Robert Clack School

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Sounds of Summer

Music concert

Thursday 4th July 2024 - Gosfield Road Hall

Doors open 5:45

Show starts 6PM

Tickets now on sale on the My Child At School App, £2.

Refreshments will be provided by the PTA during the interval. This will be cash payments only.

PTA Quiz Evening

This will take place on Friday 28th June from 7pm on our Gosfield Road site. For tickets please contact Jayne on 020 8270 4200 or Margaret on 07804 216 192.

Welcome to Robert Clack School

I am proud to welcome you to the Robert Clack School website. As a former pupil and member of staff for the past 20 years, the school and our pupils mean a great deal to me. I believe that Robert Clack is a very special place; we have a strong sense of community and strive for excellence in all that we do. 

We are committed to delivering a broad and balanced education, one which appreciates the importance of academic qualifications, but one which also recognises the value of vocational qualifications and the extra-curricular of sport, drama, music, the arts and debate. 

Our ethos permeates every aspect of life at Robert Clack School and cultivates the values of mutual respect, compassion, discipline, high expectations and aspirations and hard work. By embracing these values, we believe that our pupils will be able to fulfil their ambitions in life, whatever they may be.

We are proud, but never complacent.

Mr R Taylor – Executive Headteacher

Mutual Respect - Compassion - Discipline - High Expectations & Aspirations - Hard Work

School Notices


Our latest secondary school newsletter has been published with a roundup of all the activities and experiences that our primary and secondary students have experienced.

Adult and Communities Strategies Event

Barking and Dagenham Council are inviting residents and staff that work for the borough a chance to join an event to help develop the strategy for adults and communities in the borough. To find out more click here.


To view our PE clubs timetable for the summer season, please click  here. To view our Music clubs timetable, please click on your site - Gosfield Road, Green Lane or Lymington Fields.

Exam Results and Certificates

Here is an update about how we store your exam results and certificates:

  • Results will be kept for the year they are taken plus 6 years, this means that we will only hold results for students up to the age of 25.
  • Certificates will be held for 12 months. (From the January following the summer exams). 
  • Certificates cannot be issued during exam periods.
  • Results after the age of 25 can be obtained from the relevant Exam Boards and Certificates after 12 months can also be obtained from the Boards at a cost to the student.

Start for Life

Family Hubs are centres which, have been developed to support families with children and young people aged 0-19 years to receive early help / support to overcome a range of difficulties and build stronger relationships with their communities. You can find out more about these here and view their April Timetable here.


We use  Tapestry, a secure learning journal, to record our reception students learning and progress. Parents of reception students can find out more about using Tapestry using these guides: -

Money, Debt and Tenancy Advice for Families

Debt Free Advice, Citizen’s Advice and Homes and Money Hub will have caseworkers available for drop in sessions to help with issues including (but not limited to):

  • Priority Arrears (Council Tax, Rent, Utilities)
  • Non-Priority Debts (Credit Cards, Loans etc)
  • Consumer rights
  • Support with Benefits/Grants

For more information, please see click here.

Feedback from Year 10 Employer's Day: -

Your students had such a huge impact on me that I cannot even put it into words. I left the day taking the full energy of these young people with me.  It was such an emotional experience for me. To hear your students discuss so confidently their dreams and hopes for their future, truly inspired me. 

A Level Results Day: -

"The A Level journey has been tough but with the endless support given by my teachers I was able to make it through." (Nayeem)

Feedback from Year 10 Employer's Day: -

Your pupils consistently demonstrated a high level of enthusiasm, ambition, and professionalism way beyond their years.  You should be very proud of the way they excellently represented themselves and your school.  I am sure they will go on to achieve success in their chosen endeavours and I wish them all the very best for their futures.

A Level Results Day: -

"Feeling great about my results - 2 years of dedication paid off and I could not be more thankful to all the people that supported me and believed in me." (Sufiyan)

Feedback from Year 10 Employer's Day: -

The future is secure if the students I saw on Wednesday area anything to go by. Each and every one was informed, engaging and self-aware. I was particularly impressed by the number who were prepared to challenge back -  demonstrating a sense of enquiry.

A Level Results Day: -

“I am really happy that my hard work over the past two years has been put to good use. I want to thank my teachers for their dedication in helping me to attain these grades.” (Oladipupo)

Feedback from Year 10 Employer's Day: -

I just wanted to thank you so much for the amazing day we had at Robert Clack yesterday with your year 10 students. Every student I saw was truly inspiring. They seemed to be naturally well-mannered and were so professional in their approach to the interviews.

A Level Results Day: -

I am absolutely thrilled with my results – I could not be happier. I want to express my gratitude to all those who helped me along the way. It wasn't easy but we got there in the end.” (Anthony)

Feedback from Year 10 Stock Exchange Visit: -

Your pupils were so engaged, eloquent and so polite. The volunteers had such an amazing time working with them.

Feedback from Year 10 Employer's Day: -

I really enjoyed coming back to the school and was blown away by how well the students performed and how professional they are. Their ambition and energy were infectious and everyone I spoke to knows where they want to go and how they will get there. Great to see the talent coming through Robert Clack, everyone at the school should be very proud.

A Level Results Day: -

“I feel very overwhelmed and very grateful. I am thankful to my amazing teachers and my dear friends. I know I have worked hard and I am so happy that after achieving A*A*A*, I will study Biomedical Science at University of Warwick.” (Mahadia)

Feedback from Year 10 Employer's Day: -

Thank you for bringing such a well behaved bunch of students along that were engaged throughout. They were so well mannered and polite too. We were so impressed with how quickly they came up with their ideas and how confident they all were with their delivery

A Level Results Day: -

"I am glad my hard work has paid off and I have got the grades I deserve. I am grateful for everyone who has helped me to get to this point." (Leonis)

Feedback from Year 10 Employer's Day: -

It was a brilliant afternoon, with a wonderful bunch of young people. Some bright futures ahead, no doubt.

A Level Results Day: -

“I want to thank the business and sports departments and also the Sixth Form Team for supporting me all the way and helping me to achieve my so successful results. Remember to stay dedicated and do not give up!” (Ellie)

Year 10 Employer's Day Feedback: - 

Your students had such a huge impact on me that I cannot even put it into words. I left the day taking the full energy of these young people with me.  

A Level Results Day: -

"The A Level journey has been tough but with the endless support given by my teachers I was able to make it through." (Nayeem)

Year 10 Employer's Day Feedback: - 

I just wanted to thank you so much for the amazing day we had at Robert Clack yesterday with your year 10 students. Every student I saw was truly inspiring. 

A Level Results Day: -

"I am glad my hard work has paid off and I have got the grades I deserve. I am grateful for everyone who has helped me to get to this point." (Leonis)

Year 10 Employer's Day Feedback: - 

The future is secure if the students I saw on Wednesday area anything to go by. Each and every one was informed, engaging and self-aware.

A Level Results Day: -

"Feeling great about my results - 2 years of dedication paid off and I could not be more thankful to all the people that supported me and believed in me" (Sufian)

Year 10 Employer's Day Feedback: - 

Your pupils consistently demonstrated a high level of enthusiasm, ambition, and professionalism way beyond their years.  You should be very proud of the way they excellently represented themselves and your school.  

Feedback from Stock Exchange Visit: -

Your pupils were so engaged, eloquent and so polite. The volunteers had such an amazing time working with them.

A Level Results Day: -

“I am really happy that my hard work over the past two years has been put to good use. I want to thank my teachers for their dedication in helping me to attain these grades.” (Oladipupo)

Year 10 Employer's Day Feedback: - 

It was a brilliant afternoon, with a wonderful bunch of young people. Some bright futures ahead, no doubt

A Level Results Day: -

“I feel very overwhelmed and very grateful. I am thankful to my amazing teachers and my dear friends. I know I have worked hard and I am so happy that after achieving A*A*A*, I will study Biomedical Science at University of Warwick.” (Mahadia)

Year 10 Employer's Day Feedback: - 

I really enjoyed coming back to the school and was blown away by how well the students performed and how professional they are. Their ambition and energy were infectious and everyone I spoke to knows where they want to go and how they will get there.

Year 10 Employer's Day Feedback: - 

Thank you for bringing such a well behaved bunch of students along that were engaged throughout. They were so well mannered and polite too. We were so impressed with how quickly they came up with their ideas and how confident they all were with their delivery.

A Level Results Day: -

“I want to thank the business and sports departments and also the Sixth Form Team for supporting me all the way and helping me to achieve my so successful results. Remember to stay dedicated and do not give up!” (Ellie)

School News

By npower 05 Jun, 2024
Ex pupil Zuzana Lednarova came back to school on Wednesday 5 th June to speak in Year 9 Assembly at Green Lane. Zuzana told the students about her journey from Robert Clack Sixth Form to her role as a Geotechnical Engineer – much of which is spent off shore on vessels. As part of our Achieve Excellence Programme Zuzana then took the time to speak 1-1 with a Y8 student who has ambitions to be a Marine Engineer. Thank you so much to Zuzana for giving up her time and being such a positive role model to our students.
By npower 23 May, 2024
Students across years 10, 12 and 13 have been able to attend performances at The Globe Theatre. Year 10s from across the three sites went to see Romeo and Juliet, which they are studying for GCSE, year 13s have been to see The Duchess of Malfi and year 12 and 13s went to see Richard III. The students thoroughly enjoyed the trips and had lots to say about the different performances. In English Literature at A Level students are marked on referring to critical interpretations so it is really important for them to see the plays live. Here is some feedback from an English student who saw both Richard III and Duchess of Malfi: The A level English cohort were lucky to be able to see two productions of our exam texts, The Duchess of Malfi and Richard III. The Duchess of Malfi was staged in the Sam Wanamaker playhouse indoors by candlelight, which was extremely interesting as candles were used to emphasise certain parts of the play and make the experience much more engaging. It was insightful to be able to see the play as it would have been staged for audiences at the time and we will most certainly be able to use this in our exam. On the other hand, Richard III was staged in the Globe Theatre in the daylight, which was much more immersive. Natural lighting meant that not as many lighting changes were used and we could focus on the story, and the round open air theatre created a truly immersive atmosphere. Both trips were absolutely amazing and will certainly help us with our upcoming exam.
By npower 15 May, 2024
Scholars Programme Graduation

Useful links for students...

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