(AC-S03) Week 03 - Task: Assignment - Let me introduce my family | Apuntes de Idioma Inglés | Docsity

(AC-S03) Week 03 - Task: Assignment - Let me introduce my family, Apuntes de Idioma Inglés

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¡Descarga (AC-S03) Week 03 - Task: Assignment - Let me introduce my family y más Apuntes en PDF de Idioma Inglés solo en Docsity! (AC-S03) Week 03 - Task: Assignment - Let me introduce my family ● COURSE: ENGLISH III ● TOPIC: WEEK 2 ● DATE:16 /04/2023 ● PROFESSOR: where were you in the photo? I went on a trip with my family to pucallpa How old were you when the event occurred? I was 21 years old when did this event happen? It was in the year 2021 on December 20. where did you celebrate? In Pucallpa department of Ucayali. Why was it so important to your family? Because we went to spend EFRAIN where were you in the photo? I went on a trip with my family to Pucallpa How old were you when the event occurred? I was 21 years old when did this event happen? It was in the year 2021 approximately December 20. where did you celebrate? In Pucallpa department of Ucayali
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Ahora es el momento de que hagas la tarea de la unidad 1, así que te invito a revisar las instrucciones a continuación. Recuerda que si necesitas repasar un tema, siempre puedes consultar el material del curso tantas veces como sea necesario. Ten en cuenta que tienes que presentar esta tarea durante la semana 5.
Subido el 09/05/2023
2 documentos
Cuánto sabes de Idioma Inglés
Complete the sentence with a suitable auxiliary verb: This is a great film, ... it?

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