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Ultraman Nexus

7 Reviews

In an era of global terrorism, how would people really react to a mysterious alien that battled deadly monsters on Earth? Would a suspicious human race be capable of viewing that Ultraman as a friend? Ultraman Nexus follows Kazuki Komon, a first responder who joins the Night Raiders, a secret group that battles murderous monsters called Space Beasts. Komon's life is changed after the mysterious giant called Ultraman saves his life, but is shocked to find that the Night Raiders' parent organization, TLT, is inclined to view Ultraman as a threat.

Tsuburaya Productions

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(2 reviews)16 March 2016
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A Very Different Kind Of Ultraman

I saw this series awhile back. It is definitely dark and kind of reminded me of Dekaranger. Both shows are very good and very grim at times. Nexus dealt with a very different kind of Ultraman than what we are used to. I was very happy to see him(her) make an appearance in X.

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(9 reviews)12 February 2016
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Nexus: A breath of fresh air

Nexus takes the Ultra Series in an entirely different direction, and after the overly-long hippy childish Ultraman Cosmos (enjoyable despite its flaws), it feels like a breath of fresh air. The nature of Ultraman and his bond with Earth is explored. Treachery and tragedy are commonplace. Those one holds closest can turn out to be enemies. Indeed, Nexus was so dark its run was shortened to make way for the FAR more cheerful Ultraman Max. But however much of a failure it may have been at first, it's still a spectacular series that stands out from other tokusatsu.

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(1 review)20 July 2020
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My most favorite Ultraman

I'm 53 years old and love some Ultraman series. Seven was my first favorite and Tiga came super close to Seven. However, Nexus beat them. I like the story. I know the acting of actors is somehow terrible but the story is superb. Those defending people from the space beasts, such as Himeya, Ren, Night Raider, are always in agony as the space beasts are too strong and clever. They are probably the strongest and most persistent monsters in all Ultraman series. However, Night Raider, Komon etc overcome it and bring peace to the earth. I was really impressed. I'll never forget the story of Nexus.

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(1 review)03 November 2017
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A different kind of Ultraman show......and that's not a bad thing!

I can easily say this show is amazing! It might not be absolutely 100% perfect(but then again, what isn't?), but it offers a dark tone shrouded in mystery, a great consistent storyline (part of the story seems as if takes some inspiration from Men In Black, albeit much more serious and shadily), empathetic and sympathetic characters, awesome original Kaiju and equally awesome battles. This is not your typical Ultraman show that follows the traditional "monster of the week" formula, as this show progresses with a heavy emphasis on both a (dark) story and character driven narrative...making this one of the few Ultra shows to do this. I should also note that this series is aimed more towards an older and mature demographic, but I'm sure even younger audiences with a fondness of giant monsters and science fiction who approach this series with a broad and open mind will learn to appreciate what Ultraman Nexus has to offer. If I really want to be nitpicky, I could say I have a problem with the CGI creature/character models and some of the fight choreography by the human cast can come off as a tad bit too awkward at times, but I can easily forgive those small quirks and undoubtedly recommend this show to newcomers of the Ultraman franchise and the Kaiju/Tokusatsu genre in general, or just even for kaiju/tokusatsu fans who are craving for something a little bit more in their "Giant Alien Hero vs Giant Monsters" show.

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(6 reviews)05 January 2017
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An Excellent Ultra series

While it takes some time to really get interesting Ultraman Nexus ends up being a great Ultraman series. If you don't already know, it's a much darker series aimed at older audiences and has many unique aspects such as the protagonist not being the one who turns into Ultraman. Overall I definitely recommend it.