Season 1 of The Real Housewives of Beverly Hills featured an episode dubbed "The Dinner Party from Hell." In the episode, a dinner party was indeed a scene out of hell, as Camille Meyer’s (neé Grammer) dinner ended with a drunk psychic, arguments with others, and an early exit. Accusations were made, names were called, and tears were shed. As the first season, it was the start of so much to come.

RELATED: Why The Dinner Party From Hell Is One Of The Most Iconic Episodes Of All Time

Fast forward to the current season 11 when another dinner party occurred at Kathy Hilton’s home -- now called "The Dinner Party from Hell: Part 2." With Erika’s legal troubles in the center ring, it all came to a boil at the lavish dinner, making it even more hellish than the first season’s.

When Sutton Carefully Planned Her Attack

Sutton and Kyle talking outside in season 11 of RHOBH

At the start of the episode, Kathy Hilton told cameras that she was having a lavish dinner party for the Housewives. There would be multiple courses, homemade vodka, butlers — the works. One of the things fans were excited about most about having the Richards sisters on as castmates was to see Kathy Hilton's extravagant life at home. And with Sutton and Erika in an ongoing feud over Erika’s legal troubles and apparent lies, Sutton wanted to use this dinner as an ice breaker between the two of them.

In a scene before dinner, Kyle went over to Sutton’s new home, where she told Kyle her plans to lay her feelings out on the table for Erika at Kathy's. Because of this conversation, viewers knew that Kathy’s fancy affair was about to be tainted by an unpleasant situation.

When Sides Were Chosen

Crystal and Erika eat Chinese food at home on RHOBH

Kyle and Sutton’s pre-dinner conversation wasn’t the only side conversation going on. In another home across town, new Housewife Crystal Kung-Minkoff invited Erika, Kathy, and Garcelle over for a light dinner. The conversation of Sutton and Erika’s fight was brought up, which led Crystal and Kathy to defend Erika. All three women noted that Sutton wasn’t as important in the social scene as she thought she was. Oddly enough, Sutton’s closest friend in the group, Garcelle, was sitting there speechless because that was her friend they were talking about.

RELATED: 10 Things To Know About Crystal Kung-Minkoff

In a confessional, Garcelle said that she didn’t know why the women even invited her if they were going to talk about Sutton the entire time. In this moment, it became clear to fans that sides were chosen. It was Garcelle and Sutton versus Erika and everyone else that was too afraid to say anything.

Erika's First Dismissal

A split image of Erika and Sutton bickering at dinner in season 11 of RHOBH

On the night of the dinner, the Housewives slowly trickled into Kathy’s mansion. As they were ready to be seated, Sutton had a quick moment alone with Erika and Kyle, where Sutton asked if she could clear the air. The look on Erika's face said it all, and this soon became one of Erika Girardi's most important episodes.

Erika dismissed Sutton’s request to talk and told her that she already knew what Sutton had to say and she wasn’t interested in hearing it -- she wanted to enjoy the dinner. Sutton didn’t expect Erika to shut her down so quickly and was bothered that she wasn’t able to voice her opinions. Little did she know, she’d have the opportunity later on …

When Dorit Tried To Go Round Two With Garcelle

A split image of Dorit and Garcelle bickering at the table on RHOBH

After Erika dismissed Sutton when they sat down, the women all tasted Kathy Hilton’s first course and tried to enjoy the night. But when Dorit tried to bring up old drama with Garcelle, it had no place at the table and seemed out of place. Garcelle was thrown off by Dorit's sudden urge to battle. It was an odd time to bring something up that they already resolved.

RELATED: Dorit's Most Shocking Decisions On The Real Housewives of Beverly Hills

Luckily for Garcelle, Kathy stepped in and stopped Dorit from going any further. As it's been said throughout the season, Dorit has been mocked for talking too much, so for Kathy to step in and mute her was big. It was not Dorit's best decision. This was an elegant dinner party and Kathy didn’t want it ruined by drama.

Dorit and Crystal sit next to each other at dinner and stare at Erika on RHOBH

Dorit didn’t end the dramatic conversations with Garcelle, however. She started an entirely new argument with Erika about her legal issues. Dorit reiterated what Sutton had been saying all season and noted that as Erika’s close friends, they could all be implicated by her legal woes. In short, business opportunities could be lost because they’re associated with someone involved in a fraudulent lawsuit. Fans supported Dorit sticking up for Sutton while everyone else was silent.

Dorit’s words bothered Erika immensely, and the floodgates had now opened. Erika didn’t understand how her legal troubles affected the other women and essentially told them to check themselves before continuing the conversation in Kathy’s home.

When Garcelle Tried To Console Erika, But It Was Met With A Snap

A split image of Erika crying at the dinner table and Garcelle apologizing on Real Housewives of Beverly Hills

Most of the Housewives had something to say about Erika’s lawsuits and elaborate stories revolving around the case, which made Erika feel like she was being ganged up on. Erika cried and asked her so-called friends why they were torturing her. It was hard not to sympathize with Erika when she was crying, but there are a lot of mysteries surrounding her ordeal.

When Garcelle saw that Erika was crying, it pained her and she tried to console her. As she attempted to wipe away Erika’s tears, Erika snapped away from her. The look on Erika’s face pained Garcelle and made her feel like she was stuck in the middle of being Erika’s friend and wanting to know the truth.

When Kyle & Rinna Threw Sutton Under The Bus

A split image of Erika and Sutton bickering against Kyle at the dinner table in season 11 of RHOBH

As Erika’s alleged lies about her involvement in the lawsuit continued on, Sutton remained tight-lipped during the dinner, seeing as Erika was so emotional being accused of being a liar. However, in a shocking decision, Lisa and Kyle threw Sutton under the bus when they said that Sutton was the one who called Erika a liar, a word Erika hated.

Sutton was shocked that Kyle and Lisa did that to her but had no choice but to tell Erika everything that had been thinking. This conversation only made the evening more heated. 

“Or What?! Or What!?”

Erika looking pained at dinner on RHOBH

Right before the second part of the episode was released, Erika used her intimidating presence against Sutton. And in a shocking turn of events, Erika said some things that proved Sutton’s fears of a possible lawsuit. Erika said, “Do you want to get sued?” which is what Sutton feared all along. Kyle chimed in and warned Erika that that threat was exactly what they were worried about happening in the first place.

From the start, the Housewives didn’t want to be associated with Erika’s legal mess because they didn’t want a lawsuit on their hands and they didn't want to lose business, and here Erika was threatening one.

When Kyle Got In The Middle

Kyle Richards pointing at Erika at dinner on RHOBH.

After Erika threatened Sutton with a lawsuit, fans sympathized with Kyle as she stood up for Sutton and told Erika to back down. None of the women were against Erika per se, they just wanted more information on Erika’s involvement in the legal battle so they had all the facts.

But after Erika heard Kyle defend Sutton, she quickly snapped on Kyle and felt like she had no true friends at the table. Erika then felt like Kyle also called her a liar and became emotional over no one believing her. At this point in the episode, the dinner was ruined, Kathy’s butlers stopped serving the table, and everyone needed a breather.

When Sutton Left In Tears And Kathy Was Appalled

Kyle and Garcelle chase Sutton outside of Kathy's house on RHOBH

After Erika cooled off, Sutton had enough. She didn’t want to be at an elegant dinner party where she was being threatened and verbally attacked by the woman next to her. As the host, Kathy was embarrassed. Garcelle and Kyle chased Sutton and tried to bring her back in, but it was to no avail.

Once Sutton left, Erika cooled off and the Housewives sat quietly around the dinner table. It was one of the tensest and aggressive dinner scenes in any Housewives franchise ever.

NEXT: 10 RHOBH Scenes Viewers Love To Rewatch Over And Over