The wizard Shazam returns to screens with 'Shazam! Fury of the Gods' a sequel to 2019 'Shazam!' where viewers see young Billy Batson become the champion of Shazam, played by Djimon Hounsou, taking on his powers and becoming a superhero. Whilst the film focuses on the champion more than the wizard from the trailer the audience can see that the wizard does return in the sequel.

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Djimon Hounsou has been in a wide range of films since his first film role in the early 90s and has acted not only in DC films but appeared in the Marvel Universe too (as well as voicing T'challa in an earlier animated series). Djimon Hounsou was born in what is now the Republic of Benin before growing up in France where he became a model and then started his film career.

10 'Amistad' (1997)

Cinque looking distressed in Amistad (1997)
Image via Dreamworks Pictures

IMDb score: 7.3/10

Based on real-life events Steven Spielberg's Amistad explores what happened in 1839 when a group of slaves revolted against their captures and took control of the ship they were on in hopes of returning home. Unfortunately, they landed first in America and a widely publicized court case followed to determine whether these men were free men allowed to return to Sierra Leone or escaped slaves.

Djimon Hounsou received a Golden Globe nomination for playing the central character Cinque, based on the real man who lead the uprising and eventually found his way home. Whilst not the happy ending hoped for, the film encapsulates an important moment in American history and portrays reality at the time.

9 'In Search of Voodoo: Roots to Heaven' (2018)

In Search of Voodoo: Roots to Heaven
Photo from IMDb

IMDb score: 8.8/10

In Search of Voodoo: Roots to Heaven is a documentary directed, co-written and starring, Djimon Hounsou about his home country of Benin and the reality of its religion of Voodoo. The film hopes to show the truth and lighter side of the religion rather than the dark portrayal often seen in the media.

Djimon Hounsou explores his own home country, early upbringing and shows audience's a key part of himself in this directorial debut as the documentary goes between 1st person narrative and interviews with prominent figures in Benin.

8 'How to Train Your Dragon Two' (2014)

Drago Bludvist in How to Train Your Dragon 2
Image via DreamWorks

IMDb Score: 7.8/10

Number 2 in the popular How to Train Your Dragon triology sees Hiccup five years on from the events of the first film. Now a young adult, he has taught his village to live in harmony with the dragons until they meet a dragon hunter who has the power to mind control all their dragons and cause havoc.

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Djimon Hounsou gives voice acting a go as bad guy dragon hunter Drago intent on getting his way. This film has high ratings with critics, received many award nominations and internationally made more at the box office then How To Train Your Dragon. There is now a Live-Action remake on the way.

7 'In America' (2002)

Mateo carrying a young girl in In America
Photo from IMDb

IMDb Score: 7.7/10

In America is a semi-autobiographical story about a young Irish family which immigrated illegally to the US soon after losing their son. A heartbreaking look at reality for many at the time the film sees the family adapt to live in Manhattan without their son and their quest to become American citizens.

Playing Mateo, a screaming neighbor, Djimon Housou received multiple best supporting actor award nominations and wins. Mateo developed HIV from a bad blood transfusion and although befriended by the new family has been living as an outcast among the other tenants of the building.

6 'Blood Diamond' (2006)

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IMDb score: 8/10

Set in the Sierra Leone civil war of the 1990's, two men battle circumstances to find the Blood Diamond-a priceless diamond which would change their fortunes in life. Viewers see the reality of warlords, politics and conflict as the backdrop to this adventure story.

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Djimon Hounsou played local fisherman Vende, who has been enslaved to the diamond trade and originally finds the diamond. He received several nominations for his role including a Best Supporting Actor Oscar nomination.

5 'Guardians of the Galaxy' (2014)

Korath in a poster for Guardians of the Galaxy
Photo from IMDb

IMDb score: 8/10

Audience's met the Guardians of the Galaxy back in 2014 with Marvel's exploration of space and the expansion of its cinematic universe. A ragtag group of ex-cons come together to do a little good, and a little bad, in an attempt to protect the universe in this case from Ronan The Accuser.

Guardians of the Galaxy sees Djimon Hounsou's first appearance as Korath the Pursuer, a servant of Thanos via Ronan The Accuser. This was a big plot development point in the Marvel/Thanos storyline and all though Korath dies in this film outing he also appears in Captain Marvel, which is set before this, and the What If? series.

4 'Constantine' (2005)

Keanu Reeves, Djimon Hounsou, Shia Le Beouf  in Constantine
Photo from IMDb

IMDb score 7/10

Constantine is loosely based on the comic series Hellblazer from DC comics. Staring Keanu Reeves as a Constantine, a man who can communicate, and fight, with both half angels and demons. As a war rages on between heaven and hell Constantine must help the humans caught in the middle.

Whilst not set in the current DC universe, Constantine has a sequel in development due to a cult-like following. Djimon Hounsou plays Midnite, a neutral character in the war between heaven and hell. The character is immortal due to a curse so there is plenty of potential for him to show up in the sequel.

3 'Aquaman' (2018)

Fisherman Royals Aquaman
Photo from IMDb

IMDB Score: 6.8/10

Aquaman, set in the same DC universe as Shazam!, takes audiences on a journey to the lost city and world of Atlantis and it's people in all their forms. A half Atlantean, half human hero must help Atlantis as well as stopping it's King from destroying the top world at the same time.

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Unfortunately, the Fisherman King meets his untimely end which is a familiar pattern for Hounsou who seems to have a pattern of dying in many of his roles. Although he has only a small role providing the voice of the Fisherman King in Aquaman the role makes him part of a select group of actors who have appeared in both modern DC and Marvel films.

2 'Black Adam' (2022)

black adam imax poster social featured
Image via IMAX/Warner Bros.

IMDb Score 6.4/10

Black Adam stars The Rock as a super(anti)hero brought back to life in a very familiar, but this time in black not red, costume. Set in the same universe as Shazam! this film features the same other worldly struggles mentioned in the first Shazam! film but from a different angle.

Hounsou reprises his role as Shazam and linking these two (could of been) film series. Unfortunately, it seems with recent DC shake-ups we won't see any more of Black Adam or his shared story with Shazam, but it's interesting to audiences nonetheless to see the links between.

1 'Shazam!' (2019)

The wizard Shazam talking to Billy Batson in Shazam!
Image via Warner Bros.

IMDb Score: 7/10

Shazam! follows teen foster child Billy Batson as he is chosen as a wizard's champion to fight sin and becomes a fully grown adult superhero in the process. This DC film is a lot lighter and funnier than some other films within the shared universe, so appeals to audiences differently.

Appearing as the titular wizard in need of a champion Djimon Hounsou passes on his powers to save the world but, potentially, killing himself in the process. Audiences are excited to see how this character will develop after seeing him reappear in both Black Adam and the trailer for Shazam! Fury of the Gods.

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