Race Updates - Fun Bun Run

Race Info and Updates

In Person Race Details and Updates

Date : May 11, 2024

Time: Race starts at 8:30am with competitive runners at the line.

LocationFabyan Forest Preserve, 1925 S Batavia Ave, Geneva, IL

There will be volunteers on hand to assist with parking. Parking at the Government center is limited, so you may be directed to park at the top of hill or across the street. Volunteers will be there to direct you to check in after you have parked.

Check in:
Starting at 7:30 participants can check in and pick up their bibs at the marked registration tables down by the pavilion. There is a table for pre registered participants, and another for same day registration. Once you have checked in and received your bib, head over to the tee shirt table to pick up your shirt.

Please note that tee-shirts are given on a first come first serve registration basis. There is a printing cut off date so shirts cannot be guaranteed after a certain date. Alternate shirts may be available. Register early.

Registration – Day of Race:
Registration will open up at 7:30 am. Those who are registering day of the event there is a $30 registration fee. You will need to fill out the registration paperwork and waiver. T-Shirts may not be available for day of race registrations. 

Complete your registration under the Race registration Form. You can register two adults and up to six children on the same form.

Once your registration is complete you will immediately receive an email confirmation letting you know that you are a race participant. Instructions for bib and tee shirt pick up will follow, if you do not provide an email address please check back to website for pick up information. If you sign up for the on-site race but later decide you would rather participate virtually, we can easily switch your registration type.

TEAMS – You can multiply your impact by creating or supporting a team encouraging others to make a donation in support of education.

Support a Team –  Have a friend of family members that has formed a team this year? Help raise funds support the education of Haitian children by making a donation to your friends team and inviting friends and family to do the same.

Create a Team – Do more than just run or walk. Create your own fundraising team to raise funds support the education of Haitian children by inviting friends and family to walk, run and donate.

There will be attendants on hand to assist with parking. Parking at the Government center is limited, so you may be directed to park at the top of hill or across the street. Volunteers will be there to direct you to check in after you have parked.

Check in:
Starting at 7:30 participants can check in and pick up their bibs at the marked registration tables down by the pavilion. There is a table for pre registered participants, and another for same day registration. Once you have checked in and received your bib, head over to the tee shirt table to pick up your shirt.

Please note that tee-shirts are given on a first come first serve registration basis. There was a printing cut off date so shirts could not be guaranteed after a certain date. Alternate shirts will be made available until other shirts can be printed at a later date. We apologize for the inconvenience.

Race Packet Pick-up and same day registration begins at 7:30am

  • Pick up shirts
  • Snacks and water
  • Pre-race announcements
  • Move the starting line

Start time is 8:30 am
Our race timing company will help assist with the procedures on where to line up and how to keep a distance on the course. During the 5k, please try to keep a distance with other participants while on the trails. These trails are shared with the public, so please try and share the space when possible. We want to keep you as safe as possible during this event.

After race

  • results posting
  • Snacks water and take-aways
  • Award ceremony
  • Results will be posted online at funbunrun.org and at racetime.info the week following the in person race.

Weather & Cancelation: This event will be held rain or shine. Race management reserves the right to cancel or modify the event due to unfavorable or unsafe conditions. Registration fees are non refundable in the event of cancellation due to acts of God.

Race Swag – All participants will receive:

  • Official Fun Bun Run tee shirt
  • Numbered race bib

Prizes – There are cash prizes for the overall male and overall female top finishers of the race. Top finishers in each age category will receive a custom hand made Haitian medal.

We will provide a list of times on our website following the event, and medals will be mailed to the winners.

    Virtual Race Details and Updates

    Hope for Haitians Fun Bun Run Virtual Run/Walk 2024 can place at any location. We challenge participants to register from near and far. The run/walk can be completed on any route including a lakeshore path, running track, a trail, a treadmill, uphill, downhill, any 5k you map out.

    The best part about a virtual 5k is that you have the ability to complete your race any time before May 9, 2024 running or walking it any time of day at your own pace.

    Virtual participants can complete their self timed run/walk anytime before May 9th and submit times to the Fun Bun Run website. All times must be submitted by 4:00pm on May 9, 2024 to be posted and included at the Fun Bun Run event and considered for the virtual participant prizes.

    We encourage all participants to take photos of themselves during their race and post them publicly to their social media wall with the hashtag #FunBunRun5k

    Complete your registration under the Race registration Form. You can register two adults and up to six children on the same form.

    Once your registration is complete you will immediately receive an email confirmation letting you know that you are a race participant. Instructions for bib and tee shirt pick up will follow, if you do not provide an email address please check back to website for pick up information. If you sign up for the on-site race but later decide you would rather participate virtually, we can easily switch your registration type.

    TEAMS – You can multiply your impact by creating or supporting a team encouraging others to make a donation in support of education.

    Support a Team –  Have a friend of family members that has formed a team this year? Help raise funds support the education of Haitian children by making a donation to your friends team and inviting friends and family to do the same.

    Create a Team – Do more than just run or walk. Create your own fundraising team to raise funds support the education of Haitian children by inviting friends and family to walk, run and donate.

    Race Swag – All virtual runners registered by April 1st will have their virtual race swag shipped before race week. Package Includes:

    • Official Fund Bun Run tee shirt
    • Numbered race bib

    Participants regestering after April 1st will still get the vitural race swag but it may not arrive before race week.

    Prizes – Participants have the opportunity to win a custom hand made Haitian medal for sending in photos for the following categories:

    • best “Fun Bun Run” Costume
    • the most photogenic course
    • participating on the farthest away from Geneva, IL
    • being the oldest “wisest participant,
    • the fastest overall time

    Results will be posted online at funbunrun.org and at racetime.info the week following the in person race.