Battlefield: Bad Company 2 Vietnam - Guide and Walkthrough - PC - By rata1 - GameFAQs
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Guide and Walkthrough (PC) by rata1

Version: 1.100 | Updated: 08/19/2011

--__--__--__--__--__--__--__--__--__Battlefield Bad_-__--__--__--__--__--__--__
__--__--__--__--__--__--__--__--__--__Company 2 --__--__--__--__--__--__--__-_-
\---------------------------- -----By Alek Kettenburg------------------------ /
 \--------------------------------Start Date:4/02/11-------------------------/
  \-------------------------------end Date:06/05/11------------------------ /
   \------------------------------Type: General Walkthrough----------------/
    \-----------------------------Version 1.00--------------------------- /
     \----------------------------As of 00/00/00------------------------ /
      \---------------------------------------------------------------- /
       \-------------------------------------------------------------- /


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--------------------------------Table Of Contents------------------------------

Table of Contents-------------------------------------Your looking at it genius



Tips and Advice----------------------------------------------------------[TAA2]


OPERATION AURORA---------------------------------------------------------[OAA4]

COLD WAR-----------------------------------------------------------------[CWR5]

HEART OF DARKNESS--------------------------------------------------------[HOD6]


CRACK THE SKY------------------------------------------------------------[CTS8]


HEAVY METAL--------------------------------------------------------------[HV10]

HIGH VALUE TARGET--------------------------------------------------------[HV11]

SANGRE DEL TORO----------------------------------------------------------[ST12]

NO ONE GETS LEFT BEHIND--------------------------------------------------[NB13]

ZERO DARK THIRTY---------------------------------------------------------[ZT14]

FORCE MULTIPLIER---------------------------------------------------------[FC15]


My Other Guides----------------------------------------------------------[MOG1]


/                                                                             \
--------------------------------Introduction [ITO1]----------------------------

Hello and welcome to my fifteenth guide. I Will try to tell you how to get
threw each level and some of the m-com stations in all of the levels. I
hope you enjoy the guide and thanks for reading. One last thing before I get
onto the guide. If you find any errors or somthing I missed please E-mail me at
/                                                                             \
--------------------------------Controls [CON2]--------------------------------

W: walk forward

S:walk backwards

A: walk left

D: walk right

LMB: fire your gun

RMB: aim down sights/scope

MMB: knife

R: reload

F: throw grenade

SPACE: jump

LSHIFT: sprint

LCTRL: crouch

1: switch weapon

2: switch weapon

/                                                                             \
--------------------------------Tips and Advice [TAA2]-------------------------

---Hit the deck---
Whenever your screen gets super bloody and red quickly either find cover or
prone. Then you just have to wait about 20 seconds as your super mutant healing
powers take affect and heal your gun shot wounds.

---Vehicles=RPG magnet---
Vehicles, though great for transportation, are screaming metal deathtraps that
attract large amounts of grenades and rockets. So if you are in a vehicle and
there are enemies near by, either slam the gas petal and drive away or get
out and fight them on foot.

---Be aware---

Just because your behind a wall, it doesn't mean your safe. Almost all of the
building in the game can be destroyed and most soldiers carry either RPGS or
grenades that will turn in any house your in into swiss cheese.

---Always be aware---
Don't let your guard down just because your in a house. Like previously stated
a hole can be blown into a wall at any time. So be aware and don't let your
guard down.

---You have a gun for a reason---
Throughout the game you will want to keep most battles at long range. Since
most of your guns have very poor hipfire or run out of ammo quickly fighting
multiple people at close range is very dangerous and will mostly end up with
you dyeing.

---Machinge guns are your friends---
When it comes down to choosing a weapon, Machine guns are always the best
choice. They have extremely large magazines so you don't have to reload
very often, they kill quickly, and they have about the same recoil as most
other assault rifles in the game (Most of them anyways).

---Pistols are not your friend---
Seriously who would really want to bring a small pistol over a M60?
/                                                                             \
--------------------------------Walkthrough [WKH3]-----------------------------

Before the guide starts there are a few more things I would like to say.

1. This guide is ment to help you threw NORMAL difficulty.

2. I'm not going to list the exact location of every enemy in the game, so you
will have to stay alert.

3. Assume if there is a enemy you should shoot him, unless its a
stealth mission.

4. I won't tell you to "go forward and then turn right" if its a linear path
instead I will just say "continue down the path".
/                                                                             \
--------------------------------OPERATION AURORA [OAA4]------------------------
M-com stations: 0
Collectibles: 0

---Note: like the first mission of any other game this will be a sort of
training mission where you will encounter very little resistance---

At the beginning of the mission you can't do anything, so all you need to do
is watch the events unfold. Once you reach the shores watch the short
cutscene and then move up. Crouch to get threw the fallen tree and then knife
the guy on the left pressing the mouse wheel. From there move across the bridge
and your ally will hand you a gun.

Follow your guys to the trenches. Once your team splits up head into the
trenches. After about 20 feet a guy will come running at your ally but your
guy will take em out. After another 10 feet you will come across the first
artillery piece. There are about 4 soldiers in the trench and 1 more outside.
Mow them down while trying to stay low.

Mow along the trench and you will come by the second artillery piece. Mow them
down and then move on. You will come onto a several soldiers around a table,
but your allies will mow them all down for you. Collect there ammo and then
move out of the trenches and up the cliff side. Move forward a bit more
into the fields for a short scene.

Once the enemy convoy has been eliminated move up and eliminate any survivors.
Follow your guys up the hills past the crashed plane and threw the jungle.
After you pass a wooden bridge a cutscene will be triggered. After the cutscene
move up with your guys to the airfield. Use the rocks for cover and snipe the
first 2 soldiers. After there dead a couple more guys will show up, so kill
them to. Move up threw the airfield and round the corner and a couple more guys
will be alerted to your presence. Use the blown building for cover and stay
away from the red barrels. Your allies will take out most of them, so
afterwards get into the cars.

Now its time for a nice drive around the island. For this part you will be
manning the 30 caliber gun on the back of the car. So basically all you need to
do is shoot anything that moves. When the car stops get out and head towards
the metal walkway. Go around the corner and shoot the soldier hiding behind the
sand bags. Move up to where you shot the soldier and mow down 2 more soldiers
as they come around the corner.

Move around the corner and kill one more soldiers that comes out of the right
side. Breach the door open with some charges that your men will give you. Move
threw the door and then down the stairs. At the bottom, move to the right and
then turn left across the bridge. Kill the 2 soldiers that come threw the door
on the right and then go threw the door. Kill the 2 soldiers across the way
and then turn left and shoot the 2 guys on the catwalk above.

Move down the walkway and then turn right on the bridge. Kill the 3 soldiers
and then run down to the right. Go into the first door on the left and then
make a mad dash to the submarine to end the mission.

/                                                                             \
--------------------------------COLD WAR [CWR5]--------------------------------
M-com stations: 0
Collectibles: 0
If you are having trouble then check out this link:

Move up the path with your squad. After you reach An opening onto another
path your weapons will be disabled for a few seconds. Once Sarge gives the
order you will be able to shoot the patrol below. Afterwards, jump down and
follow your guys out onto the frozen lake for another cutscene.

Head up the stairs with your squad. Rather then going out onto the street turn
right and go down the path to the rught of the building. Enter the house
you pass and switch to your grenade launcher. Go to the window and blast the
enemy car. Switch back to your gun and start picking off the patrol from the

Once that patral has been defeated continue to head down the right side of the
street moving from building to building. Watch for RPG soldiers in the
building and toss a grenade into the bus to finish of the soldiers inside.
Move up the stairs to the right of the bus to enter the w story building.

At this point some enemy choppers will roll in to drop in enemy reinforcements.
Try your best to hit the soldiers as they are still on the ropes. Once your
cover gets destroyed move to another window and continue to shoot. In all
there are about 15 soldiers and they will throw grenades at you if you stay in
place for to long so watch for the orange grenade indicators.

After the infantry has been eliminated head up the path a little more and then
run back as soon as you see a tank coming head back to the building your
teammates are in and hide in corner. You can't do anything to the tank right
now so Wait 1 minute and then designate the tank with your binoculars to
destory it.

Move up the path past the blown tank and take cover behind the concrete
barricades. There is a machine gunner in the large building but a airstrike
will automatically take it out for you. Move past the building and a couple
of soldiers on quads will come at you. Throw a grenade at there feet to take
them all out once they stop. You can take the quad if you want ,but I don't
recommend it. Turn the corner past the quad another group of soldiers will
come out of hiding. Try to stay in buildings for. Keep moving down the street
and use your grenade launcher to take out the machine gunners. Get into the
truck at the end.

During the drive you will be pursued by quads, trucks ,and helicopters.
Make sure to shoot in bursts so that you won't have to reload to much. Aim
for the drivers of quads and use the grenade launchers on the trucks and target
the gunner. Near the end of the ride fire use the grenade lacuncher to kill
the Helicopter.

Watch the Cutscene to end the mission. Welcome to the Special Activities

If you are having trouble then check out this link:
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---------------------------HEART OF DARKNESS [HOD6]----------------------------
M-com Stations: 2
Collectibles:1 Spas-12 Shotgun
If you are having trouble then try this link:
Try this link if you can't find the mcoms:

At the start of the mission follow your men threw the jungle path and then
enter the village at the end. Move into the building at the end of the village
on the left side. Doing so will trigger a cutscene followed by a attack.

Your top priority is the soldiers with the RPGs. Stay in the windows of the
building and pick off the soldiers as they come down the path. Once they ahve
been dealt with a boat will spawn on the river for you ro destory. Leave
the building and head up the hill to where the soldiers with the RPGs where
shooting you from.

Before heading up the hill to get the RPG there is a fishing shack directly
infront of the building the cutscene took place in.

Grab the RPG at the top off the hill and watch the boat. Wait for the boat to
slow and then blast it. If the boats doesn't stop then you will have to lead
your shot by about 10 feet. Also, if you wun out of rockets you will have
to shoot it with your gun. After you have taken care of it, get onto the boat
at the dock with your teammates.

Follow the river and don't worry about the soldiers as they won't shoot at you.
About three quarters of the way to the objective the baot will get stuck
on land and you will be forced to advance on foot. Soon afterwards a wave
of soldiers will come at you from further down the river. Use the logs as
cover and pick them off. They like to hide in the bushes to watch out.
Aroud the bend in the river there will be a rope bridge with 2 more soldiers
on it.

---M-com Station 1---
Turn left where you first encountered the soldiers on the river and keep going
untill you find a shack. The station willbe in the shack.

Take them out first and then the rest of them on the river. From the
rope bridge turn left and move threw the village and then up the stairs.

---M-com station 2---
From the top of the stairs there is a station on the left side right when you
come from the stairs.

Restock your ammo from the supply crate and then head back down the stairs. A
few soldiers will spawn in the buildings but it shouldn't be to much for you to
handle. Make your way to the dock and get into the boat. In this boat you can
control the forward grenade launcher. Move down the river a bit and yet again,
your path will be blocked. Don't get out just yet. Start barraging the
camp ahead with your grenade launcher and try to cause as much damage as
possible. You won't be able to get all of them. Get out once you feel you did
enough damage. Get onto the beach and follow the path down to the right. Go
past the crashed truck and down to the fenced off area with all of the logs.

About 10 enemy soldiers will be coming down the road to the left and about
5 more will be coming down the hill to the right of the fenced off area. Stay
crouched and use the logs as cover. Don't move to much and watch your corners
for soldiers hiding behind logs.

Further down the road there is a wall of sandbags with machine gunners behind
it. Use a grenade launcher to take them out and then proceed to the next
camp down the road. Use the sandbags as cover and pick off the soldiers in
the building across the way.

Move up the right side and enter the building. There will mot likely be 3-4
soldiers in the buildings so be careful. Exit threw the back of the building
and take out a couple more guys entering the buildings. Head up the path to
the objective to end the mission.

If you are havingtrouble then try this link:
/                                                                             \
--------------------------------Upriver [UPR7]---------------------------------
M-com Stations: 2
Collectibles: None
If you are having trouble then try this link:
Try this link if you can't find the mcoms:

Head down the path and knife the guard in the tower. You will be given a sniper
rifle and now its your job to take out the sentries below. Wait for Sarge to
tell you when and only shoot when you hear lighting. Start with the guard on
the far left dock. Next are the 2 guards on the far right dock. Next on the
list is a guard by the docks on the right side near some steps. Our Last
taegets are 2 guard to the left of your teammates below. Wait for them to stop
and start talking and then take the shot. They should both die with only one

Now head down the path to the left and exchange your sniper rifle for another
gun. Regroup with your teammates across the water. Head down the path with
your teammates for a short scene about traps. Afterwards move down the path
but be careful. There are traps every 15 meters. Look at your feet while
walking and press E to disarm the traps. At the the end of the path you will
reach a camp.

Restock your ammo and then eliminate the soldiers at the far end of the camp.
From there follow your team down the ridge above the river. At the end of the
ridge there will be a short cutscene. Before jumping down into the river you
need to take out the 2 machine gunners in the towers. Afterwards jump down on
the bridge and then into the river. Stay on the left side and use the rocks
as cover. Every couple of meters a wave of soldiers will drop down into the
river. Take them out and then move up and find some more cover.

At the end of the river head up the path to the right and enter the camp.
Refill your ammo and then take out the soldiers that come out of the building
to the left. The last of the soldiers are located at the far end at the other
side of the bridge.

---M-com Station---
In the building rite next to the guard tower at the other side of the bridge.
This is at the end of the camp.

From the bridge head to the left up the hill for another cutscene.

Refill your ammo at the crate and grab a sniper rifle you want. Find cover
behind the rocks and start pick off the soldiers below. The soldiers will be
occupied with your allies so you should be safe on the hill. Move down the
hill and finish off any survivors. Move threw the burning building and then
run across the wooden walkway and walk up the stairs at the end. Grab the
shotgun on the porch to the left if you want. Enter the building to the left
of the stairs and head to the window. Arm your grenade launcher and destroy
the turret. Follow your team down the left and mow down another wave of
soldiers as they exit the building. MOve threw the building and equip your
grenade launcher. Fire one into the next building to take out the majority of
the soldiers. Shoot any survivors and then enter the building they came out of
and quickly grab a RPG off of the ground. Head to the window and quickly shoot
the truck outisde.

Ditch the RPG and refill the ammo in your gun. Head up the road to the next
area. Either move up the left or right path. Stay behind the wall and clear out
the soldiers in the middle area. After you go over about 3 walls you will be
at the end of the area. Grab the RPG and watch another scene. Quickly
shoot the tank and start to back off. Once its reload take the second shot
quickly to destroy the tank. Now head past the blown tank to the final area
of the mission.

Put up the sights on your pistol and shoot the head of the soldier.
This isn't hard since he doesn't even cover his head. Watch the final scene
to end the mission.

If you are havingtrouble then try this link:
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--------------------------CRACK THE SKY [CTS8]---------------------------------
M-com Stations: 2
Collectibles: 1: SCAR-L
If you are having trouble then try this link:
Try this link if you can't find the mcoms:

The First objective of this mission is to clear out the LZ using the minigun
on the Helicopter. Target the soldiers with RPGs and ignore the soldiers
with regular guns because the can't hurt out. You can onl take 3 hits
so you have to be quick. Target the red barrels and trucks to take them out

After one pass the Helicopter will land on one of the buildings. The area
will be clear regardless if you killed everyone or not while in the helicopter.
Head threw the camp to the next objective. Before you go up the stairs there
is a storage container that has a powerfull shotgun in it if you want to
grab it. Head up the stairs. After the forth flight of stairs you will come
onto a base of a hill. Look to your left and you should see some sand bags
and a road. If you head up the hill you will get destroyed instantly. So
instead, head down the road to the left and flank them.

Throw a grenade into the building with the machine gunner and then kill the
soldiers on the hill. Now head up the stairs to the left of the machine gun
bunker. At the top of the stairs kill the sniper and take his rifle. Put
up your scope and start picking off soldiers in the camp below. Once all
visible threats are gone grab ditch the sniper rifle and move down the camp.

Stay on the left side and Move towards the objective building. As you approach
a wave of soldiers will come down the stairs. Mow them down and then enter the
building. There is 1 soldiers in each room. Shoot the doors down and then
blow there heads off. Head to the room with the objective marker and press
E at the console. This will trigger a short cutscene.

At this point another portion of the map will be reveled. Head towards the
revealed portion and then go down the stairs and down the snowy path. Refill
your ammo at the crate and start mowing down the soldiers on the roofs.
Stay in the buildings and keep advancing If you find a turret then use it.

This is the second pistol symbol on the left side of the mini map.

At the end of the town get into the car. You will be driving, but you have
control of the grenade launcher on the back. This is one long drive so I
wont go into detail. If you are far away from your target you will have to
lead your shot a bit. Also, do not count on Sarge to hit anything because
he sucks at aiming and most likely won't hit anything. At the end of the road
the mission will be complete.

If you are having trouble then try this link:
/                                                                             \
------------------------------SNOWBLIND [SNW9]---------------------------------
M-com Stations: 2
Collectibles: USAS-12
If you are having trouble then try this link:
Try this link if you can't find the mcoms:

At the start, head up the stairs and then run into the center of town. This
will trigger a cutscene.

Your objective now is to protect the satellite from RPGS and Grenades. The
soldiers with the RPGs will always be on the roofs, never on the ground. After
the cutscene go into the buildings nearest to you and head to the second
floor. Wacth the roofs of the near by buildings and make sure they stay away
from the satellite. After about 15 soldiers they will start spawning
to the right of the satellite. Move to a closer building and repeat the
process. After the soldiers stop spawning a helicopter will join in the
assault against you. Grab the RPG near the right side of the satellite and
start shooting. When the Helicopter is making its rounds it will
eventually stop, giving you a chance to shoot it. Once it has been destroyed
a cutscene will be triggered.

At this point in the level there is a snow storm. Because of this you cannot
stay outside for to long or else you will die of cold. To warm up you need to
enter a house or shoot some barrels to start a fire. Anyway, head down the
path towards the supply crate. Once there refill your ammo and grab some guns.

USAS-12: Directly infront of the supply crate.

From the crate move down the path. You will come onto a 2 houses. Kill the
guard outside and warm up inside the house. From there Head further down the
path and enter the house on the right of the path. There are 2 guards there.
Warm up inside and then continue down the path. Enter the next house on the
left and then continue down the path. Blow some of the red barrels along the
way if you don't thing you will make it.

After another couple of houses you will come onto a village. Move threw as
you have been. move from house to house watch the corners and try to flank
the turret at the end of the village.

MOve out of the village and down the path to the next town. The Storm will
stop so you no longer have to worry about freezing. For this part you don't
need to fire a single shot. The friendly Helicopter will eliminate all the
resistance in the town. Move threw the town towards the building at the end.
When you reach this objective building you will have to kill 2 guards inside.
Go up the stairs to the second floor and then go up the ladder to the roof
to end the mission.

If you are having trouble then try this link:
/                                                                             \
------------------------------HEAVY METAL [HV10]-------------------------------
M-com Stations: 2
Collectables: 1: MG 3

If you are having trouble then try this link:
Try this link if you can't find the mcoms:

This mission will fought mainly in the tank and a couple other vehicles. At
the beginning follow the tank infront of you and then turn off the road to
the left once the other tank stops. Move along the road and target the the
buildings if there are any soldiers on them. Move towards the next town.
Your objective is to destroy the turrets on the roofs of the buildings. Don't
go to close and just barrage them from a distance. You can only take 2 hits
so be carefull. Also you only need to hit the building below them in order to
take them out.

Once the turrets are gone enter the small outpost. Get out of your tank and
go to the UAV controls. You will be in control of the UAV now. Hold R and
get to the highest altitude possible and then head towards the enemy town.

Ignore the soldiers on the roofs as they aren't accurate enough to hit you.
Use the Hellfire missiles and destroy the Turrets and the 2 tanks.

You will be back in the tank now. Now threw the next series of the roads to
the next objective marker. There a few light tanks in your way but they can't
do any real damage to you and they die in 2 hits.

After you get out of your tank at the final objective you will need to
mark the targets. Aim down the binoculars and target the sites. After you
destroy a site wait another 30 seconds and then target another site.

Once all of the sites have been destroyed move across the river into the
city. Move down the street and shoot the retreating soldiers. Guarding the
objective building is a building with 2 heavy machine guns. Find some cover in
the rubal and use the grenade launcher on your XM8 to take out both machine
guns. Then take out the soldier on the ground. Afterwards move to the
objective building to end the mission.
/                                                                             \
-----------------------------High Value Target [HV11]--------------------------
M-com Stations: 2
Collectables: 0

If you are having trouble then try this link:
Try this link if you can't find the mcoms:

The beginning of the mission you will be the gunner on the back of a humvee.
Like previous missions target the soldiers with RPGs and ignore the soldiers
with just regular guns. Once you start crossing the a bridge a groups of
soldiers will come at you from the ridge to the right. Mow them down the then
one of your allies will take care of the tank that passes by.

At the second village you pass your vehicle will gedestroyed and you will be
forced to move onward on foot. Quickly get away from the burning humvee as
it will explode. Target the Artillery with the binoculars and wait for the

The Strike will take out everyone in the first part of the towm. Move into the
town and grab a gun from the crate. Some Artillery shells will start falling
but you should be fine as long as you don't enter any buildings. Move threw
the main street and watch for soldiers that will come in groups of 4
every 20 meters or so. At the outskirts of the town enter the sewer tunnel.
There are only 2 one soldier in the tunnel find him and then go up the ladder
at the end.

Watch the cutscene and this will be the end of one very short mission.
Unfortunately the next mission is completely different.

/                                                                             \
------------------------------SANGRE DEL TORO  [ST12]--------------------------
M-com Stations: 4
Collectables: 2: M60, F2000
If you are having trouble then try this link:
Try this link if you can't find the mcoms:

For this mission you will have to get to and activate 3 stations. They are
all heavily guarded and 2 them are guarded by helicopters. Make sure to stay
in the humvee and grab a drink because this is going to one long mission.

---Station A---
This is off to the left from your starting position. Head of over there and
you will be forced out of your vehicle when you find the ramp up. Head up the
path and hit the 2 soldiers with the grenade launcher. Turn left from where
you shot the soldiers and take out another group of soldiers further up the

Head down the path towards the ammo supply crate the action will start. There
are 2 snipers on the rocks to the right and a soldier with a RPG. Take cover
behind the large rock in the middle of the path and pick off the soldiers
on the cliffs. Your top priority is the soldier with the RPG.

Move up the path and enter the castle area at the end of the dirt path. Take
cover behind the brick wall and start picking off the soliers on the wall
above. Be patient as more will spawn. Once the its clear move up the slop and
look to the left. Don't do all the way up. Just peak your head up enough
so that you can see the sniper in the window of the tower. Shoot him and
move up the slope and equip your grenade launcher. As you get to the top
a helicopter should start dropping some soldiers. Hit them when there all
bunched up.

Now for the hard part. Get on the mounted missile launcher to the right. You
now have to destroy 2 helicopters before they wipe you out. This part is really
annoying as you have to trust your squad members to watch your back. Wait for
the helicopter to stop moving before you shoot. If you don't like the mounted
missile launcher you can use the portable one thats not far from the mounted

Afterwards, head down to the objective marker and watch a short cutscene.
Now head down to the Humvee and start heading towards site B.

---Station B---
Move threw the walkways and the battle will really start once you reach the
second ammo crate. 4 soldiers will run across the bridge above you. Mow them
down and then continue under the bridge. 4 more soldiers will drop down from
the bridge above. Back off and hit them with your grenade launcher.

Follow your teammates threw the next series of walkways and stair ways. You
will eventually come onto a large courtyard. Stand back in the entry way and
slowly pick off the soldiers. Don't rush in unless you want to get killed.

Once the are is cleared follow your team to the next area. AS you go up the
stairs to the highest point you will walk into a large group of enemies.
Hit the first couple of guys you see and then follow the wall of cannons and
move to the right in a circle. Stay on the outside perimeter. Move up the
objective marker and quickly grab the RPG. A helicopter will spawn up so
get ready to fight it. Make sure to keep moving and don't stop. Wait for it
to stop and then hit it. You only need to hit it once.

Now watch another cutscene and you will be transported back ot the Humvee.
Now lets head to the final site.

---Station C---
After you hit the road block quickly get out and move to the right side. The
next area is just a street with buildings on both sides. Go past the road
block and move to the right. Stay on the outskirts of the town on the right
side. Kill the soldiers in your way and watch for the snipers on the
roofs across the road. At the end of the street the street will meet up with
a dirt road. Get into the humvee their and follow the road to the next side.
Ignore the soldiers along the way and hope they don't get a lucky shot on you.
At the opening infront of the site ignore all the soldiers and get to
the objective.

After the short cutscene all of the soldiers near by should disappear.
Get back into the Humvee and move back down the dirt road. Move threw the
town area and then get into the other humvee on the other side of the road

Now head to the next objective marker that is located just outside of site
B. Head up to the laptop and synchronize the data. Now ditch the humvee and
get into the quad. A new portion of the map will show up. Head down the newly
revealed and path and you will reach a boat. Look towards the blue crates and
you should see some red barrels. Shoot them and it will cause a crate to fall
and this will make a ramp for you. Enter the quad and go over the boat.

Continue down the path. Get out once you reach the objective marker and kill
the 2 guards outsdie. Go inide the boat. Move threw the compartments of the
boat and locate the pile of file cabinets and a ladder. Jump onto the cabinets
and then walk across the ladder. This will end the mission.
/                                                                             \
---------------------------NO ONE GETS LEFT BEHIND [NB13]----------------------
M-com Stations: 4
Collectables: 0
If you are having trouble then try this link:
Try this link if you can't find the mcoms:

Parachute down into the forest and follow the path to the objective marker.
Enter the village and meat up with your team in the house to the left. You will
be given a sniper rifle but I recommend you leave it their as its bolt action
and fires really slowly. Leave the building and enter the house directly next
to the house you met your team in. Look out the window and start shooting.
If the house gets to damaged then move to the other house.

Once it seems that you have defeated everyone then Head back to the supply
crate and grab a Rock launcher head back inside and defeat the rest of the
guys outside. A tank will roll down the dirt road so be ready. It will take
3 direct shots from the RPG before it will blow up. Keep moving around in the
house and alternate the windows that you shoot out of. Once the tanks
been destroyed move threw the area and mop up and surviving soldiers.

Move down the road the tank came down and move towards the objective marker.
You will meat up with the rest of your squad. Now your job is to raid an
entire enemy camp.

In order to do this you should clear it out before going down. Grab the semi
auto sniper from the supply crate and start shooting. Your main priority are
the machine gunners in the towers and on the roofs. Once all the visible
soldiers are killed switch out the sniper rifle and move down the ramp to the
camp. Stay on the right side and out of the road in the middle. A armored
car will show up in the road so take it out with your grenade launcher. After
the car there is a machine gunner behind some sand bags by a tower. Hit
it with a grenade launcher and continue up the path.

In the second half of the camp rush up the right side and quickly head up the
stairs into the building. From there you can flank the enemy soldiers in the
high ground. After the second half is clear head up the path and watch the

Now get on the quad and follow your teammates down the trail. (try not to fall)

At the end of the trail get out of the quad and refill your ammo out of the
supply crate. Move past the crashed truck and then cross the bridge. Knife the
guard on the bridge in the back and then blast his budy in the tower. Shortly
after a truck will roll down the bridge. get behind it and blast the machine

Head down the road past the tower and take cover by the logs. Another truck
will roll by so hit it with your grenade launcher or snipe the machine gunner.
Kill the rest of the soldiers by the logs and then make a run into the village.
run to the left and grab the rocket launcher on the left porch. One of the
towers will get destroyed and then a APC will roll in. Blast it a few times
to destroy it. Move past the wreckage and head up the path. Enter the
Helicopter and mow down the incoming soldiers.

After there all dead head upto the hanger and then turn left. Head up the hill
and then enter the helicopter there. Now you will be the machine gunner in the
helicopter. I found this part extremely frustrating because it mostly relies
on luck and you will die in 2 hits. Also expect to die A LOT. I must have died
30+ times before getting threw.
/                                                                             \
------------------------------ZERO DARK THIRTY [ZT14]--------------------------
Collectibles: no
M-com Stations: 4
If you are having trouble then try this link:
Try this link if you can't find the mcoms:

Head down the path and get some guns from the supply crate. Afterwards
continue down the path and walk past the log. Head down to area with the
guards and mow down the 2 guards. Quickly move into the building to the left.
Head up the ladder and knife the soldier manning the machine gun.

Head back down and enter the next building on the left side. Look threw
the windows and take out the soldiers that are still on the streets. Equip
your grenade launcher and look out the large hole in the wall. There are 2
guys on the roof and a machine gunner on one of the balconys. Blast the
Machine gun with your grenade launcher and then reload and blast the 2 guys
on the roof. Exit the building.

At the bottom of the stairs 2 more guys will walk in. Pop them and then
continue down the next flight of stairs. Enter the first door on your right.
Peak out of the window and start taking out the soldiers on the adjacent
roofs. Keep moving to the left across the building. You should end up near a
large flight of the stairs. Go down the stairs to a objective marker to
to trigger a short cutscene.

Move to the building on the right side and wait there. Now just wait for Sarge
to give the order and then move to the next building. Do this a couple of times
untill you reach the sewage ditch and the barage will stop.

Stay on one side of the sewer and advance towards the next building. Pea out
a slight bit and snipe the the soldier on the building. There is sniper on the
second floor and one on the third floor on the left side. Take them out first.
Once the building is clear move down the ditch and equip your grenade launcher.

After you pass the metal fence shoot the group of 3 soldiers that comes down
the way and then turn left and take out the 2 guys there.

Now your objective is to get to the bridge across the way. Choose a side to
stay on and gradually move towards the bridge. 2 vehicles will show up on the
bridge so quickly take them out when they show up. There are tons of troops
but they will stop spawning eventually.

Move past the bridge and then stop once you see the 2 Helicopter show up. Wait
for the soldiers to leave the smoke and then blast them. Move threw the smoke
when you think its clear. Move into the building to the left. The door is on
the right side and when you get close a flashbang will go off and then 3 guys
will enter. Mow them all down and then exit. There are 2 more guys immediately
there. Jump onto the pile off pipes and blast away the soldiers on the other
side of the water.

Once there all dead, jump across the river. Grab some ammo at the crate and
then jump over the pile of ruble. Quickly blast the grating over the water and
then jump in and crouch to avoid the incoming truck. Jump on out and head to
the objective marker for a cutscene and the end of the mission.
/                                                                             \
------------------------------FORCE MUTIPLIER [FC15]---------------------------
M-com Stations:0
If you are having trouble then try this link:

Head down the road to the camp and kill the soldier by the fence. Take cover
be the low wall and peak up every so often to take out the guys over head.
Keep moving and don't get surrounded. The entire mission is very linear so
I won't type to much.

After you pass threw the building a short cutscene will be triggered. Move
towards the objective marker and the mission will end.
/                                                                             \
------------------------------AIRBORNE [AE16]----------------------------------
M-com stations:0
If you are having trouble then try this link:

This is yet another short mission. At the start run up and knife the first
guy and then shoot the second guy. Move up the stairs and refill your
ammo at the crate on the right side. Now move from room to room and mow down
any resistance. It shouldn't be that hard especially if your using a

After you get to the cockpit you will trigger a short cutscene. Afterwards,
shoot the sphere and then another scene will be triggered. Now wait for
you to seaty out with the guy in black and then shoot him. This will end the

I hope you enjoyed and now you can replay the game on hard if you want.
/                                                                             \
-------------------------------My other Guides [MOG1]--------------------------

God of war chains of Olympus-

X-men Origins Wolverine- (PSP)

Ratchet and clank size matters-

Syphon Filter: Dark Mirror-

Call of duty 4 Modern warfare-

Rainbow Six 3 weapon guide-

Rome Total War-

Rome Total War Barbarian Invasion-

Call of duty 2 modern Warfare-

Medievel 2 Total War-

Call of Duty World at War-
/                                                                             \
--------------------------------Credits [CS23]---------------------------------

1. for making such a great site.

2. the makers of this game, keep making these great games.

3. My MOM for buying this game for me.

4. My brother for playing Co-op with me.
/                                                                             \
--------------------------------Copyright [CYT2]-------------------------------

This guide may not be reproduced or changed in any way whatsoever except for
personal or private usage. It should not be placed on any website without my
written permission.

Copyright 2010 Alek Kettenburg
Thanks for reading

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