Der Todestunnel - Nur die Wahrheit zählt - Cineuropa

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by Dominique Othenin-Girard


Young and ambitious, prosecutor Sabine Fink faces the first major challenge of her career when she is assigned the case of a tunnel catastrophe that has caused unprecedented devastation and loss of life. She soon discovers that there is more to the case than the official story - and more than her own superiors would have her discover. Fink's tenacity gets her fired but she won't quit in her quest for the truth.

original title: Der Todestunnel - Nur die Wahrheit zählt
country: Austria, Germany, Italy, Slovakia
year: 2005
genre: fiction
directed by: Dominique Othenin-Girard
film run: 95'
release date: DE 4/10/2005
screenplay: Holger Karsten Schmidt
cast: Aglaia Szyszkowitz, August Zirner, Karlheinz Hackl, Dominic Raacke, Gedeon Burkhard, Götz Otto, Roswitha Szyszkowitz
producer: Oliver Schündler, Michael Wolkenstein, Giovanna Arata
production: Satel Film, Bavaria Film
backing: ORF, SAT1, Métropole Télévision M6, TV Markiza, RTL Klub, Ceska Producni

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