Original MISFITS Drummer MANNY MARTINEZ Reportedly Dies At 69 - BLABBERMOUTH.NET

Original MISFITS Drummer MANNY MARTINEZ Reportedly Dies At 69

December 17, 2023

Original MISFITS drummer Manny Martinez has died at the age of 69.

Martinez's death was confirmed by his friend Zach Rector in a social media post on Saturday (December 16). Zach wrote: "Going to miss you Brother Manny Martinez / A true living legend a student of Buddy Rich I remember Manny telling me Multiple occasions of Buddy bringing up his chops while coming up, & his stories of his family's notorious bar ...An Original MISFITS period. All around stand up guy, talking always about working and the progress on my house I'd call him up & talk alot about carpentry issues & how I should figure out the reconfiguration of my upstairs of this old house of mine that was built in 1872...more than just a musician, artist & carpenter...he was my friend, Rest easy Manny".

Martinez drummed on the MISFITS' first single, 1977's "Cough/Cool" (and its B-side, the original version of "She") and performed a handful of shows with the band before his departure in late 1977. The band's original recording lineup featured Martinez, singer/keyboardist Glenn Danzig, and bassist Jerry Only (then known by his real name, Jerry Caiafa).

Martinez is largely credited for introducing Danzig to Only in early 1977. His recordings with the MISFITS were later featured in the band's box set, released in 1996.

Thanks: Joel Gausten

Going to miss you Brother Manny Martinez / A true living legend a student of Buddy Rich I remember Manny telling me...

Posted by Zach Rector on Saturday, December 16, 2023

Hey Fiends,
Sad news. It is has been confirmed that original Misfits drummer Manny Martinez has passed away. Manny...

Posted by Original Misfits Fiend Crypt on Saturday, December 16, 2023

It's very unfortunate to make this post. Original Misfits drummer Manny Martinez has passed away. Manny played on the...

Posted by Eric Vitale on Saturday, December 16, 2023

Looks like it is irrefutable now. Manny Martinez has unfortunately left the building. I am really glad that I got to...

Posted by They Came From Lodi - A Misfit Story on Saturday, December 16, 2023

RIP Original Misfits drummer Manny Martinez

Posted by Misfits Tribute 138-Revamp on Saturday, December 16, 2023

I got word today that the original drummer of the Misfits, Manny Martinez passed away. After talking with him a while...

Posted by Ted Bestler on Saturday, December 16, 2023

I learned today that the original Misfits drummer, Manny Martinez, has passed away. We had a mutual friend and I was...

Posted by Billy Marshall Tranter on Saturday, December 16, 2023

It's very unfortunate to have to make this post. Original @officialmisfits drummer, Manny Martinez has passed away....

Posted by evmetal81 on Saturday, December 16, 2023

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