Goethe-Universität — Medizin

International Affairs at the Faculty of Medicine

Universit%c3%a4tsklinikum frankfurt  blick vom main

Welcome to our website

We provide support not only to our outgoing students, but also to international students who plan to spend part of their studies at our Medical Faculty in Frankfurt and who want to gain experience at one of our medical departments of the university hospital. Please do not hesitate to contact us, we would be pleased to advise you.

Incoming students

Incoming students

We are happy to welcome international students for a practical rotation or who wish to spend part of their studies in Franfurt. If your home university has concluded a bilateral agreement with the Faculty of Medicine of Goethe University, you are entitled to apply for the Erasmus+ porgramme for studies. But also free movers may have the possibilty to spend some time at our faculty.

Please turn to the following pages for further information:



No matter whether you want to come for a part of your studies, an elective or as a medical practicioner in Germany, but also if you want to come to Frankfurt as a degree student, here you will find first answers to your questions.

You will find further information on the following pages: