Project Management Institute | PMI

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Join us in Los Angeles for the largest, in-person, signature event of the year for project professionals. Learn how to lead your work and our world to a brighter tomorrow.

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Global Summit 2024

Stand Out (While Sitting Down)

Set yourself apart and demonstrate your commitment to project management excellence—from the comfort of your workspace—with a PMI certification.

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Young colleagues engaging in project conversation

Project Management Professional  (PMP)®


The world's most recognized project management certification, incorporating traditional, agile, and hybrid concepts.

Discover the PMP

Project management subject matter experts describing solutions

Certified Associate in Project Management (CAPM)®


Prove your understanding of project management fundamentals, processes, and terminology.

Learn More About the CAPM

Construction professionals on job site reviewing documentation

PMI Construction Professional (PMI-CP) certification


Build a better future for yourself and the world with the gold standard certification for construction professionals.

View the PMI-CP

Woman meeting people in community at networking event

Community You Can Count On

PMI is the world’s largest project manager community, connecting you with thought leaders and trend-setters around the globe.

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PMP Certification Holders Worldwide


Active Members Around 
the Globe


New Project Management Employees Needed by 2030

Diverse group of professionals engaged in meeting

Become a PMI Member

Enjoy members-only perks and discounts by joining the world’s leading project management organization with almost 700,000 global members and over 300 local chapters.

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Smiling audience members clapping at an event

Join a Chapter

Connect with other project management professionals in your area through volunteer-run PMI Chapters.

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Volunteers at group community event packing boxes

Explore Volunteer Opportunities

Think global, act local. Give back to your community, learn new skills, and expand your network.

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Handsome young man

PMXPO 2024 On-Demand Access 

Dive into this free virtual event at your own pace and explore a wealth of insights to propel your project management career to new heights. Now available until January 31, 2025!

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Why PMI? Voices from our Community

There are really exciting things to pursue in project management and PMI will help you get there.
Oliver Stutz, PMP
Director and Project Manager, Self-Employed
I haven't found in any other organization this type of engagement, professionalism, trust, and also willingness to help each other.
Yaravi Cardoze, PMP
Region Mentor for Northern Latin America
The PMP Certification is the benchmark for being a recognized project manager.
Svodesai Sithole, PMP, PMI-ACP
Software Project Manager, ICT Services

Training & Events You Can Thrive On

Immerse yourself in expert instruction. Choose from hundreds of live and on-demand project manager courses, plus world class virtual and in-person events.

Narrator reading from a book to a seated audience at a training event

Top-Tier Training

With our comprehensive programs and certified professionals guiding your learning, you can trust that the quality of training we provide is second to none.

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Main PMI Global Summit event at hotel pool

World-Class Events

Expand your horizons, in-person or online. Our events provide you with the resources, knowledge, and network you need to advance your career and change the world.

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Powerful Resources for Skill Building

Get a taste of what we offer. Explore free resources like cutting edge reports, engaging courses, and premium podcasts.

Engaged man working remotely on a laptop

Man agile project planning with sticky notes on a whiteboard

Grow Your Knowledge

You have unique interests and goals. PMI has a plan for that. Explore catered resources that will take you to the next level of your professional journey.

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Woman on stage speaking to a small audience

Impact Your Organization

Bring the power of project management to your team. Grow your business or non-profit with the very same building blocks trusted by many of the world’s top organizations.

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