all 17 comments

[–]SuchAGeoNerdAlumni - Faculty of Engineering 10 points11 points  (1 child)

Try the campus pharmacy. They have the lowest dispensing fees possible and they know exactly which meds are covered by the undergrad/grad insurance. They also have deals with pharmaceutical companies for discounts on meds that are commonly prescribed to students. Go talk to them. My meds were entirely covered when I filled with them. Also ask your doctor to prescribe so you can fill 3 months at a time which is the max the insurance allows. So you won't be paying the dispensing fee every month.

Shoppers has one of the highest dispensing fees in the city. They won't try to get your meds filled to the max allowed by your insurance because they make bank off the fees monthly.

[–]MiskaseDenuhDenDenUndergraduate Student - Faculty of Arts 3 points4 points  (0 children)

Campus pharmacy is fantastic in my experience too. They're super knowledgeable and helpful. OP definitely try them!

[–]Brilliant_Muscle8258 3 points4 points  (2 children)

$25?? What insurance/plan are you using?

[–]OpheliaJade2382anthropology [score hidden]  (1 child)

You can get your doctor to appeal for them to cover it. I paid about the same under student insurance once I appealed

[–]Use-UsefulUndergraduate Student - Open Studies [score hidden]  (0 children)

Critically this is NOT possible under green shield. Thanks students union- the money you saved hits students who need anything even vaguely non standard unbelievably hard >.<

[–]TheRealRipRileyKinesiology [score hidden]  (0 children)

Vyvanse 40mg is about $380 I think for 90 days at Shoppers for me. I’ve heard Costco can be a fair bit cheaper and, IIRC, doesn’t require a membership. For other drugs, I’ve known Walmart to tend to be cheaper as well.

Maybe check some of the smaller pharmacies like Guardian, Pharmasave, or if your insurance plan has a preferred pharmacy partner where they can give preferred pricing.

[–]MrTallguytall [score hidden]  (0 children)

Not necessarily for Vyvanse, but anyone on Concerta, I highly recommend looking at the Janssen BioAdvance® program. Pretty much if you don't have coverage, they cover it for you. The cost of my recent 120 pills (which is usually $500+ uninsured) was just the $11 dispensing fee.

[–]prairiegrouse 0 points1 point  (0 children)

I'm taking a medication that isn't covered (but covered under my partner's plan), but my doctor at the university health clinic said that with the graduate plan only (not ungraduate) you can fill out an exception request if it isn't covered. I'm not sure how the process works, but if you drop by the university pharmacy or the benefits office which is on one of the upper floors in SUB, they can likely help you out.

I use the university pharmacy as they're most knowledgeable about plans and discounts where available and are very sympathetic and helpful.

[–]Due-Hippo-2412 0 points1 point  (0 children)

Check out Grandview Pharmacy. They'll work hard to get you the best price or covered.

I have no healthcare coverage at all. They were able to get my Concerta 100% covered by talking to the pharmaceutical company. 2 years of free meds.

Obviously can't guarantee that you'll get your meds free. But that pharmacy is owned by local folks who truly care about your health/healthcare.

[–]Ahorsenamedneighthan 0 points1 point  (0 children)

There's a much cheaper alternative to name brand Adderall that they recently just dropped the price on. I was paying 7 dollars a month with basic UofA coverage. Believe its mono something something iunno

[–]SufficientLuck8784Undergraduate Student - Faculty of Arts [score hidden]  (0 children)

i still live with my family but my medicine is unfortunately extremely expensive, so i won’t bother giving advice and am instead considering other comments (I use a 32 day 10mg trintellex prescription and I pay around $60)

[–]thecrowsknows [score hidden]  (0 children)

I take Concerta, and I get it filled at a Costco pharmacy. When I had no coverage before I came back to school they had a way of reducing the cost so that it was about $20 instead of the $60 I was asked to pay elsewhere.

... They also fill my dog's perscriptions for under half of what the vet charges.

[–]IonomerDepartment of Approving F Averages 😎 [score hidden]  (0 children)

  • Vyvanse (should) be available in generic form this year (patent expires in June 2024, Health Canada currently has reviews for 7 generic submissions pending). This should reduce prices for you as well.

  • You can also try this, apparently it covers Vyvanse,.

[–]EightBitRangerAlumni - Faculty of Snark [score hidden]  (0 children)

I go the pharmacy in SUB and I can't remember exactly what I pay but its around what you do

[–]paigem9097Psych [score hidden]  (1 child)

I get my adderall from the UHC pharmacy in SUB. For 3 months worth it’s $87.25, but after studentcare I only have to pay $22.93 out-of-pocket

[–]paigem9097Psych [score hidden]  (0 children)

I had to appeal to studentcare to get it covered, but they gave me a form to fill out at the pharmacy and they sent it in for me. It was approved pretty quickly iirc

[–]thehandleress [score hidden]  (0 children)

Avoid shoppers if you can ☠️ Vyvanse 30mg was $12 for a 30 day supply for me in two places - 1) Strathcona prescription centre and 2) Bonnie doon Medicine Shoppe on Whyte ave. Those are the only pharmacies I've been to, but my partner also likes Save On Foods pharmacies