Top 10 Christmas Movies to Watch on Netflix | It's a Lovely Life!

Top 10 Christmas Movies to Watch on Netflix

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Top 10 Christmas Movies on Netflix

I am just in love with the Christmas Season! It just makes me so happy. Everything from the twinkling lights, to the sounds and smells of the season, to the holiday movie specials…It all just makes the season magical. I love curling up on the couch with my family, some hot chocolate, and turning on a good Christmas movie for us all to enjoy. Whether it is a new or classic Christmas movie, I love them all! Here are my top ten Christmas movies on Netflix to watch this season.

1. White Christmas

Top 10 Christmas Movies on Netflix


This classic Christmas movie will charm you with both song and dance as a romance between a successful dance due blossoms with a sister act of an old army friend. The whole family will enjoy this classic musical.

2. Mickey’s Once Upon A Christmas

Top 10 Christmas Movies on Netflix

You know my love affair with this mouse. Mickey, Donald and Goofy star in this movie as they each tell a story of Christmas and the lessons they learned. This movie brings magic to Christmas in the way only Disney can.

3. The Nightmare Before Christmas

Top 10 Christmas Movies on Netflix

Tim Burton’s dark fantasy, stop motion musical is award winning and captivating. Jack Skellington has grown tired of Halloween Towns year after year celebration. After wandering the forest he find a portal to Christmas Town which eventually leads him to usurp the role of Santa. 

4. Christmas with the Kranks

Top 10 Christmas Movies on Netflix

If you are ready for a Christmas comedy then press play on this Christmas movie. The Kranks decide to skip Christmas since their daughter is not home. But when she decides to come home last minute it causes an uproar.

5. Love Actually

Top 10 Christmas Movies on Netflix

This romantic comedy follows ten separate stories showing the different aspects of love from this wide variety of individuals. Watch as their stories unfold and intertwine beginning a month before Christmas and counting down to Christmas Day.

6. Ernest Saves Christmas

Top 10 Christmas Movies on Netflix

Ernest P. Worrell comes to this Holiday movie in true form as a taxi driver who gives Santa a ride for free. Ernest, with the help of a runaway (Harmony), helps find Santa, his magical sack, and convince Joe to be the new Santa. This comedy is perfect for the family. 

7. A Christmas Kiss

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This holiday romance begins with a impulsive kiss in the elevator after a chance meeting. An upcoming young designer and a wealthy socialite get to know one another as she decorates his home for an upcoming Christmas charity fundraiser. He must choose in the end between his calloused girlfriend and the intriguing interior designer and decide who truly holds his heart.

8. A Christmas Carol

Top 10 Christmas Movies on Netflix

A 1938 film telling the beloved story of Ebenezer Scrooge and the three spirits of Christmas. The old miser, Scrooge, learns the meaning of Christmas as the spirit of Christmas Past, the spirit of Christmas Present, and the spirit of Christmas Future visit him in one night. His experience reveals his cold heart and his path is changed from this encounter.

9. I’ll Be Home For Christmas

Top 10 Christmas Movies on Netflix
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Follow 18 year old, Jake Wilkinson, as he attmepts to make it home in time for Christmas Dinner on Christmas Eve. Jake hasn’t been home for Christmas in a few years after his mother’s death. But when his father offers his Porsche if he comes home for Christmas Eve it creates a series of hilarious and misfortunate events which eventually lead Jake home for Christmas.

10. 12 Dates of Christmas

Top 10 Christmas Movies on Netflix

After a blind date on Christmas Eve, Kate finds herself reliving Christmas Eve over and over again. She must discover how to break the cycle and find true love.

What is your favorite Christmas Movie?


Heather Reese
the authorHeather Reese
Heather Delaney Reese is the storyteller and photographer behind the lifestyle and family travel blog, It's a Lovely Life®! For the past decade, she has vacationed over 150 days a year with her family. She is a vegan, and loves being by the water, spending time with her children, husband, 2 Shih Tzus and Cat.


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