Their lifestyle enchanted generations as they became models for the 'New Woman' of the liberated 1920s. Behind their story of fame, fortune, mistaken identity, millionaires and sisterly devotion is another tale of rivalry and tragedy. (Author Chapman is not to be confused with the Chapman who has written books on marriage).


First published November 23, 2006

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Gary Chapman

5 books3 followers

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Profile Image for K.J. Charles.
Author 62 books9,974 followers
January 15, 2020
Highly detailed account of the lives of identical twin dancer/glamour girls the Dolly Sisters. Totally forgotten now, but they were once megastars on both sides of the Atlantic. It's a bizarre story, told rather flatly considering how much sex, gambling, high life and extravagance there is going on. We get a lot of lists of once-famous names, not so much on the animating spirits behind the shenanigans. That said, there don't seem to be any surviving letters or diaries or memoir, so this is necessarily quite an external look. Lots of interesting nuggets if you're into the 20s.
Profile Image for Natalie Miller.
3 reviews2 followers
January 30, 2009
I love reading about flappers running wild in the 20's, especially such beautiful bobbed haired twins! I wish more details were avaiable, but it seems like their history wasn't documented very well. Amazing story, though! To be honest, much of the famous flapper stories are similar, but you can always chalk up your knowledge on their surrounding influences (famous people and otherwise) from the 20's and connect the history bit by bit. I love it! Thanks for letting me borrow it, Chantel!
Profile Image for Emma.
206 reviews
July 15, 2019
Don't feel you really get to know the Dollies through this book, more about the times and places than the women themselves.
April 20, 2022
Great read for anyone who, like myself, is fascinated with the Dolly Sisters!

This is a fun and brightly detailed account of the Dolly Sisters and their fascinating lives. I enjoyed getting to know more about these sparkling, enigmatic, strong women. As a former dancer myself, I was captivated by the details of their dance origins as well as their days performing around the world.
Profile Image for John Kenrick.
Author 22 books4 followers
October 1, 2023
Nostalgia-packed fun

This is a delightful trip back to a lost era. Chapman has done a mountain of research, and gives the Dolly Sisters a long overdue first class biography. A very pleasurable read too. Highly recommended!
Displaying 1 - 6 of 6 reviews

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