The Meaning Behind The Song: Here Comes Your Man by Pixies - Old Time Music
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The Meaning Behind The Song: Here Comes Your Man by Pixies

The Story Behind “Here Comes Your Man” by Pixies

A Timeless Classic with a Deeper Meaning

Opening with a catchy guitar riff, “Here Comes Your Man” is one of the most recognizable songs from the alternative rock band Pixies. The upbeat harmonies and playful lyrics make it a timeless classic. But, what inspired the song and what is it really about?

The Song’s Origins

“Here Comes Your Man” was released as a single in 1989 and included on their album “Doolittle” the following year. The song was written by Pixies’ frontman, Black Francis, while he was attending college in his hometown of Boston.

Francis was inspired by the rash of earthquakes that hit California in the ’80s. Specifically, he had a friend in LA who was looking for a new apartment after their complex was damaged by an earthquake. Francis imagined the chaos and desperation that might ensue in the aftermath of a major earthquake. This idea eventually led to the opening lines of “Here Comes Your Man”: “Outside there’s a boxcar waiting/ Outside the family stew/ Out by the fire-breathing/ Outside we wait ’til face turns blue.”

The Lyrics and their Meaning

Upon first listen, “Here Comes Your Man” may sound like a simple love song about a man coming to the rescue of his lover. However, closer examination of the lyrics reveals a more complex message.

The lyrics describe a apocalyptic world where people are fighting to survive in the face of a natural disaster. The imagery of the boxcar, family stew, and face turning blue all paint a picture of a post-disaster world where people are struggling to stay alive.

Yet, the song also has a glimmer of hope. The chorus declares, “Here comes your man,” indicating that even in the midst of chaos and suffering, there is someone who will be there to help. In this way, “Here Comes Your Man” is a poignant reminder of the resilience of the human spirit and the power of love to help us overcome even the most dire circumstances.

The Music

“Here Comes Your Man” is an excellent example of Pixies’ signature sound, with its mix of rock, punk, and pop influences. Francis’ unique vocal styling blends perfectly with Kim Deal’s harmonies and their interplay adds to the song’s overall charm.

The song’s bright guitar melody balances out the darker lyrics, creating a dynamic and upbeat musical experience. Its catchy chorus and upbeat rhythm make it a crowd-favorite and a staple on alternative rock radio stations.

The Legacy of “Here Comes Your Man”

“Here Comes Your Man” has become a cult classic in the years since its release. It has been featured in numerous soundtracks, including the popular TV show “Stranger Things,” and inspired countless covers and homages.

In an interview with Rolling Stone, Francis reflected on the enduring popularity of the song, saying “It’s one of those things where, if you write something that has a happy feeling to it and is a little bit accessible, I think that’s probably why people still like it.”

The Final Word

“Here Comes Your Man” is a song that has stood the test of time, thanks to its catchy melody and deeper message. While it may have started as an imagined scenario inspired by earthquakes, it has become so much more. Its message of hope in the face of adversity has resonated with listeners for decades, making it a beloved classic of alternative rock.

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