Broadchurch series 2: From bluebells to Sandbrook - what we learnt from episode one | The Independent | The Independent

Broadchurch series 2: From bluebells to Sandbrook - what we learnt from episode one

From mysterious lawyer Jocelyn Knight to bluebells - what is going on?

Jess Denham
Tuesday 06 January 2015 10:49 GMT
Olivia Colman as DS Ellie Miller in Broadchurch series two
Olivia Colman as DS Ellie Miller in Broadchurch series two (ITV)

Last night the long wait for Broadchurch series two finally came to an end, as David Tennant and Olivia Colman burst back onto our screens to rave reviews.

The plot has been kept tightly under wraps (so tightly that the cast were given partial scripts while filming, shot several different endings and have not been allowed to watch the episodes in full), but episode one revealed that it will focus on Joe Miller’s trial and DI Alec Hardy’s former, unsolved case at Sandbrook.

Of course there are many mysterious elements to the new Broadchurch, with plenty of twists and turns still to come.

Writer Chris Chibnall will be giving nothing away before each new episode, and journalists have not been given preview access.

Here’s what we have learned so far:

Joe is pleading not guilty to Danny’s murder

His lawyer thought he was going to plead guilty and judging by the horrified reactions, so did everyone else. But no, Joe took things into his own hands, vowing not to go down for 11-year-old Danny’s murder without a fight. Meaning there will be a full trial, played out in front of our very eyes, and no-one is more excited than young journalist Olly Stevens.

Matthew Gravelle stars as murder suspect Joe Miller in Broadchurch series two (ITV)

Alec has been hiding a big secret

Tennant’s detective only came to work in the Dorset town to protect Sandbrook witness Claire Ashworth from her husband, suspected killer Lee Ashworth.

Claire provided Lee with a false alibi for the night of two local girls’ disappearance, but in reality was “at a friend’s house”. Now Lee is back, staring menacingly down at Alec from the clifftops after Craig (“What is the point of you Craig?”) failed to inform them of his return to England. Be afraid, be very afraid.

Eve Myles as Claire Ashworth in Broadchurch series two

Bluebells are going to be important

Who knew little blue flowers could hold such vital clues? Seemingly they do in the new series of Broadchurch, which began with an unidentifiable man trampling a bed of bluebells. Later on, DS Ellie Miller found a pressed bluebell in Claire’s cupboard and mentioned it to Alec, who seemed perturbed by the discovery.

Bluebells in Broadchurch series two - but what could they mean?

Beth blames Ellie for Danny’s murder

The most harrowing line in last night’s episode was arguably Beth screaming at Ellie to “rot in hell” after she finds out that Danny’s body is being exhumed for evidence purposes. It is Ellie’s husband, Joe, who is on trial for Danny’s murder, but the Latimers blame Ellie for failing to see what was going on under her nose and preventing his tragic death.

Arthur Darvill, Olivia Colman and Andrew Buchan in Broadchurch series two (ITV)

Meanwhile, Ellie’s son Tom refuses to live with her and instead seems to be passing time playing FIFA with Danny’s dad Mark.

Something’s going on with the lawyers and particularly Jocelyn Knight

She eventually agreed to take on the Latimers’ case after a serious of dramatic beach meetings, but what is really going on with Charlotte Rampling's new character Jocelyn Knight?

Charlotte Rampling as Jocelyn Knight in Broadchurch series two (ITV)

She quit work as a lawyer three years ago for reasons unbeknown to viewers but clearly known by defence QC Sharon Bishop (Marianne Jean-Baptiste) and her junior Abby Thompson (Phoebe Waller-Bridge). Let us in on the secret Joss!

Ellie’s sister Lucy is seriously shifty

Sitting outside the courtroom with son Olly, Lucy mentioned how she’ll “have to give evidence” in Joe’s impending trial, suggesting that she knows something no-one else does…

Tanya Franks as Ellie Miller's sister Lucy Stevens (ITV)

Tune in next Monday at 9pm on ITV for further developments.

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