Scarfes Bar - Our verdict on the Holborn hotspot

LOTI Drinks | Scarfes Bar

Reimagined classic cocktails and dainty nibbles in a sultry setting

Sauntering into Scarfes (yes, it’s the kind of bar where you saunter – not walk) I’m struck again by the impeccable, eccentric decor of the Rosewood. The low lighting dances across red velvet and bronze details… it’s just so damn sexy in here.

We settle into a cosy corner of the room observing the hoi polloi of London town sip on their beautiful cocktails, the low hum of conversation against the background of the duet playing jazz covers gives the bar a certain cinematic quality. The menu is exciting, enticing, and the waiters are full of excellent suggestions. My go-to would usually be a mezcal margarita, the Lost Marguerite hits all the right notes with its herbal, fruity mezcal, hot mango and kaffir lime bringing the zesty notes, it’s served with an ice cube big enough to sink a ship.

We make our way through a decent portion of the menu, another easy favourite is the Smoky Maria, an umami marmite-y twist on a Bloody Mary served with a delicious caper leaf that transforms the taste of the cocktail once bitten into.

After being pretty sure I’d misspelt the name of the bar multiple times, I asked our perfectly coiffed waiter about the bar’s namesake. Gerald Scarfe, the satirical political cartoonist whose work adorns the walls and menus. It feels like a bold move to have such a strong theme throughout, but I appreciate the dedication and it pays off to dedicate the bar to the artist, giving the bar a unique edge in a sea of sometimes generic swanky London cocktail bars. The playful and sometimes cheeky illustrations on the walls and menus balance out the opulence and make for great conversation starters.

We sample some exquisite small plates that look like they’ve been daintily prepared for a Sylvanian Family scene, miniature crab crumpets and tuna tacos are perfectly bite-sized to not need cutlery (keeping one hand free for a cocktail as it should be). We finish the evening with the precious little “Golden touch”, a Ruby coloured concoction served in a gimlet glass, tasting like a 10/10 triple elevated version of those little Cherry chocolate liqueurs you get around Christmas. Visit for the cocktails and stay for the vibes, Scarfes will always feel special.

Rosewood London, 252 High Holborn, London WC1V 7EN
