
  • Minecraft has two versions: Java Edition (original) and Bedrock Edition (which allows for crossplay).
  • Cross-platform multiplayer requires Bedrock Edition and an Xbox Live account for all players.
  • Java Edition is more stable but lacks crossplay; Bedrock allows crossplay but has limitations.

Minecraft is one of the best-selling games of all time, having sold over 300 million copies since its release in 2009. Because of its immense popularity, it has a couple of different versions on many different platforms, allowing it to reach millions. Having been released on all these platforms, one would expect it to be cross-platform, especially since the game has such low system requirements.

It seems that the console wars may be coming to an end with the rise of crossplay. Exclusivity is becoming a thing of the past, with even PlayStation porting its critically acclaimed titles like Spider-Man and God of War to PC. Many new games are encouraging players from all platforms to game together, and Minecraft is the perfect title to demonstrate this. Still, that does not mean that both versions are capable of crossplay.

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Minecraft Is Cross-Platform, But There's A Catch

Crossplay Depends On Minecraft Edition

Steve and Alex, the default Minecraft skins, running out of a cave surrounded by enemies.

There are two main versions of Minecraft: the Java Edition (the original) and the Bedrock Edition (developed under Microsoft). The later Bedrock Edition is the version that allows for crossplay. Cross-platform play is unsupported in the Java Edition (at least outside computer operating systems) and console and mobile device users do not have access to this version, only the later Bedrock Edition.

Despite its inability to play with players on other platforms, many prefer the Java Edition for several reasons. Other than it being the original, and having a nostalgic advantage, it is better for servers with large numbers of players and tends to be less buggy in comparison to its Bedrock compatriot. It is also a superior platform for mods, which practically has its own sub-community within the Minecraft fan base.

The Bedrock Edition began life as Minecraft: Pocket Edition in 2011 until its full release as a separate version in 2016. Essentially, it is an upgrade port and because of this, it is more limited in ways to play multiplayer, given smaller server caps, but it allows players from any platform to come together, provided that all players are using the Bedrock Edition. This includes the mobile version from which this version of the game spawned.

Java does technically feature a form of crossplay. Mac, PC and Linux players can play together, but its cross-platform functionality isn't as extensive as Bedrock's. It should be noted that Mac and Linux users can only play in the Java Edition, meaning that they cannot play with console or mobile players.

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How To Play Cross-Platform Multiplayer In Minecraft

Bedrock Edition Crossplay

There are a few prerequisites required to allow for cross-platform multiplayer. Obviously, the Bedrock Edition is required on all these devices, and it is the only version available for the PlayStation, Xbox, Switch and mobile devices. Thankfully for PC players, both versions are currently being sold together as a single product, which has been the case since June 2022. If players already had one version beforehand, they will receive the other one for free as well.

Next, players need to have an Xbox Live account – not to be confused with the Xbox Game Pass, because an Xbox Live account is free. It only takes a few minutes and is required since Minecraft has been a Microsoft product since 2014, when Mojang and its intellectual properties were bought for $2.5 billion. Once this is done, players can add anyone they want to play with as friends, regardless of platform.

It should be noted that everyone must have the same game version in order to play together. For instance, if a PC player hasn't updated their game and attempts to join an Xbox player who has, their version of the game will be incompatible, and the two players will not be able to play together. This means that those playing on outdated platforms, like the Wii U or PS3, will need to upgrade if they want to play with friends on different consoles.

Minecraft is currently available on: Windows, Mac, Linux, Xbox One, Xbox Series S and X, PlayStation 4 and 5, Nintendo Switch, Fire OS/TV, Android, iOS, Windows Mobile, and Samsung Gear VR. Bear in mind that some of these platforms are only on one of the two editions of the game.

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The Pros & Cons Of Crossplay & Online Sharing

Gameplay Differences & Mods

Minecraft Frozen Waterfalls Java Edition world seed

The Java Edition of the game is more stable, thanks to being made for PC and not being a port from a mobile version of the game, and the inability to join large servers in the Bedrock Edition means that some of Minecraft's most famous servers cannot be played over several platforms. Those wanting to experience the Pixelmon or Lord of the Craft mods will have to do so without their console friends. In general, large communities are harder to gather with the Bedrock Edition.

There are also gameplay differences between the two editions, such as how Redstone works. Those who have only played on console will never have experienced an alternative, but this could be jarring for PC players. Still, players won't have a choice if they want to play with friends on other platforms. On the other hand, only the Bedrock Edition has controller support, which makes sense given that most of the platforms it is on use controller.

There are fundamental coding differences between the two versions, which is why they are incompatible for playing with one another. The biggest difference this results in is how the world is formatted, with Bedrock using the LevelDB format while the Java Edition uses the Anvil format. This means that third party tools for editing worlds can only work on one of the editions. The difference in world formats also results in different names for blocks. For example, granite is called "stone 1" in Bedrock and "granite" in Java.

All in all, Minecraft's crossplay is an impressive feature that is easy to use, especially with the number of platforms it works for. Through Xbox Live, the Bedrock Edition provides a smooth crossplay experience, even if it lacks some of the Java Edition's features. Still, this shouldn't be a problem for PC Minecraft players, as both are considered one product and can be switched to should they want the best of both worlds.