Post Ductility: Metals in Architecture and Engineering Conference | ArchDaily

Post Ductility: Metals in Architecture and Engineering Conference

Metals, as surface or structure-as the generators of space-play a role in nearly every strain of modernization in architecture. Bringing together a wide range of leading architects, engineers, and scholars, the Columbia Conference on Architecture, Engineering, and Materials is a multi-year project to explore the dramatically changing limits of known and new materials in an era of rapid urbanization and within unprecedented forms of technical measurement, coordination, and production that increasingly blur the boundaries of professions and of materials.

This conference on metals is the third in a series of conferences on architecture, engineering and materials. The conference explores the boundaries between architecture, engineering and materials science by mobilizing symposia, studios, exhibitions, books and films in an intensely focused investigation. How is a new generation of professionals and manufactures fusing engineering and architectural practices into new platforms for decisive urban action?

The conference will take place at the Wood Auditorium in Columbia next September 30. For more information, click here.

About this author
Cite: Sebastian Jordana. "Post Ductility: Metals in Architecture and Engineering Conference" 15 Aug 2009. ArchDaily. Accessed . <> ISSN 0719-8884

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