Her Heart for a Compass (Buccleuch Family, #1) by Sarah Ferguson | Goodreads
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Buccleuch family #1

Her Heart for a Compass

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From one of the most famous former members of the British royal family, Sarah Ferguson, Duchess of York —a mesmerizing novel of a young noblewoman’s coming-of-age that richly details both high society and low in Victorian England.

Queen Victoria’s close friend, the Scottish Duke of Buccleuch, Lady Margaret Montagu Scott is expected to make an advantageous marriage. But Margaret is an impulsive and outspoken girl in a repressive society where women are, quite literally, caged in corsets and required to conform.

When Lady Margaret’s parents arrange a society marriage for her, she tries to reconcile herself to the match. But shortly before her betrothal is announced, Margaret flees, leaving her parents to explain her sudden absence to an opulent ballroom stuffed with two hundred distinguished guests.

Banished from polite society, Margaret throws herself into charitable work and finds strength in a circle of female friends like herself—women intent on breaking the mold, including Queen Victoria’s daughter Princess Louise. Margaret resolves to follow her heart—a journey of self-discovery that will take her to Ireland, America, and then back to Britain where she finds the life she was always meant to lead.

A bold and thoughtful story about a rebellious woman finding herself and her voice in an age of astounding technological change and great social unrest, Her Heart for a Compass is a delicious costume drama rich in atmosphere, history, and color.

549 pages, Hardcover

First published August 3, 2021

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About the author

Sarah Ferguson

108 books427 followers
Sarah, Duchess of York, is a British writer, charity patron, public speaker, film producer and television personality. She is the former wife of Prince Andrew, Duke of York. Sarah has two daughters, Princesses Beatrice and Eugenie of York.

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48 (1%)
Displaying 1 - 30 of 514 reviews
Profile Image for Adele.
831 reviews
August 25, 2021
I really enjoyed this debut adult novel by Sarah Ferguson. What I particularly loved was the inspiration behind the leading lady, Lady Margaret, who was a member of the author’s own family and with further research alongside her mentor and co-author, Marguerite Kaye, a novel filled with history, intrigue, hope, compassion, inspiration, emotion, bravery and romance was formed.

Lady Margaret Montagu Douglas Scott is the second daughter for the Duke and Duchess of Buccleuch. Margaret is 20 years old and is a little perturbed with society rules and what is expected of her. The Duke has chosen a suitable husband for Margaret but she doesn’t love him, she doesn’t really like him and is in a quandary of her options, if she does have any? Does she betray her heart and marry someone she doesn’t like as that is expected of her or does she betray her family and refuse to obey to the rules festooned upon the aristocrats of the era? What a situation to find oneself in!

We follow Lady Margaret on her journey of self-discovery, of listening to her heart and to her mind. The story takes us to London, Scotland, Dublin and New York. We encounter many new people that leave a lasting impression on Margaret’s life and give her the much needed strength and guidance for what lies ahead.

Lady Margaret is a very likeable characters; she’s smart, brave, a little feisty, kind, compassionate and aspirational. She doesn’t want to conform like her sister and peers, she wants more for her life and more for those kind souls she meets in her quest to find the direction her heart desires.

Sarah Ferguson has written a very readable historical romance that is full of atmosphere transporting the reader to a time and place that belongs to the characters in the book. There are moments of compassion, empathy, stepping out of your comfort zone that leave you inspired for a young woman with dreams of a better place for many. Your emotions will become heightened as you wrap yourself around Margaret’s world and the romance will fill your heart with joy.
Profile Image for Kate Eminhizer .
482 reviews
July 7, 2021
In my opinion, this book was just simply mediocre. I went into it believing I would be swept away and what I got was a character that I just couldn't find any empathy with. The main character, Lady Margaret, is a somewhat spunky teenager who rebels at what her expected responsibilities are. In defying her father's wishes, she is forced to reflect upon her life and her desires. As she finds a way to carve a life out for herself she learns what it is important and what she is capable of. Along the way she finds love and purpose. In some aspects the book unfolds as follows: a rich girl throws a tantrum and eventually gets what she wants. That doesn't make for a compelling plot. The author did do a good job at representing the differences of social class in both London and New York. Lady Margaret represents all those of the upper class who made exceptional changes to the status quo in order to better the opportunities available for those less fortunate.

I received a copy of this title via NetGalley.
Profile Image for Marci carol.
112 reviews
May 27, 2023
This one a gift from my youngest son. Interesting book about a women with means who wants to be independent and fulfill her passion during a time period when getting married was expected. Always good to hear regarding trials and tribulations and see how far we have and have not come.
Profile Image for Tanya Nellestein.
Author 17 books78 followers
August 21, 2021
I actually really enjoyed this book! Lady Margaret resonated with me. A wonderful story of strength, independence, compassion and love. But I hated Louise!
Profile Image for HalKid2.
622 reviews
September 17, 2021
I knew Sarah Ferguson had written a series of kids books, so I was both surprised and intrigued when I learned she was branching out into the historical fiction genre (my favorite). And excited about seeing what a royal-insider might be able to do.

You won't see the name on the book jacket, but on the title page, you will see Ferguson had a co-writer, historical romance author Marguerite Kaye. Unfortunately, for me, even with Kaye's help, HER HEART FOR A COMPASS turns out to be just an OK read.

The novel centers on a distant relation of the Duchess, Lady Margaret Montagu Scott, the second daughter of a Scottish Duke, who lived during the Victorian age. But this book does NOT actually tell HER story. According to Ferguson, this story is largely made up -- since virtually nothing is known about Lady Margaret. Which I suppose has the advantage of allowing Ferguson and Kaye free rein in creating this novel. Ferguson also explains in the Author's Note that the book contains elements of her own story as well. Here's how.

Lady Margaret is a free spirit who refuses to conform to the expectations of her age. She is more outspoken and independent than women of her age are supposed to be. She refuses to marry a man for the betterment of her family and disregards the wishes of her parents. All causing a scandal. Instead, Lady Margaret prefers to live according to what she wishes. (Sound familiar?)

How Lady Margaret experiments with her hard-won freedom (including travels to Ireland and later, the United States), how she manages to earn some money, how she tries to improve the lot of impoverished people, and how she deals with love -- all these make up the substance of the story Ferguson and Kaye created.

It's a fine story. It's compelling enough to keep you reading. The writing is acceptable. But it didn't quite hang together for me and it is probably about 100 pages longer than it needed to be, if it was a tightly written book.

So, if you, like me, are curious about what the Duchess of York can do as a writer, enjoy!
Profile Image for Caz.
2,909 reviews1,092 followers
August 4, 2021
I did a joint review of this one with one of my fellow AAR staffers, Evelyn North. We both gave it the same grade - B/4 stars.

Her Heart for a Compass is the first (adult) novel by Sarah Ferguson, Duchess of York, and in it, she and her co-writer, historical romance author Marguerite Kaye, explore the life of one of the Duchess’ ancestors, Lady Margaret Montagu Scott, a young woman who defied the strict conventions of Victorian England to live life under her own terms.

You can read our review at All About Romance.
Profile Image for Vanitiromance.
540 reviews41 followers
November 30, 2021
“Margaret raccolse le pieghe della gonna e corse per le ultime iarde verso il cancello del giardino.

Lo spinse con forza, l’oltrepassò, lo richiuse alle sue spalle e fuggì nella notte”

Nella settimana in cui si celebra la “Giornata mondiale contro la violenza alle donne”, non avrei potuto leggere romanzo migliore di questo. La bussola del cuore di Sarah Ferguson – Duchessa di York – è una storia tutta al femminile con una protagonista icona di autenticità e indipendenza. Un libro ambientato inizialmente in Gran Bretagna e poi a New York nella seconda metà del 1800, periodo in cui la donna era ancora sottomessa e inutile agli occhi di una società improntata sul dominio dell’uomo e delle classi sociali elevate.

Margaret è la secondogenita diciottenne di sei figli del Duca di Buccleuch e migliore amica di una delle figlie della regina, che nella sera in cui deve essere annunciato il suo fidanzamento con l’insulso Conte Killin, scelto dai suoi genitori, decide di scappare perché nel suo cuore sa che non è l’uomo che potrà renderla felice. Viene mandata così in esilio in una delle proprietà scozzesi di famiglia per “riflettere” sul suo comportamento e “rinsavire”.

“Era stanca di essere negletta e ignorata. Voleva fare ammenda, dimostrare che era cambiata, che era cresciuta e pronta ad abbracciare il proprio destino, anche se sorgeva il dilemma di come riuscirci…”

Al suo rientro in famiglia, Margaret è decisa a farsi andare bene l’uomo che altri hanno scelto per lei, senza creare più scandali e promettendo di comportarsi in maniera “adeguata”, così come di addice alla figlia di un duca, per rimediare alla sua “sbandata” da ragazzina…

Per la prima volta, trova un avvicinamento con sua madre che, fino a quel momento, aveva sempre vissuto nel suo ruolo di consorte docile e sottomessa al marito. Ella inizia, infatti, a intravedere in sua figlia un nuovo fermento accresciuto dal desiderio di seguire le proprie attitudini. Riconoscendo in Margaret l’intenzione di fare volontariato in una parrocchia per aiutare un giovane pastore anglicano e la sorella, la madre le permette così di mettere a disposizione le sue energie e le sue capacità per aiutare le persone meno fortunate.

Giunto il momento di rientrare definitivamente nei ranghi, accettando il destino scelto da suo padre per lei, si rende conto per l’ennesima volta che il suo cuore dice ancora “no”, affrontando l’ira di un Duca arrabbiato e deluso che la caccia definitivamente dalla sua casa e dalla sua famiglia “Non la voglio rivedere mai più. Non tollererò nemmeno la sua presenza nel mio stesso Paese”.

Grazie all’intercessione della mamma, Margaret viene mandata a fare la dama di compagnia ad una giovane sposa in Irlanda…

“Non aveva idea di cosa l’aspettasse,

ma non poteva essere peggiore del disastro che si lasciava alle spalle.

Per la prima volta da tempo, sorrise, traendo piacere dal fatto di essere viva”

Resterà in Irlanda per un anno e mezzo prendendosi cura di sé stessa, intrattenendo rapporti epistolari con diverse persone della sua famiglia e con Donald di Lochiel, un giovane diplomatico amico del padre con il quale aveva avuto, fin dai tempi vissuti a Londra, un rapporto amicale sincero che in questa occasione approfondisce ulteriormente.

In questo periodo inoltre, diventa maggiorenne e inizia a coltivare il suo talento di scrittrice di favole e racconti per bambini, prendendo a cuore la decisione finale di partire per l’America grazie anche all’indipendenza economica concessa dal padre una volta compiuti i 21 anni.

Sceglie un luogo molto lontano dove “Nessuno si azzarderà a indicarmi cosa fare e quando. Non si faranno un’opinione di me prima ancora di conoscermi. E io non verrò soffocata dalle aspettative”.

Inizia così per Margaret una nuova tappa della sua vita in un continente così diverso dove potrà realizzarsi come donna e capire cosa fare nella sua vita, senza necessariamente essere legata a un uomo. Saprà intessere relazioni con uomini e donne che l’aiuteranno a comprendere la sua vera essenza, a intraprendere una carriera e agire senza condizionamenti sottesi a princìpi e a regole stabiliti da altri.

“Sono venuta qui spronata dal cuore, ma questo non significa che sia stata una scelta facile.

Contrapporsi a una ferma opposizione, soprattutto da parte di persone care o di cui c’importa il giudizio, equivale a niente meno che un salto nel buio.

Avere il coraggio delle proprie idee richiede, appunto, un coraggio enorme”

Ho amato molto questo libro, ho seguito con il fiato sospeso tutto il viaggio che Margaret ha compiuto anche dentro di sé. Soprattutto ho condiviso la decisione di seguire sempre il suo cuore nelle scelte più o meno importanti che si è trovata ad affrontare, anche con timore, senza mai arrendersi davanti al giudizio degli altri. Ho ammirato la capacità pur restando da sola, di affrontare il dolore della lontananza forzata dalle persone care, trovando il modo di accettarlo e di superarlo cogliendo sempre nuove occasioni di riscatto e di ripartenza.
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Profile Image for Alessandra .
61 reviews
February 1, 2022
An enticing tale of a girl determined to trudge her own path, live life according to her own rules and leave her mark on the world. I couldn’t put it down! It was hard to know what Lady Margret might do next, who she might befriend or where she might end up and I just couldn’t wait to find out. My dearest friends would love this story of independence!
And because I know you will flip to the back anyway … SPOILER … she gets her happy ending!
Profile Image for Isabel Freitas  Sensacoes_no_papel .
108 reviews18 followers
July 14, 2022
“Hoje, no que dizia respeito ao pai, era o último dia de Margaret sobre a terra.(...) A sua dignidade era tudo o que lhe restava, e ela conservá-la-ia, acontecesse o que acontecesse.”

Numa época em que as filhas eram tratadas como meros objetos para a elaboração de um negócio que fosse vantajoso para os pais, através do casamento, quando Margaret se recusa a cumprir com a sua “obrigação”, o pai simplesmente a exclui da família.

Abandonada pela família, vai viver para Dublin, na casa de uma amiga da mãe e dois anos depois resolve “tomar as redias da sua vida” e partir para um recomeço em Nova Iorque.

Este é um romance de época muito diferente. Para quem gosta do género não pode mesmo deixar de ler. Quem ainda nunca leu seria uma excelente maneira de começar.

Personagens fortes e marcantes a quem não irão ficar indiferentes. Pessoas que resolveram arriscar e acabaram por conseguir vencer muitos preconceitos.

Embora tenha romance e o final seja magnífico, durante a leitura a nossa personagem principal mostra como era “cruel” a sociedade da época para quem não cumpria as normas estipuladas. Uma sociedade que rege o casamento não pelo amor e felicidade dos envolvidos mas que o trata como um simples “negocio”, onde é esperado da mulher obedecer sem questionar.

Esta personagem vai mostrar as consequências que advêm da sua recusa a cumprir essas regras mas, como também conseguiu “dar a volta por cima” e acabou por ser admirada numa sociedade que não era a sua, fazendo a diferença na vida de muitas pessoas mais desfavorecidas. Será que isso a levará a ser valorizada na sociedade de onde saiu?

Romance e drama q.b. numa leitura baseada na segunda filha dos tetravós da autora, o que dá um toque mais real à história.

Uma escrita fluida e que nos prende do inicio ao fim. Uma personagem principal marcante, pela sua coragem e pelo amor ao outro mas, com muitas outras personagens deliciosas a colorir uma história empolgante e inovadora.

E só pode ser emocionante ler um livro sobre a filha de um Duque escrito por uma verdadeira Duquesa! 🥰
Profile Image for Vivien Parry.
870 reviews1 follower
August 9, 2021
Sailing into love!

When I first heard about this book I was intrigued, the synopsis was just the type of book I enjoyed. Lady Margaret enters the frame running from a party where her betrothement is about to be declared. She shudders at the thought of the match her father had made for her in Killin and although she has tried, she cannot stand him and doesn't want to marry him. When her refusal is heard by her father, she is banished from the family to learn a lesson. Margaret's life takes a further turn when she is banished to Ireland after a second refusal to marry Killin. Her correspondence with Lochiel, a friend of her father's finds feelings growing but she doesn't feel ready to marry and when she refused Lochiel, she travels to America to start a new life. When I first started to read I thought Margaret a ninny and flighty but the more I read the more I saw her to be growing in character and in confidence. Her travels were the journey she needed to make to find her way back into society and to the man she was destined to marry. At times the letters within the book made me sob uncontrollably at the harsh way she was treated by her father and that the was ostracized by her family and friends. I can't wait to see what the next book will be like as this one was a surprise and a great read.
Profile Image for Vicki Vass.
Author 12 books157 followers
August 23, 2021
Bumped up a star when I found out this was based on an actual individual. I enjoyed this book and read it quickly.
Profile Image for Mariana.
860 reviews152 followers
August 5, 2022
Claramente este livro é um romance histórico e não um romance de época - essa diferença é notória desde o início e foi talvez o que me deixou mais reticente com a leitura. É um livro com aspectos "mais reais" (sendo em parte inspirado na antepassada da autora), o que por um lado, perde a essência do imaginário...

A autora tem uma escrita agradável, contudo é demasiado descritiva, o que por vezes torna a leitura um pouco penosa e lenta...É importante dar contexto à ação, sim - mas também é importante entender quando é contexto a mais. Para mim foi demasiado, o que fez com que me distanciasse da história e das personagens.

Adorei a garra da protagonista e o facto de não se conformar com o que tem e ir à luta para mudar e melhorar. As viagens apresentadas têm um rigor histórico belíssimo e são muito importantes - gostei desta componente por dar dimensão a tudo.
A Margaret é uma lutadora, não se conforma e segue sempre o seu coração - é de louvar que assim seja, que tenha lutado tanto, mesmo quando tinha tudo contra si. As decisões que tomou podem soar irreflectidas para os outros, mas na verdade são bastante ponderadas...o facto de assim ser tornou-a numa mulher sensata e dona de si. O amor próprio é o mais importante, se nos amarmos e soubermos quem somos estamos preparados para amar os outros (se assim quisermos, é claro) - o romance da Margaret com aquele que é o seu par romântico é algo muito gradual e belo, pois cresce com ambos mesmo existindo uma separação tão grande.

Ainda assim, não posso dizer que tenha gostado desta leitura. Li e pronto, não achei transcendente e honestamente já me esqueci de alguns aspetos... Tenho pena que tenha sido assim, mas lá está, nem todos os livros podem ser excelentes.
Profile Image for bookishcharli .
680 reviews125 followers
November 21, 2021
I’ll be honest, I never really judge a book by it’s cover, so to speak, but I was apprehensive about this book because of the author. I didn’t have high hopes when I started it, and boy was I very pleasantly surprised by this one, I loved it. I’ve learnt my lesson with this one, I won’t go into a book with apprehension based on who an author is anymore because this debut by Sarah Ferguson, Duchess of York, was absolutely phenomenal.

This book is about Lady Margaret Montagu Scott, the daughter of the Scottish Duke and Duchess of Buccleuch, as her father chooses a suitable husband for her but Lady Margaret doesn’t love him, and she really doesn’t like him either. But what are her options? Does she betray her heart and marry someone who she doesn’t like, let alone love, or does she betray her family and refuse the marriage, in which would be breaking the rules of that era? She certainly has a big choice to make, but I won’t tell you what she chooses so you’ll need to read the book and find out for yourselves.

I really like Lady Margaret a lot. She’s strong, feisty, brave, kind and compassionate to those around her. She knows what she wants and she isn’t afraid to stand up for herself a get it. Sarah has really written an incredible debut for fans who love historical fiction and historical romance novels. I also had no idea that the novel was inspired by a member of Sarah’s own ancestors from Victorian England. I’m very much looking forward to Sarah’s next book!

Thank you to HQ/Mills & Boon for sending me a copy in exchange for an honest review.
Profile Image for Anette - Knitting & Audiobooks.
36 reviews1 follower
March 16, 2022
I bow to Lady Margaret who dares to follow her heart and not to conform into the Victorian Age's norms and controlling of women.

First fleeing your betrothal ball, then being sent into exile, then - for the second time refusing same betrothal, being flung out of her family.... and, when earning her independence not only having the guts to refuse a proposal with Man Of Her Dreams, but also to set sail and go to New York ...

I know the price of following your heart. I know the price of leaving all you love behind for a new life. And I know the loneliness, the estrangement and luck that is required to set yourself up in a new place without knowing anyone.

For everyone missing Downton Abbey, a strong female lead, or just want to immerse yourself into an adventure - this book is for you.

The happy ending felt much like my own after the stunt I pulled. I think you will like it as well ;-)
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
Profile Image for Cátia Lopes.
541 reviews35 followers
August 11, 2022

Inicialmente achava que era um romance de época, mas é claramente histórico.

O que mais gostei neste livro, foi da protagonista. Margaret é uma força da natureza. Passa o livro a lutar contra as convicções machistas da época, vai contra tudo e todos para se afirmar no mundo e perseguir os seus sonhos.

Mas o livro é demasiado descritivo, o exagero das descrições tornou, para mim, a leitura muito lenta e custosa, até porque a maioria dos capítulos são bem longos.

Acho que a Margaret merecia mais foco e menos descrições. Porque sem dúvida é uma protagonista que cresce em nós e que me conquistou, enquanto leitora é impossível não torcer por ela.

Menos descrições, menos contexto histórico, mais foco na força de vontade de Margaret e tínhamos aqui uma belíssima história da emancipação feminina.
Profile Image for Mo.
1,719 reviews171 followers
December 31, 2021
I'm not sure how much of this was actually written by Sarah Ferguson and how much by her "co-writer" Marguerite Kaye, but it was definitely NOT a match made in heaven.

I hated the narration too.

Bailed after 15 painful minutes.

Narrated by Sarah Ferguson and Ell Potter
16 hours 2 minutes
Profile Image for Lilyane.
150 reviews8 followers
August 20, 2021
Not very well written. What kept me from giving up were the epistolary parts of the book: I found them more interesting and emotional than the narrative.

I can't in good conscience recommend "Her Heart for a Compass": there are so many far better historical novels available.
Profile Image for Mélyssa.
302 reviews1 follower
September 5, 2022
This historical novel was exactly the kind of fluffy read I needed to help me relax during a sunny long weekend!
375 reviews1 follower
August 27, 2021
I thoroughly enjoyed every page of this 450 page historical novel! Even though the story had a delightful ending, I could have easily read more! Each page was full of masterly worded descriptions of either a location, castle or article of clothing!

Like all historical novels, there were characters based on real people and many who were fictional. Beginning in London in 1865, it is the story of Lady Margaret Montagu Douglas Scott, who rebels all that society and her family expect from her and embarks on a journey of her own She travels from London, to Scotland, across the pond to New York City and eventually back to Scotland; in each place carving a path of her own and meeting many influential people along the way!

As soon as Sarah's next book is written, I am rushing to read that, as well!
Profile Image for Bess.
451 reviews3 followers
September 12, 2021
No literary genius here. 1860s UK setting with a divergence to NYC. It was very much a knockoff Bridgerton with the society season and the queen approving the latest debutantes whose only purpose in life is to marry up in station to improve the families wealth. Complete with gossipy news snippets. The heroine finds her voice in New York but in the end returns to her homeland where she finds love, is reunited with her family and again is in favor with the queen.
Profile Image for Tracey.
117 reviews
February 28, 2022
I stumbled across this one. I had no idea Sarah Ferguson wrote a book, not aimed at children! I got it and read it in one day. A pleasant surprise. Historical fiction. Enjoyable and engaging. Recommend if you enjoy this genre.
29 reviews1 follower
August 6, 2022
Set in Victorian times, this is pretty much a fluff piece, but fun to read, especially if one is familiar with the British monarchy. The main character is much like the author herself, redheaded and rebellious, and there are a few real people included. Read with a strong cuppa in hand!
Profile Image for Craig / Phil.
1,654 reviews86 followers
October 5, 2021
Thank you Harlequin and Sarah for sending us a copy to read and review.
I am a royalist and I couldn’t let this book by none other than Fergie slip by without reading it.
I knew she was a successful author of children’s books but had no idea she penned this Mills and Boons styled historical romance.
A big read of 540 pages kept me indulged.
Lady Margaret Scott is banished from high society circles and her family.
Breaking conventions, protocols and disobeying her fathers wishes she has to embark on a life of independence.
Estranged from her family this journey takes her to Ireland and New York and consolidates a purpose close to her heart.
A lifelong friendship with the Queens daughter Princess Louise keeps her aristocratic roots in tact and is leveraged to full advantage in American society.
But her free spirited approach to life is quite ground breaking and she doesn’t care. She follows her heart and head.
Set in the 1800’s this family saga is loosely based on Sarah Ferguson’s distant relative of the same name but with an imagined series of events and follies.
I could not help assuming some of the emotions and decisions made by the character were influenced by Sarah herself.
The authenticity of a privileged background and her dalliance into Royal life shone through the pages.
At times my eyes glazed but overall it was a great experience.
The writing style was complimented with a series of letters and social page newspaper clippings.
The research and detail impressive, but the similarities and the fact Sarah acknowledges these was the key for me.
A long but fun read.

Profile Image for Romanticamente Fantasy.
7,059 reviews207 followers
November 24, 2021
Mumu' - per RFS
Carissime fenici, se siete alle prese con la lista dei regali di Natale non potete assolutamente non includere questo meraviglioso romanzo.
Finalmente un libro ambientato nella Londra vittoriana degno di essere considerato Regency e non una mera imitazione dettata dalla moda del momento. Non credo potesse essere diversamente, considerato che l’autrice è Sarah Ferguson, ex moglie di Andrea, Duca di York, terzogenito della Regina Elisabetta II nonché ex cognata della principessa Diana. Il racconto si apre con una fuga, quella di Lady Margaret Montagu Douglas Scott, dal ballo dato dai suoi genitori per annunciare il suo fidanzamento con Lord Rufus Ponsonby, Conte di Killin. Un’unione di mera convenienza impostole dal padre e al quale lei aveva provato, se pur debolmente, a opporsi. Quella sera Lady Margaret sente un impulso che parte proprio dal centro del suo cuore e la spinge a scappare via il più velocemente possibile. Da questo preciso momento comincerà per lei un incredibile viaggio alla scoperta di sé. Sarà, infatti, messa di fronte a molte prove, dovrà superare ostacoli che non credeva neanche immaginabile, ma lo farà sempre a testa alta, lasciando che sia il proprio cuore e il proprio istinto a guidarla verso l’ignoto. Quello che sembrava il momento peggiore della sua vita, al punto da costarle l’allontanamento dalla famiglia e l’ostracismo dell’alta società, si è rivelato essere, invece, un vero e proprio trampolino di lancio verso il mondo. Margaret, nel momento stesso in cui smette di commiserare se stessa, prende in mano le redini del suo destino e decide di abbracciare con fiducia le opportunità che la vita le riserva, rifiutandosi di diventare solo una mera proprietà degli uomini.
Non scendo nei particolari della storia perché vorrei che anche per voi ogni pagina sia una scoperta, la storia è veramente ricca di colpi di scena, non avevo idea di dove mi avrebbe portato il racconto. L’autrice è stata in grado di coinvolgermi sin dalla primissima scena, non c’è stato nessun momento scontato o prevedibile. Quello che sicuramente mi ha colpito è stata la minuziosa descrizione del periodo storico. Finalmente qualcuno che non si limita a riempire le pagine con la descrizione di infiniti balli; i luoghi, le abitudini e il modo di vivere dell’epoca è fedelmente riprodotto con dovizia di particolari. Una menzione speciale va alla caratterizzazione dei personaggi secondari. Ognuno di essi è ben definito e presenta delle peculiarità proprie che riproducono fedelmente il pensiero dell’epoca. Ho apprezzato il modo in cui ogni figura si è evoluta nel corso della narrazione, non mere comparse ma elementi essenziali della storia, senza le quali, di certo, Margaret non avrebbe potuto diventare la giovane donna libera e coraggiosa che si è rivelata. La Duchessa di Buccleuch che riscopre il rapporto con la figlia dopo la loro separazione; il Duca, che sarà costretto, suo malgrado, a riconoscere il valore della progenie. Lady Julia che, grazie all’esempio di Margaret, troverà il coraggio di vivere la propria vita.
Ci sarà anche spazio per l’amore, sarà uno spazio marginale, ma molto intenso, perché il vero protagonista della storia è l’amore per se stessi e Margaret sarà in grado di poter amare sinceramente solo dopo essersi liberata dalle catane che la legavano alle convenzioni sociali che la soffocavano.
Il libro può considerarsi una piccola perla rara tra le storie regency, che consiglio vivamente di acquistare a tutte le amanti del genere.
326 reviews30 followers
August 13, 2021
This is the story of Lady Margaret Scott the real ancestor of the author, Sarah Ferguson, Duchess of York. Lady Margaret is suppose to marry a husband her father's picks for her that is advantageous for the family. It is 1865. Read this novel to see how Lady Margaret finds her voice as she refuses to do what her father and society expect. The book is 549 pages. Worth reading every page.
Profile Image for Jeanne.
55 reviews17 followers
July 24, 2023
A thoroughly enjoyable story and I now have such admiration for Sarah Ferguson.
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202 reviews37 followers
August 22, 2022
Este livro foi escrito por Sarah Ferguson, casada com um dos filhos de Isabel II e duquesa de York, em colaboração com Marguerite Kaye, escritora com vários livros publicados.

Na capa do livro diz que esta é uma história baseada numa antepassada da duquesa, mas a verdade é que dela apenas herdou o nome. É um livro de ficção em que a protagonista foi inspirada na própria Sarah.

Margaret, a nossa heroina, é filha de um duque e é uma jovem impulsiva, com ideias muito próprias, que vai chocar a sociedade londrina quando se recusa a casar com o homem com o qual estava comprometida.

Este livro é passado no século XIX, altura em que os casamentos eram arranjados pelo bem da família, dos negócios e das aparências. Margaret com o seu espírito rebelde, aberto e lutador, vai contra todas as convenções e decide embarcar numa viagem de auto-descoberta e de procura do seu lugar no mundo.

Tem alguns aspectos bastante interessantes, mostra-nos como era a aristocracia britânica na altura, assim como também nos leva a visitar a parte pobre de Londres pelos olhos de uma jovem da nobreza. Faz ainda um paralelismo entre a sociedade londrina e a de nova York, esta menos conservadora.

Quando comecei este livro não tinha grandes espetativas, mas acabou por me agradar mais do que estava à espera.

É um romance de época misturado com histórico, em que o foco não é o romance, mas sim a emancipação de uma jovem e a sua luta pela própria independência.

Podia ser um pouco mais curto, é um livro bastante longo, que às vezes nos faz perder nas descrições.

Um aspecto que lhe deu um certo colorido foi a apresentação de cartas e artigos de jornal, que serviram para quebrar a monotonia da extensão de alguns capítulos.

No geral foi uma leitura agradável, com uma protagonista forte e rebelde. E é indicado para quem gosta de romances de época e quer também experimentar os históricos.
Profile Image for Sherri.
1,340 reviews
January 24, 2023
Weaving both fiction and non-fiction this tale is based upon the story of Sarah Ferguson's great-great aunt, 20- year old Lady Margaret rebels against her affluent family and position in Victorian society and her expectations as a young woman.

Her family rubs elbows with Queen Victoria and while her best friend is Princess Louise she is still ultimately a Princess and distances herself. All the expectations of marriage for convenience and doing what her father and society says. Leaving the house the night of her engagement announcement, she finds her voice as she then meets everyday people outside the drawing rooms and ball rooms of the elite and their out of touch reality.

Donegal, a family friend, sees her escape and rescues her from further harm. They start a friendship and correspondence. While she finds an ally in her mother there is little she can do because of her own station in life as a wife of nobility. This sets the course of events for her life.

She meets Father Sebastien and his sister Susannah who show her the value of seeing and helping people. While he is her first love, she can't marry him, but she also won't marry who her father sets out to arrange for her. She is "banished" to Ireland to fend for herself living with Julia, a distant relative of friends.

Julia's aunt travels with her to America after her father gives her an allowance to live on. She now becomes her own independent wealthy woman of the world. Here she adjusts to culture shock.

Along the way though Margaret is real and you see the relationships and independence she develops in her life. Narrations of news articles shows just how the rich had their lives laid out and played out in the media both by their control and not by their control.

Five years later she returns to Scotland by following her heart.

The narrator is great and runs 16+ hours.
Profile Image for Vera Neves (Sinfonia dos Livros).
707 reviews43 followers
July 7, 2022
Um dos melhores livros que li este ano. Não tive como não atribuir as cinco estrelas. Pela história, pelas personagens, pelo background que nos é oferecido e pela forma como a autora, neste seu livro de estreia, consegue agarrar-nos desde a primeira página, com uma escrita despretensiosa, simples e, em algumas passagens, amorosa e emocionante. Fiquei deveras surpreendida com os dotes literários de Sarah Ferguson, Duquesa de York e, digo-vos já que, hei-de ler todos os livros mais que ela vier a publicar.
Assim que o comecei a ler, percebi logo que este não ia ser como os romances de época a que estamos habituados a ler. Teve romance? Teve. Teve drama? Teve. Mas para além disso, teve significado. Todos sabemos bem como as coisas funcionavam para as mulheres naquele século em particular. Basicamente, as mulheres, quanto mais novas melhor, serviam para arranjar um bom e rentável casamento para a família toda e para procriar. Fora isso, eram submetidas às vontades, principalmente da figura paterna, sendo que as suas proprias vontades não tinham qualquer valor ou relevância. Se hoje em dia já nos queixamos de que queremos igualdade de direitos e afins, imaginem o que era ser-se mulher, o sexo fraco, naquela altura. Tenho de admitir que o passado descrito neste livro fascina-me e, por isso, gosto tanto de romances de época.(...)

Opinião Completa no Sinfonia dos Livros
258 reviews1 follower
September 20, 2021
To be fair, I only borrowed this book from my library as it was written by Sarah Ferguson and I was curious and intrigued. Being a Mills and Boons book (and only having read a handful when I was much younger), I was expecting torn bodices and heaving breasts and chaste kisses ... so I really had no expectations.

This book was okay - outside of my usual genre so I find it a bit difficult to judge by comparison and I'm unlikely to ever pick up something else she writes. It was fairly obvious what would happen and who the protaganist would eventually connect with but I figure that is a historical romance novel trope.

It was interesting reading about the societal expectations of women in the 1860s and the reader could draw comparisons between "society" in England and in America. But, it didn't stir me in a way that would have long lasting impact on me. Maybe it wasn't meant to and it was just written for entertainment - if that's the case, then it was a good book as it did its job.

It is not a challenging read and you can pick it up and put it down without losing any of the plot.
Displaying 1 - 30 of 514 reviews

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