Crystals and Their Meanings With Pictures | Crystal Curious

Crystal Meanings

A list of healing crystals and their meanings, properties & benefits.


Agate are nourishing, strengthening low-intensity stones that support your connection to the Earth. They are grounding and are good to work with if you feel disconnected, frazzled, and need support. They are "salt of the Earth" type stones, encouraging authenticity, stability, pragmatism, self-confidence, courage, and fortitude.


Alexandrite is a rare stone with the unique property that it changes color when it is in natural or artificial light. It helps the wearer resonate and stabilize with the frequency of pure joy.


Amazonite is a green or teal variety of feldspar named after the Amazon River. It helps to create harmony and peace through surfacing the truth and promoting the ability to see others perspective.


Amber is an organic gemstone made of fossilized plant resin. It carries qualities of the sun, and supports wellbeing, vitality, and healing. It can also help with ancestral work.


Amethyst is a commonly available purple variety of quartz. It protects through purifying negative energy, clearing energetic distractions and supporting clarity in intuitive work.
Apache Tears

Apache Tears

Apache Tears are small nuggets of obsidian. They combine the protective properties of obsidian with properties of healing grief and cleansing the emotional body of trauma.


Apatite is a soft calcium phosphate stone that can be found in many colors, but blue and green are the most common. Blue apatite supports psychic abilities, access to past lives, and being open to receive spiritual guidance.


Aquamarine is a blue variety of beryl, the family that also includes emerald and morganite. It is a stone of water, and empowers the wearer with the calm wisdom and power of the Divine Feminine.


Green aventurine is a variety of quartz with a subtle shimmer. It is a stone of luck and pluck, helping you make the best of challenges with confidence and optimism.
Black Tourmaline

Black Tourmaline

Black Tourmaline is one of the top stones for crystal healing because it is such a strong protector. It transmutes negative energy so that energy is freed up to support your highest good.


Bloodstone is a deep green variety of chalcedony (microcrystalline quartz) that is often interspersed with red splotches. It is grounding and purifying, giving the wearer a sense of solidity and strength in facing challenges.


Carnelian is a common variety of quartz that is a reddish-orange color. Its healing properties are to support your physical vitality, willpower, and sexuality.


Celestite is a gentle, uplifting stone that helps you connect to your guardian angels, and can purify and cleanse the energy in a room.


Charoite is a unique purple stone found only in Siberia. It helps the wearer integrate spiritual awareness into everyday life and see the larger patterns at play in common occurrences.


Citrine is a yellow variety of quartz that is fairly rare. Its healing properties are to support you to envision and manifest your goals through sparking your imagination and strengthening your will.


Diamonds are one of the most coveted precious gemstones in the world. The healing properties of diamond are to support you to step into your spiritual power and radiate your Light in the world.


Emerald is a precious green variety of beryl. It heals and activates the heart chakra, bringing love, compassion, acceptance, and the courage to follow your heart's path.


Fluorite is a soft stone that comes in a variety of colors. It helps with all mental tasks and brings order, focus, clarity, discernment, and mental integration.


Almandine Garnet is a purplish-red stone. It helps with grounding in the physical body, which is helpful for people who feel anxious or tend to daydream. It helps you live your simple truth and get things done in the real world.


Hematite is a gray-black shiny metallic mineral made of iron oxide. It is well-known as an effective grounding stone that can help you come back to Earth and take concrete action to bring your vision into reality.


Howlite is a white and gray stone with dark veining. It is calming and soothing, helping with insomnia and anxiety. It supports the crown chakra and helps us connect to Divine awareness.


Iolite is a violet-blue silicate mineral. It is a stone of inner vision and healing, helping you find and resolve inner wounds and access inner gifts, as well as develop intuition and psychic abilities.


Jade is a nourishing stone that brings abundance, well-being, and happiness to your life.


Kunzite restores and strengthens your connection with your heart and Divine Love. If you are suffering from heartbreak or feel disconnected from your heart, kunzite can help.


Kyanite is an aluminum silicate that forms in long crystal blades. Blue kyanite is a powerful stone for working with psychic energy and communicating with Spirit.


Labradorite protects your aura from negative energy and supports psychic activities like clairvoyance and communicating with spirit guides.
Lapis Lazuli

Lapis Lazuli

Lapis Lazuli is a deep blue stone with sparkly inclusions of pyrite. Lapis acts as a gateway to information and inspiration from other realms, helping you find deeper truth and access visionary awareness.


Larimar is a unique blue stone found only in the Dominican Republic. It is a stone of peace, relaxation, the Divine Feminine, and communicating clearly with confidence from the heart.


Lepidolite is a glittery purple stone that is a form of mica. It helps with self-acceptance, serenity, and finding grace in the midst of chaos.


Malachite is green banded stone consisting of copper ore. It strengthens your resilience and personal power while helping protect you from danger.


Moldavite is a mossy green tektite formed from a meteorite impact. It is prized in spiritual circles as an accelerant of personal & spiritual evolution.


Moonstone is a form of feldspar that is milky-white and has iridescence. It evokes a feeling of mystery and magic, and helps with intuition and connection with the Divine Feminine.


Morganite helps you tap into Divine Love, heal heartbreak, and transform grief into wisdom & compassion.


Onyx boosts willpower, discipline, and focus. It is an earth stone that supports you when the going gets tough and you need endurance to get through.


Opal is an intense stone that brings the inner fire of purification to your emotional body to clear old patterns and embody the Light.
Orange Calcite

Orange Calcite

Orange calcite is a sunny, warm, energizing stone that helps you clear your aura of stagnant energy and get you moving toward your goals with confidence.


Peridot is a yellow-green crystal that vibrates with positive energy. It increases the abundance of all things in your life that are aligned with your highest good.
Petrified Wood

Petrified Wood

Petrified wood carries a vast sense of time and the wisdom that comes along with it. As an everyday stone, it's great to pick up when you need to be more grounded and steady. For more in-depth work, petrified wood can be used to heal family patterns rooted in the past.
Picture Jasper

Picture Jasper

Picture Jasper can help you feel and rest in your connection to the Earth.
Pink Tourmaline

Pink Tourmaline

Pink tourmaline helps heal the heart from emotional wounds and infuses your aura with the energy of love and kindness.


Pyrite is called "fool's gold" due to its shiny appearance. It increases assertiveness, confidence, and vitality and is one of the top manifesting stones for increasing wealth.


Quartz is a silicon dioxide and probably the most well-known of all the crystals. It has many industrial uses as well as being used metaphysically as a support for all goals and intentions.
Rainforest Jasper

Rainforest Jasper

Rainforest Jasper is a green and brown form of rhyolite. It helps you access the wisdom of nature, feel connected to the Earth, and access the energy of new growth to increase your vitality and sense of aliveness.


Rhodochrosite is a bright pink stone that often has white banding. It is a stone of self-love that supports emotional healing from wounds from childhood or past lives.


Rhodonite is a stone of service and altruism. If you are yearning to feel connected to the world and to give your unique contribution to the world, rhodonite can help you find your place and purpose.
Rose Quartz

Rose Quartz

Rose quartz is a stone of love, pure and simple. It helps resolve old hurts and open the heart to receive love.


Ruby is a vibrant red variety of corundum and considered a precious gem. Ruby is a stone of passion, vitality, courage, adventure, and enthusiasm for life.


Sapphire is a precious gemstone known for its brilliant blue, although it also comes in other colors. Blue sapphire helps with mental focus and psychic awareness.


Selenite purifies your aura as well as other crystals, and can be used to activate the Soul Star chakra to connect with your Higher Self.


Shungite is a protective and purifying stone that can help you bring the shadows and stuck emotions of your past to light to be transformed.
Smoky Quartz

Smoky Quartz

Smoky quartz is one of the best grounding stones. It can help you settle into your body and feel calm and steady, while supporting you to take practical action in support of your dreams.


Sodalite is a stone of mental and intuitive awareness. It enhances creativity, analysis, and deep insight into one's mind.


Sunstone supports wise and empowering leadership, vitality, aliveness, and the confidence and ability to shine no matter the circumstances.


Tanzanite links the heart and mind, creating a powerful awakening in consciousness.
Tiger Eye

Tiger Eye

Tiger Eye is a shimmery golden-brown form of quartz. It supports resilience and balance while taking action aligned with one's goals and intention.


Turquoise is a distinctive blue-green color and has been used as a gemstone for thousands of years. Turquoise has a unique energy of compassion and wisdom that supports wellbeing and the ability to let go and be at peace.

What is Crystal Healing?

Crystals are rocks, minerals, and other healing stones that humans have used for thousands of years for their healing powers. Crystal meanings are the healing properties ascribed to each type of crystal and gem. They are determined through a combination of experimentation, intuition, and sometimes channeling. An example of a popular crystal meaning is that amethyst helps with psychic development and intuition. The above list of crystals and their meanings with pictures should help you understand their powers.

How do Chakras relate to Crystal Properties?

Crystal healing is centered around chakras. Chakras are energy centers that correspond to health, wellbeing, creativity and all aspects of the human experience. Each of the seven chakras has a color associated with it. Crystals and healing stones of a corresponding color are used in chakra healing. For example, the root chakra colors are red, brown, and black, so you would look to gemstones like hematite and garnet. Many stones are helpful to multiple chakras so be sure to read the descriptions for each. I’ve listed the gemstones by color and chakra on the top menu to help you.