My Early Life [Ep. 9] [CeLaVie Group] - wincestgames
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 My Early Life [Ep. 9] [CeLaVie Group]

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  • swipe down to hide the ui
  • swipe left to roll back
  • swipe right to start skipping of text
  • swipe 2x left&right to open the game menu
  • swipe up&down to toggle a small window with memory usage information
  • longpress the save file thumbnail in the save/load screen to delete this slot

Download Cheat Mod

Drop the file in the game folder. Now, every time you enter Bob’s room, all the girls stats will be maxed and $300 will be added.
To download: RMB on file > Save link as…
$ bob_money += 300
$ BobStudyHours = 15
$ LynnObj.GrowMood(3)
$ LinaObj.GrowMood(3)
$ EveObj.GrowMood(3)
$ LynnObj.GrowArousal(15)
$ LinaObj.GrowArousal(15)
$ EveObj.GrowArousal(15)
This review is based on author's perspective and actual experience may differ on individual's own preferences.
  • My Early Life certainly had the ingredients for an intriguing story, but unfortunately, it falls short in delivering a captivating narrative. The concept of an author's journey and the corruption system had promise. However, it becomes apparent that the developer's constant urge to start anew hindered the game's storytelling potential.
  • One aspect where My Early Life shines is its visual presentation. The images portrayed are of high quality, drawing players into the game's world. From character designs to backgrounds, the attention to detail is commendable. However, as visually appealing as it may be, it's not enough to salvage the overall experience.
  • Engagement is where My Early Life takes a troublesome turn. The game falls victim to a tedious routine, leaving players unsure of what to do next or where to go. Repetitive events and a lack of clear objectives make it feel like an endless loop.
  • Regrettably, My Early Life's core loop feels like a never-ending cycle of monotonous chores. It resembles a grindy and unrewarding experience, leaving players with a sense of frustration rather than satisfaction. The lackluster lewd scenes fail to live up to expectations, further diminishing the game's value.
Story - 5.6
Graphics - 6.8
Engagement - 4
Core Loop - 3.2

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