Houston City Council At-Large Position 1

At-Large Position 1

Council Member Julian Ramirez

Julian RamirezCouncil Member Julian Ramirez was elected to office in December 2023 after a 34-year legal career. As an at-large council member he serves the entire city. He serves as chair of the Quality of Life Committee and Vice-Chair of the Public Service Delivery Committee. Julian brings extensive experience on criminal justice and public safety matters, having served as an Assistant District Attorney for Harris County from 1989 to 2016. While at the DA’s Office, he handled thousands of cases investigated by the Houston Police Department, tried hundreds of cases before judges and juries, and taught more than a thousand of our HPD officers at the HPD Academy on topics including search and seizure, procedure, and constitutional issues. He served as chief over the public corruption division and, later, the civil rights division.

Julian grew up in Houston’s shadow, in Rosenberg’s northside barrio. His grandparents were Mexican immigrants who helped build the railroads west of Houston and later sharecropped farmland in the Great Depression. Though his parents had only a grade-school education, their hard work and sacrifice laid the groundwork for their children’s success. Julian stocked shelves and waited on customers in the family’s small grocery store, learning the importance of hard work and serving the community.

Council Member Julian Ramirez and his wife, Caroline Dozier, have been married for more than 25 years, and have one son in public high school. They are active members of the Memorial Park First Ward of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints.