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Hogwarts Legacy has many classmates for you to meet and do side quests with. These companion side quests further their personal stories while also helping you explore the massive wizarding world in the game. One of these companions is Garrett Weasley.

Related: Hogwarts Legacy: Hogsmeade Field Guide Pages

Garret is a member of Gryffindor, and his aunt is Professor Weasley. The player initially helps Garrett in potions class to steal an item from the professor to make his own potion, which explodes. After becoming friends with Garrett, he will later send an owl and ask the player for a new favor for another new concoction he's brewing.

Beginning Dissending For Sweets

Player Talking To Garrett Weasley

After some time after Potions class, Garrett will reach out to you and ask for another favor. After finding Garrett, he'll inform you he needs Billywig Stings from Honeydukes and has a way to sneak in to get them. Talking to Garrett will begin the quest, and he'll inform you a statue of a one-eyed witch will reveal the secret path. Following your Field Guide to the area will bring you to the disappearing staircases. Walking into the main room and following the path to the left will have your character comment on the one-eyed witch statue on the right as you pass it.

Related: Hogwarts Legacy: How To Get More Gear Slots

Dissending To Honeydukes

Player Interacting With The One-Eyed Witch Statue

This underground path is a relatively straight shot to Honeydukes and will require the spells Levioso, Reparo, Accio, and Incendio to complete. After interacting with the one-eyed witch, you'll be brought to an underground passage. Continue down until you come across the lift, casting Reparo to make it functional. After taking the life further down, cast Incendio on the spider webs to clear the path forward.

After reaching the next room, your character will comment on how they are trapped. Find the small wooden panel on the ground with a leaf in the center (use revelio to highlight it if needed). Either standing on it or next to it, cast Levioso on the panel to make it rise up enough to climb up to the next area. This will be the recurring puzzle for the remainder of this quest, and continuing down the path will have you repeating this same strategy a few times.

Player Casting Levioso On A Panel

You'll eventually come to a panel that is not lifting with Levioso and will be stuck, with a small mechanism holding the panel down. Look to the left side of the mechanism to the handle, casting Accio on it to pull it and move the mechanism. Now try casting Levioso again and continue down the path. The final puzzle will be a small pedestal with wood on the stop; cast Incendio to burn the wood and open the door. Head towards the ladder and into Honeydukes.

Player Collecting Billywig Stings

You'll come into the back storage area of Honeydukes, with the Billywig Stings being in the next storage room over. The door to exit into Honeydukes will be locked, but you can fast-travel back to the Great Hall where Garrett is from your current location. Return to Garret and give him the Stings to complete the quest.

Next: Hogwarts Legacy: How To Find The Room Of Requirement