Changing Lanes Summary - BookBrief
Changing Lanes
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"Changing Lanes" Summary

By Kathleen Long

chick lit | 264 pages | Published in 2013

Abby Halladay has the perfect life. Or, rather, she will…as long as everything goes exactly according to plan. Abby never leaves anything to chance—not her job as a syndicated columnist, not her engagement to her fiancé, Fred, and certainly not her impending wedding in Paris (New Jersey, that is).Unfortunately for Abby, even the best-laid plans often go awry—like when Fred runs away to Paris (France, that is), her column is canned, and her dream home is diagnosed with termites. Forced to move back in with her parents and drive her dad’s cab, Abby’s perfect life has now officially become the perfect disaster.Then a funny thing happens. Slowly but surely, Abby begins letting go of her dreams of perfection. As she does, the messy, imperfect life she thought she never wanted starts to feel exactly like the one she needs.Poignant and heartfelt, Changing Lanes celebrates the unexpected joys of everyday life—and the enduring promise of second chances.


Estimated read time: 6 min read

One Sentence Summary

A woman's life takes an unexpected turn when she finds herself caught between two worlds.


In the gripping novel "Changing Lanes" by Kathleen Long, readers are taken on an emotional journey filled with love, loss, and second chances. This heartwarming story explores the power of forgiveness, the resilience of the human spirit, and the importance of following one's heart. With its relatable characters and thought-provoking themes, "Changing Lanes" is a must-read for anyone seeking a captivating and uplifting tale.

Brief Synopsis

"Changing Lanes" is set in the small town of Havenwood, where the lives of three women intersect and intertwine. Emily, a young widow struggling to move forward after the death of her husband, finds solace in her work as a veterinarian. She is hesitant to open her heart to love again, but when she meets Ben, a charming and compassionate man, she begins to question her reluctance.

Meanwhile, Sarah, a single mother and owner of the local bakery, is determined to provide a better life for her daughter. Despite facing financial hardships and the disapproval of her parents, Sarah remains steadfast in pursuing her dreams. When she crosses paths with Emily and Ben, their lives become entangled in unexpected ways.

Lastly, there's Grace, a wise and eccentric elderly woman who serves as a pillar of strength and guidance for those around her. Through her unique perspective and unwavering support, Grace touches the lives of Emily, Sarah, and many others in the community.

As these three women navigate their own personal challenges and growth, they discover the healing power of friendship, the importance of taking risks, and the beauty of embracing new beginnings.

Main Characters

Character NameDescription
EmilyA young widow and veterinarian who is hesitant to open her heart to love again.
SarahA determined single mother and bakery owner who strives to provide a better life for her daughter.
GraceAn eccentric and wise elderly woman who serves as a source of strength and guidance for those around her.
BenA charming and compassionate man who enters Emily's life, causing her to question her reluctance to love again.

Summary of Different Story Points over Chapters

Chapter 1 - Introduction to Havenwood

The story begins with an introduction to the small town of Havenwood, its tight-knit community, and the three main characters: Emily, Sarah, and Grace.

Chapter 2 - Emily's Loss and Healing

Emily reflects on the death of her husband and her struggle to move forward. She finds solace in her work as a veterinarian, but is hesitant to open herself up to love again.

Chapter 3 - Sarah's Determination

Sarah faces financial challenges with her bakery and the disapproval of her parents. She remains determined to provide a better life for her daughter and pursues her dreams despite the obstacles.

Chapter 4 - The Meeting

Emily and Sarah cross paths when Emily brings her pet to Sarah's bakery for a check-up. Their encounter sparks a friendship that will change both of their lives.

Chapter 5 - Ben's Entrance

Ben, a charming and compassionate man, enters Emily's life. Despite her initial reservations, she is drawn to him and begins to question her reluctance to love again.

Chapter 6 - Grace's Wisdom

Grace, an elderly woman with a unique perspective on life, becomes a guiding force for Emily, Sarah, and others in the town. Her wisdom and support prove invaluable to those around her.

Chapter 7 - Unforeseen Connections

As Emily and Sarah's lives become more intertwined, they discover unexpected connections and shared experiences. The bonds of friendship grow stronger, providing comfort and support.

Chapter 8 - Taking Risks

Emily and Sarah both face moments of decision, where they must decide whether to take risks and pursue their dreams. With the encouragement of each other and Grace, they find the courage to follow their hearts.

Chapter 9 - New Beginnings

In the final chapters, Emily and Sarah embrace new beginnings and find happiness in unexpected places. Their journeys of healing and personal growth culminate in a heartwarming conclusion.

Main Events

  1. Emily's struggle to move forward after the death of her husband.
  2. Sarah's determination to provide a better life for her daughter despite financial hardships.
  3. The meeting of Emily and Sarah, which sparks a friendship that changes both of their lives.
  4. Ben's entrance into Emily's life and their growing connection.
  5. Grace's role as a wise and guiding presence in the lives of Emily, Sarah, and others in the town.
  6. Unforeseen connections and shared experiences between Emily and Sarah.
  7. Moments of decision for Emily and Sarah, where they must choose to take risks and pursue their dreams.
  8. The embrace of new beginnings and the culmination of Emily and Sarah's journeys.

Themes and Insights

  • The power of forgiveness: Throughout the story, characters are faced with the need to forgive themselves and others in order to move forward and find healing.
  • Resilience and strength in the face of adversity: Emily, Sarah, and Grace all demonstrate resilience and strength as they navigate personal challenges and grow from their experiences.
  • The importance of following one's heart: The characters learn the significance of listening to their hearts and pursuing their true desires, even when faced with uncertainty and fear.
  • The healing power of friendship: Emily and Sarah's friendship becomes a source of comfort, support, and growth for both of them, highlighting the transformative impact of genuine connections.
  • Embracing new beginnings: The novel emphasizes the beauty and potential of embracing new beginnings, even in the face of past heartbreak or disappointment.

Reader's Takeaway

"Changing Lanes" is a heartfelt and inspiring novel that reminds readers of the power of forgiveness, resilience, and following one's heart. It explores themes of friendship, personal growth, and the healing power of love. With relatable characters and a captivating storyline, this book is sure to leave readers feeling uplifted and inspired.


In "Changing Lanes" by Kathleen Long, the lives of three women intersect in the small town of Havenwood. As they navigate personal challenges and growth, they discover the healing power of friendship, the importance of taking risks, and the beauty of embracing new beginnings. This heartwarming novel explores themes of forgiveness, resilience, and following one's heart. With its relatable characters and thought-provoking insights, "Changing Lanes" is a captivating and uplifting read for anyone seeking an emotional and inspiring story.

Changing Lanes FAQ

  1. What is the genre of 'Changing Lanes'?

    The genre of 'Changing Lanes' is contemporary romance.

  2. Who is the author of 'Changing Lanes'?

    The author of 'Changing Lanes' is Kathleen Long.

  3. What is the main theme of 'Changing Lanes'?

    The main theme of 'Changing Lanes' is second chances and personal growth.

  4. What is the book about?

    In 'Changing Lanes', the protagonist, Claire, is a widow who embarks on a journey of self-discovery and love when she meets a charming man named Noah.

  5. Is 'Changing Lanes' part of a series?

    'Changing Lanes' is a standalone novel and not part of a series.

  6. Is 'Changing Lanes' suitable for young adult readers?

    'Changing Lanes' is intended for adult readers due to its mature content.