March 7, 2014

Industry Insider conducted an interview with Richard Patrick and Jonathan Radtke of the modern rock band FILTER during this year's Soundwave festival in Australia. You can now watch the chat in three parts below.

FILTER's "Surprise" video features singer Richard Patrick and guitarist Jonny Radtke as well as Patrick's daughter Sloan and was directed by Gus Black (ATLAS GENIUS, DEFTONES).

"This video is the best FILTER video so far," said Richard Patrick. "I had an idea about how fierce a single mother would have to be 'If she had nothing at all but lived her life right,' being there for her children like a wolf is for her cubs or a hawk is for her chicks. Gus Black had respect for what I was trying to say. He took my concept and made it the beautiful tribute that it is. For that, Jonny and I are eternally grateful. Thank you, Gus. Not to mention… the debut of my daughter as an actor. Great job, Sloan!"

Black adds" "I have a friend in life with Richard — I loved working with him and have always been a fan of the band."

In a November 2013 interview with In The Now Magazine, Richard Patrick stated about "Surprise": "To me, the song 'Surprise' is, like, a no-brainer. It should be a nice, successful song for us. I don't mean to get cocky, but it really is one of those songs that we wrote that, you feel like you were just watching it happen, even though you were writing the lyrics and stuff and you were playing the guitar. It's just one of those songs that just kind of…. It just kind of wrote itself."

"Surprise" is taken from FILTER's sixth studio album, "The Sun Comes Out Tonight", which was released on June 4, 2013 via Wind-Up Records. The CD was recorded in Los Angeles at Blue Room studios with producer Bob Marlette (BLACK SABBATH, ATREYU, SALIVA). The follow-up to 2010's "The Trouble With Angels" was written and recorded by leader Richard Patrick and guitarist Jonny Radtke, as well as collaborator Marlette. There are also performances from touring members Jeff Friedl and Elias Mallin (drums) and Phil Buckman (bass).

Regarding FILTER's plans for a new studio album, Patrick told In The Now Magazine: "Creatively, there's not a lot of limitations, we're finding the more we work together. WE're not really concentrating on too much new material, but the reality is that once we get started, it's only a couple of months before we'll have a record done. He [Radtke] can come up with riffs and I can think of vocal melodies, and I can come up with riffs and he can think of vocal melodies.

"We usually just write on the spot when we're in the recording studio, so it's a luxury that a lot of bands don't have. But we've using technology for so long that we're just, like, the computer is right in the mix; it's always right there.

"I think the next record, we're gonna definitely use the talent that we've been blessed with, with Jeff Fabb on drums and Tim Kelleher [on bass]. So there's gonna be a little bit more of a band feel, but I still think that we should probably go even more electronic, to me, because I just…

"When I was in NINE INCH NAILS and when I was in my formative years, I was way into… I mean, starting with the 'Blade Runner' soundtrack in 1982, the [Greek composer and multi-instrumentalist] Vangelis and SKINNY PUPPY and MINISTRY, that's somehow really a part of my soul. As well as PANTERA and U2 and PINK FLOYD and DEFTONES…. So we've got so many different inspirations to draw from that… We don't really stop. We don't take too many vacations."


"Surprise" video:

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