King Kong® | Direct-Response Digital Marketing Agency

Like Steroids*
For Business

Growing a business is hard. We make it a whole lot easier, more predictable, less stressful, and more fun.

Enter your email here and we'll send you some 'magic'
*But it's 100% legal (pinky promise)
4.8 stars out of 5,718 reviews

Updated: 1st of June, 2024

Dear business builder,

We get it.

Growing a business is hard. Really f*cking hard.

You’re probably worried about where your next customer will come from.

Stressed and sleeping like a teething two-year-old.

As your hair goes fifty shades of grey from all the uncertainty.

And to top it all off.

You’re being pulled in a bazillion different directions.


Should I blog? Start a podcast? Build a personal brand?

Document my whole flippin’ life on Instagram?

What about chatbots?

Errrrrrrbody’s talkin’ bout chatbots.

Should I run some ads?

Drop $3k on a logo?

Post on LinkedIn five times per day?

*somebody please pull out my eyelashes*

Look, most entrepreneurs have a bad case of ‘shiny object syndrome’…

Mixed with a scoop of ADD… and a sprinkle of “I can do everything”.

And they end up doing a little bit of this… a little bit of that.

Soon, they’re screaming at their Macbook with all the things they “have to” do.

We call this shit show a rats nest.

Also known as hell.

It’s hot and muggy there.

And we’d rather rub scorpion chillies in our eyes than operate a business that way.

But this isn’t about us… It’s about you.

You’re reading this right now because, in some way shape or form, your business isn’t where you want it to be.

Or maybe you’re flying… and you simply want more.

More security.

More money.

More freedom.

More memories.

More time with your family.

More business-class flights with your spouse to places that result in more sand between your toes.

Whatever it is for you…

It all starts by “choosing your own adventure” below…

*cue angels singing*

Our Offering

Hire us to do it for you


Managed and ‘done-for-you’ digital marketing services for mid-to-large companies looking to accelerate ‘hyper-growth’. And yes, we guarantee results and smell fantastic *wink*.

Get Started

Learn how to do it yourself


Business growth training programs for companies serious about scaling their coaching, consulting or service business to seven and eight figures FAST (in months, not years).

Get Started

Grow 10X Faster, Better, Smarter.

Skip the guesswork, trial-and-error and never-ending shit show of trying to figure everything out yourself – for the very first time. And instead, grow your business with proven client-getting-funnels, frameworks and scientific customer acquisition (not hopes and prayers).

Revenue Generated

$B We let our numbers do the talking. $7.8 Billion in reported client revenue and counting.

Size Of Our Platform

K 200,000 customers and counting make up our diverse and ever growing platform.

Our Reach

Serving customers in over 136 different countries.

Battle Tested

Our strategies have been battle tested in over 1067 different industries and niches.
Built For Scale
The Most Ruthlessly Effective Platform For Rapidly Scaling Businesses On Planet Earth

There are a lot of so-called “agencies” and “gurus” roaming around the wild wild west that is the web, today.  Most of these people are all bark, no bite. All waffle, no syrup. ‘Cause marketers lie, but numbers don’t. And we’ve generated $7.8 billion (with a B) for our clients, in 1067 different industries and niches.

Brand Experience

No more ‘hoping-and-praying’

The Power Is In The Platform

Most entrepreneurs try growing their business through trial and error, by ‘hoping-and-praying’…. by stumbling and trying to figure it all out by themselves. We call this “guesswork”. It’s unreliable, extremely-stressful and often results in failure (or a psychiatrist).

We’ve spent over $100 million dollars on traffic perfecting what works… this isn’t our first rodeo. And our hope is to shrink the amount of time it takes, for you to go from first-time solo business operator… To fire-breathing, market-terrorising entrepreneur…


We Literally Wrote The Book On…

How To Get As Many Clients, Customers And Sales As You Can Possibly Handle

Sell Like Crazy shot up from being ranked 90,000 on the day of release, to a #1 international Amazon bestseller in its first day. This book is easy to read and wastes no time in going straight for the jugular.

You get actionable strategies you can use RIGHT AWAY to dramatically grow sales for your business…in most cases, without spending a cent more on advertising.

Buy The Book

4.9 stars out of 5,335 reviews

“Since partnering with King Kong the results have been nothing short of outstanding. There are three simple words here and that is: Leads! Leads! Leads!” Domenic Varese, Marketing Manager, Metricon
“From Cold-calling To 200 New Customers In 12 Months” Emma & Jim Elliott, Owners, Little Big Dairy
“From $4 Million To $25,000,000+ In 18 Months” Michael Argent, Managing Director, Let's Get Care
“Our Pipeline Got Completely Flooded Overnight” Wade Tink, Managing Director, Project Everest
"From $0 To $18 Million In 18 Months (During A Recession)" New Sensation Homes, Danny Coyne, New Sensation Homes
"Working With King Kong Has Transformed Our Whole Lives. The Growth That We've Experienced Has Been Astronomical." Marco Maisano, CEO & Founder, NSR Australia & NZ
"Initially I was worried about where my first job was coming from. After using King Kong I was more worried about how I was going to manage the job. My business has increased 200%, so I got my return on investment 10-20 times over." Ged, Owner, Ged's Mobile Car Cleaning
“Since starting work with King Kong 9 months ago our sales have tripled and we've expanded into 3 other states. These guys are amazing!” Raphael Bender, Founder, Breathe Education
“We’ve Increased Our Revenue By 35-40% By Working With King Kong” Colin Battersby, Principal, Discover Stradbroke
“After 18 Months, We’ve Got A 49% Increase In Leads. I’d Never Go Back To Not Using King Kong.” Beth Hourigan, Director, Aged Care Financial Services
"From $3 Million To $50 Million In 12 Months With King Kong" Dylan Trickey, Marketing Coordinator
“The goal was to get 8 sales in the first year. It’s been 11 months now and we’ve had 23 sales. Which is $7 million in revenue. The money I spent with King Kong I’ve seen a return on investment of five to six times.” Lee Selkrig, Founder, Enso Homes

Domenic Varese

Emma & Jim Elliott

Michael Argent

Wade Tink

New Sensation Homes

Marco Maisano


Raphael Bender

Colin Battersby

Beth Hourigan

Dylan Trickey

Lee Selkrig

What does a

Digital Marketing Agency

actually do?

A good digital marketing agency will get to know your business inside out. They will assess the traffic that your website is getting and establish the best online marketing platforms to invest in. Part of a digital marketing agency’s strategy should involve continual evaluation to ensure a client is maintaining the perfect balance between their marketing spend and the results they’re getting.

We do all of that but, unlike other agencies, the King Kong team isn’t just focused on maintaining that perfect balance. Our goal is to crush your competitors, turn website visitors into buyers and bring you the biggest ROI possible using the most effective marketing strategies available.

How do I know that I will get a return on my investment?

Because we put our money where our mouth is and we make BIG guarantees that other marketing agencies don’t. Go check out our individual service pages for more information on what guarantees we offer.

Do you work with big or small companies?

Are you serious about scaling your operations and dominating your market space? We can work with you.

Do you want to plug into a team of marketers, digital strategists, designers, and developers who will help you to smash your growth goals and make the kind of ROI that will leave you shouting from the rooftops? We can work with you.

Do you understand the value of spending $1 to make $5? We can work with you.

It doesn’t matter if you’re a big or small company. Our clients range from small, local businesses with 5 or less employees to large multinational companies with a workforce of hundreds of people operating from all corners of the globe.

Why is King Kong the best digital marketing agency?

Why are burritos delicious? Why is water wet? No, but seriously. Instead of using this little section of content to spam you with humblebrags, let us just say this… Marketers lie, numbers don’t.

So instead of trying to convince you, we’re the best digital marketing agency around…here are the stats:

  • $7.8 billion in sales generated.
  • 1067 different industries and niches.
  • 4,952 reviews (average of 4.7 stars)
  • 38 millionaires created.
  • 6x 8 figure clients created.
  • #17 fastest growing company in Australia (ranked by the AFR)
  • #1 fastest growing agency (3 years in a row)

You see, most digital marketing agencies talk a good game, but when is all said and done, they don’t use the very same internet marketing services they prescribe to their clients (digital marketing, SEO, Facebook ads and sales funnel etc) to grow their own business.

Which is HUGE telltale sign to run for the hills!

Anyhoo. If you’re looking for a digital marketing company that’s worth its weight…You should go check out our reviews here and see all the nice things our clients have said about the work we do.

Can you guarantee results?

We offer guarantees for all of our traffic sources. Whether it’s Google Ads, Facebook marketing, or SEO, we put our money where our mouth is; if we don’t hit our agreed-upon targets, we don’t get paid.

What's involved with

digital marketing


This is like asking “how long is a piece of string” as there is no right answer. The answer depends on YOUR BUSINESS. We treat every business differently because no two businesses – even if they operate in the same industry – are the same. Let’s apply that logic to your business and that of your biggest competitor. Yes, you’re targeting the same audience and you offer a similar product or service but that’s it. Their website is developed differently to yours. It could be older/younger than your site. They might have more/less backlinks and they might have better/worse conversion rates compared to your site. A strategy that involves an intensive link building and content marketing campaign might be all you need whilst your competitor might make more gains investing in Google Ads. The list of differences go on and on.

The key takeaway here is we know that one size DOES NOT fit all, which is why we curate custom strategies for each of our clients to fit their exact needs. Our goal is to skyrocket their online presence into the stratosphere and we’ll do whatever it takes to achieve that goal.

I guess what we’re trying to say is that you should hit the damn button