UberItems | Powerful and Fun Items | SpigotMC - High Performance Minecraft

UberItems | Powerful and Fun Items 2.8

Add powerful items to your Minecraft server!

  1. ThirtyVirus
    Native Minecraft Version:
    Tested Minecraft Versions:
    • 1.14
    • 1.15
    • 1.16
    • 1.17
    • 1.18
    • 1.19
    • 1.20
    Source Code:
    Languages Supported:
    English, Language File Configuration
    Uber powerful items in vanilla!

    What is UberItems?

    UberItems is a plugin that adds powerful and fun items into your game. These items can perform ease of access actions, give you powerful abilities, and allow you to RULE THE WORLD! The utility of these items is up to server owners, as they can be fun to mess around with on private servers, or could be a fun way to spice up a survival or SkyBlock server!

    UberItems Premium features have been made free for everyone! Enjoy :D

    Do you want to add your own custom UberItems? Check out the API: https://www.spigotmc.org/resources/91582/

    Default Items

    • Uber Workbench - A more powerful crafting table, opens the UberItems Crafting Menu. Obtained by breaking a crafting table block while holding a lever.
    • Lunch Box - Insert food into the lunch box, and it'll automatically feed you!
    • Document of Order - Sort chests with a simple right click! Can even sort multiple inventories at once!
    • Escape Rope - Escape to the most recent location where you saw the sky.
    • Fireball - Launch a fiery ball of death at your enemies!
    • Wrench - Rotate blocks that can be manipulated (pistons, logs, etc...)
    • Malk Bucket - Infinite Milk Bucket, can spike it with potion effects for an effectively infinite buff!
    • Uncle Sam's Wrath - Launch fireworks at your enemies! They have random effects and colors!
    • Electromagnet - Attract all items within a 32 block radius to your character! As a secondary effect you can repel hostile mobs and projectiles!
    • Pocket Portal - Teleport to and from the nether without building a portal.
    • Shooty Box - A handheld dispenser! put whatever items you like into it, and RULE THE WORLD
    • BOOM Stick - Send you foes to the shadow dimension, or simply blow them up!
    • Lightning Rod - Smite your foes from a distance with powerful lightning strikes!
    • Hackerman - Have you ever heard of scaffold? It pretty much allows you to do that.
    • World Eater - A pickaxe that frankly shouldn't exist, it WILL destroy your world.
    • Cheat Code - Toggles creative mode (lol)
    • Aspect of the Virus - An OP sword that allows you to teleport behind your foes in a 32 block range.
    • Pillow - When sleeping in a bed while holding this item, regain health and cure poison effects.
    • Omelet - A convenient and filling craftable food item.
    • Experience Bottle - Experience on the go!
    • Small Backpack - A portable 16 slot inventory.
    • Big Backpack - A portable 45 slot inventory.
    • Kebab - Another convenient and filling craftable food item!
    • Calamari - New drop from squids, more food!
    • Homemade Portal Frame - Make end portals anywhere! Very expensive.
    • Crystal Ball - Store experience on the go.
    • Soul Anchor - Teleport to your death location, doesn't leave your inventory on death.
    • Throwing Torch - Functions as described, good for caving!

    (Coming Soon)
    • Chisel - Transmute similar blocks into equivalent blocks
    • Smart Pack - A backpack that allows other UberItems' active abilities to be triggered, and can simulate the effects of Items stored inside.
    • Multi-Bench - A portable station for all crafting stations in the game (anvil, crafting bench, furnace)
    • A custom crafting table allowing players to make special materials and items.
    • A framework for custom crafting materials, allowing for more interesting item recipes.
    • A built-in crafting tutorial in the Uber Workbench, showcasing how to make not only custom items but also materials.
    • A language file that allows for easy modification of the plugin messages, thus allowing translations.
    • The ability to reload the plugin's config while it is still running.
    • An extensive and fully-featured UberItems API, allowing developers to add their own Items easily with addons plugins.
    Supported Addons
    This is not an exhaustive list, just the addon plugins that I am aware of.
    If you made an addon plugin and want to show up in this list let me know!

    • uber.user - Allows player to use the plugin's user features (given by default)
    • uber.admin - Allows player to use the plugin's admin features
    • uber.item.ITEM_NAME - Allows player to use an item (given by default). Can remove access to specific items by giving a player "-uber.item.ITEM_NAME"
    • uber.rarity.RARITY_NAME - Allows player to use items of a specific rarity (given by default). Can remove access to specific rarities by giving a player "-uber.rarity.RARITY_NAME"

    • /uber help
    • /uber info
    • /uber identify (while holding an item)
    • /uber list
    • /uber give UBER_ITEM_NAME
    • /uber giveMaterial UBER_MATERIAL_NAME
    • /uber updateLore
    • /uber setMana
    • /uber setMaxMana
    • /uber reload
    • Make sure your spigot version matches the supported version for this plugin.
    • Simply drag the UberItems.jar into your plugins folder.
    • After installing the .jar file, restart the server.
    • Using the config in the "UberItems" folder generated by the jar, you can change the default values to your liking. You must restart your server or use "/uber reload" to apply changes.
    Before you Review

    • DO NOT leave a negative review due to bugs. Please leave reports in the discussions section and I will try to reply back asap.
    • Remember: servers are complicated. Certain plugins do not play nice when installed together. This may cause crashes or unexpected behavior that is not the fault of the developers of either plugin.
    • Be respectful and constructive. If a concept in the plugin is fundamentally flawed in your opinion, explain why so I can work to make it better.
    • Be fair! Just because you are experiencing a problem, that doesn't mean everyone is. My plugin getting a 1 star review because you had the wrong version of Spigot installed is pretty unfair to me, no?

Recent Reviews

  1. andriemc
    Version: 2.8
    It lets you add any item you want with custom addons, very good, If there's anyone saying it doesn't work, then they did something wrong and it's probably a false review.
  2. Yushaav233
    Version: 2.8
    Last time i used it, it was good and still is its just that it doesnt work on my Paper 1.20.2 server, How do i fix this it just shows up as red in the /plugins command
  3. freekayflock
    Version: 2.8
    Hey there,

    To start off i was looking for a plugin to spice up my server and came across this user and saw his work was quite high quality, it appeared this one was free to use so i decided to give it a shot and my oh my this plugin works wonders, as soon as I logged in it was working well and i did have a lot of fun, this plugin genuinely made me cream my pants and now its all over the screen.
  4. AverageLifeUser
    Version: 2.7
    For a mod that is free, its very well made. I used it once with 3 of my friends and it was very fun. Would recommend.
  5. Sparkkx
    Version: 2.7
    Is there any way to disable certain items like the hackerman and scaffold cuz i couldnt find it in the config
    1. ThirtyVirus
      Author's Response
      yes there is an "item-blacklist" field in the config where you can put the names of items that you would like to not load
    Version: 2.7
    this mod work very well good job thirtyvirus you did very good on making this mod but i have no mone so i cant bye the premium verioson :((((( but this is good none the less
  7. DuckMast3r
    Version: 2.7
    hi so i have been looking for videos and i can't find out how to get plugins in single player I dont know it you can get plugins in single player but if you could help me that would be very appreciated, im 11 and i dont know much about coding so idk what im doing
    1. ThirtyVirus
      Author's Response
  8. hi_thirty
    Version: 2.6
    what happens if I bring in my alts lol they can't stop me from creating 100 alts and spamming 5 stars they would have to manually delete each review
  9. TeenaV
    Version: 2.6
    I don't know where to report bugs or get support. I only added the lunch box to the game but players ask how its working and its not.. or if it is, I dont know where to ask, because there's food in the lunch box and I'm almost dead, but its not feeding me. Am I missing something?. I checked discussions and people aren't getting responses there either.
    I love custom items in the game and dont mind paying for plugins, but usually you get support for premium plugins.
    1. ThirtyVirus
      Author's Response
      Clearly you didn't read the "Before you Review" section of the spigot page. It should be fairly obvious that the discussions section is the place to go to ask questions regarding how the plugin works or how to diagnose issues.

      That being said, I don't feel obligated to help unless this frankly unfair review is removed, and I be given the courtesy of a chance to help you before you jump to conclusions like this.
  10. Epic1236
    Version: 2.5
    The plugin is simply amazing, API is very easy to understand and has never bugged out for me