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Rage of Bahamut: Genesis

34 Reviews

Two thousand years ago, the dragon Bahamut terrorized the magical land of Mistarcia. The humans, gods, and demons that inhabited the land joined forces against the fiend and bound its power to a key which was split in two—one half guarded by gods and the other by demons. Mistarcia became a peaceful realm—until the fateful day a woman stole the god’s half of the key.


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(3 reviews)15 June 2023
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where did it go

why is this gone idk why it would be removed im you hate you hate us sad panda

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(1 review)02 January 2024
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I want to watch this pleas bring it back

Or take it down one or the other ! It woudl be amazing to watch a show you pay a service to have find it be excited to see its dead broken not loaidng.

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(18 reviews)10 May 2017
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I'm telling you this is amazing. Look into my eyes. Are these the eyes of a liar?

Listen well, Start to finish, this is amazing. Incredible art style, great battles, music, animation, story, character development. You name it, this anime has it. I was hooked from the first episode and it just got better from there. I think my only gripe with this show was the short number of episodes that really limited the amount of character development they could have pulled off. However, even with that issue, they squeezed as much as they could into it. Everyone should watch what is probably one of the best anime's produced in recent years. Its like....The Road to El Dorado meets Chrono Crusade? Kinda. Watch it!

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(10 reviews)05 May 2017
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FAVARO!!! (I own Season 1)

Loved the series when I first watched it as it was airing each week. Re-watched it a few times since then, and every time is just as fun as the last ones. Not sure why CR is just now posting S1 to their site *RIGHT AS* Season 2 is currently airing brand new episodes each week. THAT kinda pisses me off though. Still, S1 is awesome and I can't get enough of yelling "FAVARO!" (for no reason at all).

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(3 reviews)04 May 2017
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5 Orange Afros Out Of Five

The Orange Afro makes it much better. I promise! As silly as this anime sounds from the description, I can promise you, it is. But in a good way. The way the two main characters (shown) interact with each other is so refreshing from all the other stuff. The animation is very good. But If I were to point out one thing I liked most about this anime, it would be the character's voices. I guess the producers just over thought all of the voicing for the show and gave character's voices realistic sounding voice based off of their surroundings or location. So someone inside an old stone cellar would sound like they were in a one, etc...