Did Paracelsus, famed doctor and alchemist of 16th century Europe, describe subterranean-dwelling NHIs in his book from the 1500s? – UFO FEED

Wiki bio on the author for those unfamiliar:
> Paracelsus (c. 1493-1541), full name [Philippus Aureolus Theophrastus Bombastus von Hohenheim](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Paracelsus), was a Swiss physician, alchemist, lay theologian, and philosopher of the German Renaissance.
> He was a pioneer in several aspects of the “medical revolution” of the Renaissance, emphasizing the value of observation in combination with received wisdom. He is credited as the “father of toxicology”. Paracelsus also had a substantial influence as a prophet or diviner, his “Prognostications” being studied by Rosicrucians in the 17th century. Paracelsianism is the early modern medical movement inspired by the study of his works.

While he originally wrote in german, his works were translated into many languages, including this version, which was published in English c. 1565. It mostly concerns various magical spells, cures, and techniques, but also includes a chapter on “Persons and Spirits wandring under the Earth”, which I am focusing on here.

[Here is the link to the book chapter](https://quod.lib.umich.edu/cgi/t/text/text-idx?cc=eebo2;c=eebo2;idno=a76997.0001.001;node=A76997.0001.001:10.2.5;seq=1;view=text;rgn=div3) where he describes beings that sound similar to some of the NHI discussed on here. Specifically:

– the small size of the creatures, around half the height of man
– described as living underground, especially under mountains
– are often found in places where great treasure exists, whether artificial (i.e. gold artifacts) or natural (i.e. rich in natural gold or silver ore veins). This would track with the gold and silver treasures found in the Nazca Citadel. (see r/alienbodies if you’re unfamiliar).
– Paracelsus also explicitly describes them as being “of flesh and blood”, and thus can be injured, killed, or die of old age. That would track with the mummified NHI in Peru, who died and were mummified.

Fair warning, this book is quite antiquated and can be a bit tricky to read, but it should be doable. I have highlighted the parts that I think are particularly relevant, and trimmed out sections that are less relevant to the main subject.

## Of Persons and Spirits wandring under the Earth.

**Under the Earth do wander half-men, which possess all temporal things, which they want or are delighted with; they are Vulgarly called *Gnomi*, or Inhabiters of the Mountains: but by their proper name, they are called *Sylphes* or *Pigmies*: They are not Spirits, as others are, but are compared unto them, for the Similitude of their Arts and Industry, which are common to them with the Spirits: they have flesh and blood as men, which no real Spirit hath**

But **to return to the earthly *Pigmies* or halfe-men, we are to know that these are not to be reputed Spirits, but like to Spirits; but if they are or shall be called Spirits, they ought to be called earthly Spirits, because they have their Chaos and habitation un∣der the earth, and not in the winde and Aire, as the other Spirits have**.

**Many terrene earthly Spirits are found, seen, and heard to be in such places, wherein great treasures, and mighty store of wealth and Riches are hid; and also under those Mountains, where there is plenty of Gold and Silver**; with which things they are delighted, and do take the care and custody thereof, and not willingly do they part from it.

Such as digge Metals have the best knowledge of these Spirits, for they are most troubled with them, and do vexe them, and much persecute them with blowes and stripes: somtimes also they do afford benefits unto them, admonishing them, and warning them of death: as when they are heard once, twice, thrice or oftener to Knock and strike in the same place, it signifies the death of him that diggeth or laboureth in that place; either he is buryed up by the fall of the Moun∣tain, or dyeth by some such occasion: this is cer∣tainly experienced by them that do digge in Mines.

[the Devil] hath no money, neither gold nor silver can he give to any one; neither doth he ever take or require any bonds or obligati∣ons from men sealed with their blood, or any o∣ther compact or Covenant. **But there are other Spirits which do such things, such as are the *Syl∣phes*, or *Pygmies*, which although they are persons that are little by nature, yet they can appear to men as they will, great, or little; faire, deformed; rich or poore:**

**they are not defective nor want∣ing of knowledge in all kinde of Arts that are or can be found out in all the light of nature; but they have them, and contain the knowledge of them all within themselves: they have enough of gold and silver, and the mines of all Metals under their power and custody. In old times many of them have been found and heard a∣mongst men, but now they cease**; but no man hitherto hath known, or could give a reason of their severing and separation, seeing they have al∣wayes been esteemed to be Immortal creatures; because no man could certainly be able to know or finde out their death, or could consider any cause of their absence: neither could any man for a long time be able to know what they now are, or whence they proceeded, or whither they wander, or what gift or office they have. Many do suppose that where they bring any benefits or good to men, that they are Angels, or good and familiar Spirits, sent to those men from God, and are afterwards by him taken from them, by reason of the greatness of their sins: for often∣times they bring to men very many good offices and benefits, and do undertake and sustaine many hard labours for them.

**Others believe that they will not be seen by us, because that when a man seeth them, he cry∣eth out; so that they vanish away, and will not appear any more**.

… **these are to be understood to be halfe-men, that bear rule and wander in the four Elements; and in the first and pristine times of nature, they have been taken and worshipped in stead of God**

The Mountain of Venus in Italy, was much possessed with these Spirits for Venus her self was a Nymph, and that Mountain was by a compari∣son as her Kingdome and Paradice: But she is dead, whereby her Kingdome ceaseth to be: but where or in what place is there any mention heard to be made of them, as in former time, when Danhanserus, and many others entred in unto them? Neither did they Invent these fables: they were of such a nature and conditi∣on, that they loved all men that loved them;

by Captain_Hook_


  1. LudditeHorse on

    I appreciate this OP.

    I’ve been taking a syncretic view of people’s accounts, not getting bogged down by details, and this is an interesting continuation of this particular theme. I have half a mind for the past six months to go looking for unexplored caves in the mountains near to me. It’s mostly the threat of toxic gases or CO2 pockets keeping me from doing so.

    I can’t help but to notice similarities between this theme, and of old irish tales of the aes sidhe (faeries). Among others.

  2. antoniobandeirinhas on

    Fairies, Leprechauns, Gnomes, etc… It’s no new stuff. Also akin to the dwarves of Lord of the Rings.

    There are also those little beings that show you the machinery and inner workings of the DMT realm.

    Intelligent beings, are likely related to what you call NHI (this new therm). It’s a nice link you made there, there are more pieces you can study so that you can understand a little better the nowadays alien phenomena.

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