Come Away With Me chords by Norah Jones - Spy Tunes

Come Away With Me chords by Norah Jones

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Come Away With Me | Chords + Lyrics


||: 3/4 C | Am7 :|| x4

Verse 1

| C | Am7 | C | Am7 |
Come away with me in the night.
| C | Am7 | Em7 | Fadd9 | C | G |
Come away with me and I will write you a song.
| C | Am7 | C | Am7 |
Come away with me on a bus.
| C | Am7 | Em7 | Fadd9 | C | C |
Come away where they can’t tempt us with their lies.

Bridge 1

| G | Fadd9 | C | C |
And I want to walk with you, on a cloudy day.
| G | Fadd9 | C | G |
In fields where the yellow grass grows knee-high. So won’t you try to come.

Verse 2

| C | Am7 | C | Am7 |
Come away with me and we’ll kiss, on a mountaintop.
| C | Am7 | Em7 | Fadd9 | C | G |
Come away with me, and I’ll never stop loving you.


| C | Am7 | C | Am7 |
| C | Am7 | Em7 | Fadd9 | C | G |
| C | Am7 | C | Am7 |
| C | Am7 | Em7 | Fadd9 | C | C |

Bridge 2

| G | Fadd9 | C | C |
And I want to wake up with the rain, falling on a tin roof.
| G | Fadd9 | C | G |
While I’m safe there in your arms, so all I ask is for you.

Verse 3

| C | Am7 | C | Am7 |
To come away with me in the night.
| C | G | C |
Come away with me

Come Away With Me Chords: Learn the progressions

Come Away With Me Analysis + TAB T

Being completely diatonic (no chords are outside the key), Come Away With Me‘s chords certainly don’t break any harmonic rules.

All chord progressions are super-common, let’s look at them one by one.

The verse starts with a minor fall (ranked at #7 on my top 10 chord progressions). In the key of C, that means:

||: C (I) | Am7 (VI) :||

After repeating this three times, we move like this:

| Em7 (III) | Fadd9 (IV) | C (I) | G (V) |

Here’s Come Away With Me’s verse chords and TAB.

Come Away With Me chords and TAB Verse

The bridge is all V, IV, and I chords. After repeating it, we go to V at the end, like this:

| G (V) | Fadd9 (IV) | C (I) | C |
| G | Fadd9 | C | G |

Not only are these chords diatonic, but If you picture all these chords as open-position chords in your mind (or play them!) you can see how that open G string is present throughout. Another song that does this is Blackbird.

This technique is called common tones, or a drone should you keep it ringing.

Members get TAB which investigates how to best play the bridge and the verse you saw above. Study these and you’ll soon be able to play all these chords in an improvised and varied manner.

If you have a set, predictable part, Come Away With Me won’t sound like Jazz. Since the chords are so basic, we have to provide the unpredictable element in the rhythm.

Here’s a link to the complete lesson (members only): Come Away With Me – Guitar Lesson with TAB.

Become a member today and get unlimited access to all step-by-step guitar coursesTAB for the songbook, the Self-Eliminating Practice Routine, and the eBook Spytunes Method.

Come Away With Me was Norah Jones’s debut single!

Norah Jones‘s breakthrough single Come Away With Me made her an instant worldwide success. Many critics initially dismissed the album calling it the least jazz album ever to be released on the record label Blue Note.

Clearly, the audience disagreed as of 2016, Come Away With Me (album) has become one of the most sold of all time, coming in at 27 million.

It ended up being the best-selling jazz album of all time, putting those initial critics to shame!

The album went on to grab her six Grammy Awards. Apart from the title track, only one more single had similar success, the opener, Don’t Know Why.

Norah’s debut album is a great example of what Nile Rodgers calls DHM (deeper hidden meaning). You don’t spell it out, you hint at it.

Looking at Come Away’s lyrics above and considering how she delivers it, who wouldn’t want to travel to a mountaintop with Norah for a kiss and then see what happens?!?

Come Away With Me Chords | Related Pages

Beginner Acoustic

There are more Beginner Acoustic Songs with similar chords to Come Away With Me.

This collection of beginner acoustic tunes will teach you how to arrange for one acoustic guitar, as well as how to create a supporting part.

Playing songs will help you with switching between open-position chords and give you the context you need to understand how music works theoretically.

Five similar tunes with chords and lyrics

When you can play Come Away With Me's chords, try these five tunes from the songbook.

Norah Jones

Norah Jones wrote Come Away With Me.

Norah Jones released her incredibly successful album Come Away With Me on the legendary label Blue Note at the age of 23.

The album won her 8 Grammy Awards and sold over 20 million copies. No wonder everyone in the business wanted to appear on the follow-up!

Norah Jones on the web

Listen to Norah Jones on Spotify.


When you can play Come Away With Me, check out these Ballads as well.

The perfect first dance or an emotional piece for your next audition, this collection of ballads is great for working on your expression.

Learn tunes from Burt Bacharach, Eric Clapton, Paul Simon, Eva Cassidy, Ben Harper, Etta James, Chet Baker, Elvis, Norah Jones, and many more.

About me

Dan Lundholm wrote this article about Come Away With Me's chords.

This article on Come Away With Me chords was written by Dan Lundholm. Discover more about him and learning guitar with Spytunes.

Most importantly, find out why you should learn guitar through playing tunes, not practising scales, and studying theory in isolation.


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