41 Facts about the movie Hope and Glory - Facts.net
Violetta Attaway

Written by Violetta Attaway

Modified & Updated: 28 May 2024

Sherman Smith

Reviewed by Sherman Smith

Source: Amazon.co.uk

Are you a fan of historical movies that transport you to a different era? If so, then you must be familiar with the renowned film, “Hope and Glory.” Released in 1987, this British comedy-drama directed by John Boorman takes us back to London during World War II. It is a heartwarming and nostalgic portrayal of a young boy’s experiences amidst the chaos and uncertainty of war.

In this article, we will delve into 41 intriguing facts about “Hope and Glory” that will not only enhance your appreciation for this cinematic gem but also give you a deeper understanding of the production process, the talented cast, and the critical acclaim it received. From behind-the-scenes anecdotes to fascinating trivia, get ready to embark on a journey to the past as we uncover the fascinating world of “Hope and Glory.

Key Takeaways:

  • “Hope and Glory” is a heartwarming movie set during World War II, showcasing the resilience and joy of a young boy amidst the chaos of wartime London. It’s a timeless story of hope and love that continues to inspire audiences worldwide.
  • The film beautifully captures the innocence of childhood and the strength of the human spirit during challenging times. With its blend of humor and drama, “Hope and Glory” offers a refreshing and poignant perspective on the impact of war on individuals and communities.
Table of Contents

Released in 1987

The movie “Hope and Glory” was released in It is a British comedy-drama film directed by John Boorman.

Nominated for Five Academy Awards

Hope and Glory” received five Academy Award nominations, including Best Picture, Best Director, and Best Original Screenplay.

Set during World War II

The film is set in London during World War II and provides a nostalgic and humorous look at the impact of war on a young boy’s life.

Based on the Director’s Childhood

John Boorman wrote and directed “Hope and Glory” based on his own experiences growing up during the Blitz in London.

The protagonist is William Rohan

The main character in the film is a young boy named William Rohan, who navigates the challenges and adventures of war-torn England.

The film features an ensemble cast

“Hope and Glory” boasts a talented ensemble cast, including Sarah Miles, David Hayman, and Sebastian Rice-Edwards.

A coming-of-age story

The movie beautifully captures the coming-of-age journey of young William as he experiences the wonders and hardships of wartime London.

Critical acclaim and success

“Hope and Glory” was a critical and commercial success, praised for its heartfelt storytelling and evocative portrayal of wartime England.

Winner of the prestigious Golden Globe Award

The film received the Golden Globe Award for Best Foreign Language Film, solidifying its international recognition and impact.

The music score included classic songs

The nostalgic music score of “Hope and Glory” features iconic songs from the 1940s that perfectly complement the setting and atmosphere of the film.

Quirky and memorable characters

The movie showcases a memorable mix of eccentric and endearing characters, each bringing their own unique flavor to the story.

A blend of humor and drama

“Hope and Glory” successfully blends humor with the serious themes of war, creating a poignant and entertaining cinematic experience.

An exploration of resilience and hope

The film delves into the resilience and hope that flourishes even in the darkest of times, highlighting the indomitable spirit of the human heart.

A heartfelt ode to childhood innocence

“Hope and Glory” captures the magic and innocence of childhood, as William embarks on adventures amidst the chaos of war.

Evokes a sense of nostalgia

The film skillfully transports viewers back in time, evoking a sense of nostalgia for a bygone era.

The movie’s title reflects its themes

The title “Hope and Glory” symbolizes the enduring hope and the strength of the human spirit during challenging times.

Touches on universal themes

“Hope and Glory” explores universal themes of family, love, loss, and the resilience of the human spirit, resonating with audiences worldwide.

A balance of light-heartedness and seriousness

The film strikes a delicate balance between lighthearted moments and heartfelt emotion, captivating audiences with its nuanced storytelling.

A visually stunning portrayal

The cinematography of “Hope and Glory” beautifully captures the wartime landscape and provides a visual feast for the viewers.

Inspired by real events

The film draws inspiration from real-life events and experiences, making it relatable and authentic.

A glimpse into wartime rationing

“Hope and Glory” offers an insight into the realities of wartime rationing and the resourcefulness of people during challenging times.

A celebration of community spirit

The film celebrates the strength and camaraderie of communities coming together amidst the trials of war.

A tribute to the resilience of children

“Hope and Glory” pays tribute to the courage and resilience displayed by children in times of adversity, reminding us of their remarkable ability to find joy even in the darkest moments.

Quotable lines and memorable dialogue

The film is filled with memorable lines and dialogue that have become beloved amongst fans.

A timeless story

“Hope and Glory” is a timeless story that continues to resonate with viewers of all ages, reminding us of the enduring power of hope and love.

A thought-provoking exploration of war

The film prompts reflection on the impact of war on both individuals and society, offering a nuanced and thought-provoking perspective.

A visually engaging period piece

The attention to detail and production design in “Hope and Glory” transport viewers back to wartime England, immersing them in the era.

A testament to the power of storytelling

“Hope and Glory” reminds us of the profound impact that storytelling can have in capturing the essence of human experiences.

A beloved classic

Over the years, “Hope and Glory” has garnered a dedicated fan following and has cemented its status as a beloved cinematic classic.

A showcase of exceptional performances

The cast delivers exceptional performances, bringing depth and authenticity to their roles.

Explores the innocence of youth

“Hope and Glory” explores the loss of innocence that often accompanies wartime experiences, revealing the resilience and maturity that can emerge from such adversity.

Emotionally resonant soundtrack

The film’s soundtrack expertly captures the emotional core of the story and adds an additional layer of depth to the viewing experience.

A refreshing perspective on war

“Hope and Glory” offers a refreshing perspective on war, focusing on the human experience rather than the politics or battles.

A masterful blend of genres

The film seamlessly blends elements of comedy, drama, and coming-of-age, resulting in a multi-dimensional and engaging narrative.

Strong themes of family and resilience

The movie emphasizes the importance of family bonds and the resilience that can be found within them, even in the face of tremendous adversity.

A testament to the human spirit

“Hope and Glory” serves as a powerful testament to the indomitable nature of the human spirit and its ability to find light even in the darkest of times.

A celebration of the human capacity for joy

The film captures the ability of the human spirit to find joy, laughter, and love, even in the midst of chaos and uncertainty.

It tackles themes of growing up

“Hope and Glory” presents a relatable and authentic portrayal of the challenges and triumphs that come with growing up during extraordinary times.

A tribute to the strength of women

The film recognizes and celebrates the strength and resilience of women during wartime, showcasing their vital contributions and unwavering spirit.

Continues to inspire future filmmakers

“Hope and Glory” has left an enduring impact on filmmakers, who draw inspiration from its storytelling prowess and its ability to touch the hearts of audiences.

An unforgettable cinematic experience

Watching “Hope and Glory” is an unforgettable cinematic experience that transports viewers to a bygone era and leaves them with a profound appreciation for the power of hope, love, and resilience.


Hope and Glory is a captivating movie that takes viewers on a nostalgic journey through World War II as seen through the eyes of a young boy. With its compelling storyline, brilliant performances, and authentic depiction of the era, this film has won the hearts of audiences and critics alike.

Through its 41 fascinating facts, we have uncovered lesser-known details about the making of Hope and Glory, the inspirations behind the characters, and the challenges faced during production. From its success at the box office to its internationally acclaimed director, this movie has left a lasting impact on the world of cinema.

If you haven’t watched Hope and Glory yet, we highly recommend immersing yourself in this remarkable film. Its blend of humor, drama, and heartfelt moments creates a truly unforgettable cinematic experience. So grab some popcorn and get ready to be transported to 1940s England.


Q: Who directed the movie Hope and Glory?

A: Hope and Glory was directed by John Boorman, a celebrated British filmmaker known for his unique storytelling style.

Q: What is the genre of Hope and Glory?

A: Hope and Glory can be classified as a coming-of-age drama-comedy, as it beautifully captures the experiences of a young boy during World War II.

Q: When was Hope and Glory released?

A: The movie was released in 1987, garnering critical acclaim and multiple award nominations.

Q: Is Hope and Glory based on a true story?

A: While the film is not based on a specific true story, it incorporates events and experiences from the director’s own childhood during the war.

Q: What is the significance of the title “Hope and Glory”?

A: The title “Hope and Glory” refers to a line from the British patriotic song “Land of Hope and Glory,” symbolizing the spirit and resilience of the British people during times of adversity.

Q: How well did Hope and Glory perform at the box office?

A: Despite being a smaller independent film, Hope and Glory achieved commercial success and gained a widespread international audience.

Q: Are there any notable awards or nominations for the movie?

A: Yes, Hope and Glory received several prestigious accolades, including five Academy Award nominations and three BAFTA Award wins.

Q: Can the movie be enjoyed by all age groups?

A: While the film deals with mature themes, it offers a poignant and accessible perspective on war through the eyes of a child, making it suitable for a wide range of audiences.

Q: Where can I watch Hope and Glory?

A: Hope and Glory is available on various streaming platforms and can also be purchased or rented on DVD.

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