8 Eddie Murphy Stand-Up Jokes That Prove He's The Greatest
The Daily Grind Video

Way before Meet Dave, Norbit, The Klumps, or Shrek, Eddie Murphy was one of the funniest stand-up comics of all time. That’s why it was such a big deal that he told jokes on stage while receiving the Mark Twain Award for Comedy for the first time since before most millennials can remember. In total, it’s been 28 years since Murphy performed some real stand-up on the stage.

In the ’80s, he blessed the world with two perfect stand-up specials that still stand the test of time to remain relevant today. In 1982, he dropped his first special Delirious, in which he wore a red leather outfit and told jokes about race, sexuality, celebrity, and his family.

He followed that up in 1987 by putting on a purple leather one-piece outfit to get Raw on the world, giving us much more of the same provocative comedy. He did impressions of Bill Cosby, Richard Pryor, Michael Jackson and more. Eddie’s comedy has even sparked pop culture brilliance like Jay Z’s “Girls Girls Girls,” and Shaggy‘s “It Wasn’t Me,” both of which are based on Eddie Murphy jokes.

When Eddie graced the stage at the Kennedy Center last night, he showed the world he’s still got it. Check out our eight favorite Eddie Murphy stand-up jokes in the videos below.

The Original Bill Cosby Joke – Before last night’s Bill Cosby joke, there was Eddie’s retelling of when Bill called him up to tell him not to curse on stage. What happened next? Eddie told Bill to “have a coke and a smile and STFU.”

The Ice Cream Man – Every kid chased an ice cream truck a time or two. In this joke, Murphy perfectly captures the days of summer and the adventure of chasing down the man with the delicious sweet treat.

It Wasn’t Me – This is where Shaggy got the blueprint for his hit song. Eddie explains that when you put it on a woman good enough, she can catch you with another woman and all you got to do to get out of trouble is say, “It wasn’t me.”

Family Cookout/Drunk Father – We all have those family members who we only see during cookouts and family gatherings. We also have the one drunk relative that wants to tell you about yourself after they have too much to drink. In this joke, Eddie reenacts his Aunt Bunny falling down the stairs and introduced the term, “Goonie Goo Goo.” 

Michael Jackson – In both Delirious and Raw, Eddie talks about Michael Jackson, who loved his jokes so much, they became friends. Press play if you wondered why Eddie never took Brooke Shields to the Grammys.

Half – Before Eddie Murphy, people had no clue what a pre-nup was. Now it’s common knowledge. Eddie talks about being scared of a woman taking half of his money.

UmFuFu – Jay Z took the next part of that joke to icon status when he used it for one of his lyrics. “Excuse me Ms. FuFu, when I met your ass, you was dead broke and naked, now you want half.”

McDonald’s — One of the best jokes Eddie ever told was when his mother made him McDonald’s. It’s so great it doesn’t need much introduction.