澤倫斯基訪美國會演講全文曝光!全場18次掌聲 烏克蘭還活著!永不投降 | 國際 | 三立新聞網 SETN.COM
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澤倫斯基訪美國會演講全文曝光!全場18次掌聲 烏克蘭還活著!永不投降


澤倫斯基在美國國會上,將一面寫滿烏克蘭士兵名字的烏克蘭國旗,交給裴洛西和賀錦麗。(圖/翻攝自Zelenskiy_official IG)

▲澤倫斯基在美國國會上,將一面寫滿烏克蘭士兵名字的烏克蘭國旗,交給裴洛西和賀錦麗。(圖/翻攝自Zelenskiy_official IG)

烏克蘭總統澤倫斯基(Volodymyr Zelensky)在台灣時間21日赴美與美國總統拜登(Joe Biden)會面,並在台灣時間22日上午,於美國國會,以全英文發表演說。過程中,美國參、眾2會議員光在澤倫斯基進場時,便鼓掌超過3分鐘,演講過程中,2院議員也起立鼓掌約18次,給予澤倫斯基無比榮耀。


















澤倫斯基在美國國會的演講,贏得參、眾兩院議員熱烈掌聲。(圖/翻攝自Zelenskiy_official IG)

▲澤倫斯基在美國國會的演講,贏得參、眾兩院議員熱烈掌聲。(圖/翻攝自Zelenskiy_official IG)

Dear Americans! 

In all states, cities and communities. All who value freedom and justice. Appreciates the same as Ukrainians - in all our cities, in every family. May my words of respect and gratitude be heard by every American heart today! 

Madam Vice President, I thank you for your efforts in helping Ukraine!Madam Speaker, you bravely visited Ukraine during a full-scale war! Thank you!It is a great honor and privilege to be here!

Dear members of Congress - from both parties - who were also in Kyiv! Dear members of Congress and senators - from both parties - who will still visit Ukraine, I am sure of it, in the future! Dear representatives of our diaspora who are present here and are present throughout the country! Dear journalists!

It is an honor to be in the Congress of the United States of America and to address you and all Americans.

Despite all obstacles and gloomy scenarios, Ukraine did not fall. Ukraine is alive and fighting.

And this gives me good reason to share with you our first joint victory - we defeated Russia in the battle for the world's opinion. We have no fear. And no one in the world should have it.

The Ukrainians won, and this gives us the courage that the world admires. The Americans won, and therefore you managed to unite the global community in defense of freedom and international law. The Europeans have won - that is why Europe is now stronger and more independent than at any time in its history... Russian tyranny has lost its grip on us and will never again influence our thoughts.

But we must do everything to ensure that the countries of the Global South also achieve such a victory. 

I know, the Russians can also have a chance for freedom only when they defeat the Kremlin in their thoughts.But the battle is still going on. And we must defeat the Kremlin on the battlefield.

This is a battle not only for land, for one or another part of Europe. This is a battle not only for the life, freedom and safety of Ukrainians or any other people that Russia seeks to conquer. This is a battle for what kind of world our children and grandchildren and their children and grandchildren will live in. It will determine whether it will be a democracy - for Ukrainians and for Americans, for everyone.

This battle cannot be frozen or postponed. It cannot be ignored, hoping that the ocean or something else will protect itself. From the United States to China, from Europe to Latin America, from Africa to Australia, the world is too interconnected, too interdependent, for any one person to remain aloof and at the same time safe when such a battle rages on. Our two nations are allies in this battle.

And next year is a crucial time in it. The time when Ukrainian courage and American determination must guarantee the future of our freedom with you. Freedoms of people who stand for their values.

Ladies and Gentlemen!Americans!

Yesterday, before going here to Washington, I was on the front line, in our Bakhmut. In our fortress in the east of Ukraine, in the Donbas, which Russian military and mercenaries have been storming continuously since May. Attacks every day and every night. But Bakhmut stands.

Even last year, 70,000 people lived there. Now there are only a few civilians left there. There is no place that is not covered with blood. There is not an hour when the terrible roar of artillery does not sound. There, one trench can change hands several times a day after bloody battles, sometimes hand-to-hand. But the Ukrainian Donbas stands.

The Russian army is using everything it can against Bakhmut and our other beautiful cities. The advantage of the occupiers in artillery is very noticeable. They have many times more shells than we have. They use many times more missiles and aircraft than we have ever had. But our defense forces are standing. And we are all proud of them.

Russian tactics are primitive. They burn everything in front of them. They drove thugs to the front. They are sending "convicts" to war... They threw everything against us just as another tyranny once threw everything against the free world in the Battle of the Promontory. Just as brave American soldiers resisted and fought back against Hitler's forces against all odds during Christmas 1944, brave Ukrainian soldiers are doing the same to Putin's forces this Christmas. Ukraine stands and will never surrender!

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