May 14, 2024 – Live Lesson: Baritone vs. High/Low G Ukulele

Home Page Forums Monthly Live Lessons May 14, 2024 – Live Lesson: Baritone vs. High/Low G Ukulele

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    Live Stream: Tuesday, May 14th at 3:00pm ET (check your local time zone)


    Hi guys! We are back with Live Lesson EP066! This month’s topic is: Baritone vs. High/Low G Ukulele!

    A commonly asked question in the ukulele world is: What is the difference between baritone and high/low G ukuleles? In this session, we’ll be answering just that! We’ll also tackle the strengths and weaknesses of each and why you would pick one over the other.

    This month’s topic should stir up some great questions! So please post all you have below and I hope you join us for the live stream. 🙂



    Q: What happens in a live lesson, how long is it, and when does it occur?

    A: Live lessons are usually 30-45 minutes in length, but can extend until all questions are answered. The first 20 minutes will comprise of the lesson, while the next 10-25 minutes will be a Q&A session for premium members.

    Live lessons take place every second Tuesday of the month at 3:00pm ET (check your local time zone).

    Q: Can I submit questions beforehand?

    A: Absolutely! Basic and premium members are welcome to post questions that are related to the topic in THIS thread.

    Q: Who can watch the live stream, how do I watch it, and how do I chat with Matt and other members?

    A: Premium members will be able to tune in and watch the livestream. Premium members will also be able to chat live with Matt during the broadcast.

    To watch the live stream, simply navigate to the Live Lessons Page. You will see a YouTube video embedded on the page (if you don’t see it, double check that you are logged in).

    If you do not wish to participate in the live chat, you can stay on the page and watch the embedded video. If you do wish to participate in the live chat, you will need to sign up for a YouTube account (100% FREE).

    To participate in the live chat, click on the embedded YouTube video’s title. This will open up a new tab and take you directly to the video on YouTube’s website. The live chat box can be found to the right of the video (on desktop). For mobile and tablet, the live chat is embedded inside the video and can be turned on or off.

    For further clarification, here is a video showing how to do the above (for desktop).

    Q: I can’t make the broadcast. When will live streams be released publicly?

    A: The live lesson will be released for everyone to view the day after the broadcast (second Wednesday of the month). If you cannot make the broadcast, no worries; you’ll still be able to watch the lesson. Don’t forget that you can submit questions for Matt to answer beforehand (see the above FAQ).


    To high g, or low g? That is the question.
    Whether ’tis nobler on the frets to suffer,
    The limited range of a high g uke,
    Or to abandon the sweet campanella,
    High g is heir to. To pluck, to fret,
    No more; upon a low g or baritone.
    Ay! There’s the strum. For on that sweet,
    deep baritone, what tunes might come?

    That’s all I’ve got. I made myself cry laugh writing that. 😅😂 I feel like I nailed that parody… 😂

    Looking forward to this lesson! ‘Twill be interesting! Thank you for tolerating me this long… 😂😭


    I have found that if you are going to play on a regular basis, you must have both low and high g ukes, and therefore you must have at least 2 ukuleles……..which is the beginning of a collection and ukulele acquisition syndrome……..I’m guessing that most of our members have more than one uke……I’m curious as to the accuracy of this statement…..How many ukes do you have?

    I have 2 concert ukes – 1 low g and 1 high g, a tenor low g, and a small travel uke for long distance hiking. I also have 2 banjo ukes (1 needs a lot of work). and a tenor uke my father built for me. That’s a total of 7! I don’t have a baritone, but would like one because I love its deeper voice (but then I would have to learn how to play it)….

    I don’t think you can ever have too many ukuleles!

    • This reply was modified 1 week, 1 day ago by dianna.

    You did nail that Bumble Bard!
    I have four tenors currently, all low G. I find that most of the lessons for high G still work on a low G. Sometimes they sound a little different but still good and sometimes better in some way. When the high G string is used for a critical part of the melody, often a slight change in the arrangement solves it for me.


    @dianna, I agree with you! Well, there might be a case when you have too many ukes. I’m sure that’s happened… The only reason I don’t have 50 ukes is the guilt I have spending money on them. 😂😅

    But yes, I think there is definitely good justification in having multiple ukes, just like the ones you listed. They all serve a different purpose. 😊

    I only have five ukes: orange boy with googly eyes (high g soprano), concert high g, a banjolele, a low g electric tenor (that I won from RC101), and a sopranissimo uke (with d tuning).

    I also have never played a baritone, but maybs one day soon! 😉😅

    , haha, thank you! Now I wish I would’ve perfected that more. I may secretly go back and add to it. Sounds like a productive use of time. 😂

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