Abraham Lincoln High School

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Abraham Lincoln High School

PHONE: (215) 400-3300 SCHOOL TYPE: Public District Neighborhood GRADES: 9-12 ENROLLMENT: 2041

Fast Facts

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  • Application Deadline


  • Tuition

  • Uniform


  • Extended Day


We encounter our students as they are. Then, we work to determine and acknowledge their needs, we collaborate with colleagues to remove any barriers to learning, and we educate and empower them to pursue their personalized goals.

Points Of Pride

Featured on Fox 29's Kelly's Classroom in December 2018. We have an in-school National History Day Competition, DECA program, Culture Fest, and Mock Trial program. Lincoln offers twelve AP Courses (AP American History, AP Art History, AP Biology, AP Capstone, AP Biology, AP Calculus, AP English Language, AP English Literature, AP Environmental Science, AP European History, AP Physics, AP Psychology, AP United States Government and Politics). We also have Dual Enrollment Programs with LaSalle University (LEAP), Harrisburg University and CCP.


We offer several CTE Programs (Accounting and Finance, Health Related Technology, Sports Marketing and Management, Business Administration, Film and Video Production) and other Career Pathways (Freshman, Law, Fine and Performing Arts, Environmental Engineering, and Horticulture).

Admissions Policy

Serves students from catchment area. Students from outside catchment are selected in the lottery.

Accreditations and Honors

Middle States Accreditation For Growth 2013. 2018 City Boy's Basketball Champions. 2018 Undefeated City Volleyball Champions. DT Philly winners 2019. National History Day Philadelphia Teacher of the Year 2018. 3rd place winner of the city-wide Checkmate Violence Chess Tournament, 2018 Unified Sports Champion School, 26 students placed in a city-wide DECA competition Fall 2018.

Hours of Operation

Sun -
Mon7:00 AM - 3:00 PM
Tues7:00 AM - 3:00 PM
Wed7:00 AM - 3:00 PM
Thur7:00 AM - 3:00 PM
Fri7:00 AM - 3:00 PM
Sat -

Extended Programming Details

Entrance Instructions

Visitors should enter through the main entrance and check in with staff.