Gemini Daily Horoscope - Today - Jun 11, 2024, Tuesday | AstroTwins

Gemini Daily Horoscope - Today - Jun 11, 2024, Tuesday | AstroTwins

Gemini Daily Horoscope

Today's Gemini Horoscope for June 11, 2024

Shortcuts may seem like timesavers, Gemini, but today, cutting corners could cost you dearly. With quick-fire Mars in your enchanting twelfth house, it’s tempting to try pulling a fast one or doing something naughty for the sheer thrill of it. But vengeful Pluto is squaring Mars, threatening to expose shady dealings. If you want to end the day with your good name intact (or just your self-respect), stay on the up and up. Don’t even try to bluff your way through a conversation where you feel completely in the dark. Either do a little more legwork on a project or come out and admit that you don’t have the answer but that you will do your best to find it, stat.

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