40 Facts about the movie Seven Chances - Facts.net
Nerte Matney

Written by Nerte Matney

Modified & Updated: 02 Jun 2024

Sherman Smith

Reviewed by Sherman Smith

Source: Tcm.com

Are you a fan of classic movies? If so, then you must have heard of the iconic film “Seven Chances.” Released in 1925, this black and white comedy is often overlooked but has left a lasting impact on cinema. Directed by the legendary Buster Keaton, “Seven Chances” tells the hilarious story of a young man who must find a bride by 7 PM to inherit a fortune. Packed with Keaton’s trademark physical comedy and thrilling chase sequences, the film has cemented its place in film history. In this article, we will explore 40 fascinating facts about “Seven Chances” that will leave you amazed and eager to revisit this gem of a movie.

Key Takeaways:

  • Buster Keaton’s “Seven Chances” is a timeless silent comedy film that showcases his physical comedy skills and innovative storytelling, making it a must-watch classic for fans of laughter and romance.
  • The movie’s iconic stone-throwing scene, Keaton’s chase by dozens of women, and his creative use of everyday objects for comedic effect highlight his comedic genius and enduring influence on modern-day comedy.
Table of Contents

Seven Chances is a silent comedy film released in 1925.

Directed by Buster Keaton, it tells the story of a young man who must find a wife within 24 hours in order to inherit a large fortune.

The film is based on a play of the same name by Roi Cooper Megrue.

Keaton adapted the play for the screen, adding his own comedic touches to enhance the story.

Seven Chances features one of Buster Keaton’s most famous stunts.

In the film’s climax, Keaton’s character is chased by dozens of women down a hill, resulting in a chaotic and hilarious chase scene.

The iconic stone-throwing scene in Seven Chances was done in a single take.

Keaton had to practice extensively to achieve the perfect timing and accuracy for this memorable sequence.

Seven Chances showcases Keaton’s physical comedy skills.

Known for his deadpan expression and acrobatic stunts, Keaton’s comedic timing and athleticism are on full display throughout the film.

The movie was a critical and commercial success.

Upon its release, Seven Chances received positive reviews for its innovative storytelling and Keaton’s comedic brilliance.

The film highlights the theme of societal pressures to get married.

Keaton’s character’s race against time to find a wife reflects the societal expectations and norms of the time period.

Seven Chances is known for its inventive and visually stunning gags.

Keaton’s ability to create humor through physicality and clever setups is a hallmark of his comedies, including this one.

The musical score for Seven Chances was composed by Robert Israel.

Israel’s score enhances the comedic moments and adds depth to the emotional scenes, enriching the overall viewing experience.

The film’s title refers to the seven chances Keaton’s character has to find a bride.

Each chance becomes more desperate and absurd, leading to hilarious and unpredictable outcomes.

Seven Chances showcases Keaton’s talent as both an actor and a filmmaker.

He was deeply involved in every aspect of the production, from writing and directing to performing his own stunts.

The movie was influential in the development of romantic comedies.

Seven Chances pioneered the concept of a man having a limited amount of time to find a partner, a trope that has been used in numerous rom-coms since then.

Seven Chances was deemed “culturally, historically, or aesthetically significant” by the Library of Congress.

In 1996, it was selected for preservation in the United States National Film Registry.

Seven Chances is considered one of Buster Keaton’s best films.

It showcases his unique style of physical comedy and demonstrates why he is regarded as one of the greatest silent film actors of all time.

The movie features stunning cinematography.

Keaton and his cinematographer, Elgin Lessley, captured breathtaking shots that contribute to the overall comedic and visual impact of the film.

Seven Chances was a departure from Keaton’s earlier films.

It allowed him to explore different genres and expand his range as an actor and filmmaker.

The film includes a memorable wedding dress scene.

Keaton’s character mistakenly ends up in a room full of potential brides, leading to a series of mishaps and comedic situations.

Seven Chances features a number of comedic set pieces.

From a wild car chase to an unforgettable scene in a church, the film offers non-stop laughs from start to finish.

The film’s success helped solidify Keaton’s status as a comedy superstar.

It showcased his unique brand of humor and cemented his place in cinema history.

Seven Chances demonstrates Keaton’s creativity in utilizing everyday objects for comedic effect.

From a simple umbrella to a street full of vehicles, Keaton turns ordinary situations into laugh-out-loud moments.

The film’s physical comedy sequences were meticulously choreographed.

Keaton was known for his precise timing and attention to detail, ensuring every gag landed perfectly onscreen.

Seven Chances has been praised for its storytelling simplicity.

Keaton’s ability to tell a compelling and entertaining story without relying heavily on dialogue is a testament to his filmmaking skills.

The film’s success opened doors for Keaton to have greater creative control over his future projects.

He went on to make several more successful films that showcased his unique comedic style.

Seven Chances is a testament to the enduring popularity of silent films.

Even after almost a century, the film continues to captivate audiences with its timeless humor and visual storytelling.

The movie showcases Keaton’s physical agility and athleticism.

His ability to perform daring stunts and physical feats adds an extra layer of excitement and entertainment to the film.

Seven Chances features a memorable chase scene through a construction site.

Keaton’s character becomes entangled in a series of comedic mishaps involving wooden beams, falling debris, and runaway equipment.

The film’s comedic gags are still influential in modern-day comedy.

From slapstick humor to visual puns, Keaton’s comedic techniques continue to inspire comedians and filmmakers today.

Seven Chances showcases Keaton’s ability to create laughter through visual storytelling alone.

His expressive face and physicality convey humor without the need for dialogue.

The film’s clever use of props enhances the comedic moments.

From a malfunctioning car to a runaway boulder, the props contribute to the unpredictable and hilarious situations Keaton finds himself in.

Seven Chances features a mix of comedy and romance.

Keaton’s pursuit of a bride is intertwined with a heartfelt love story, adding depth and emotional resonance to the film.

The movie’s soundtrack enhances the comedic timing and atmosphere.

Keaton and composer Carl Davis collaborated to create a score that perfectly complements the onscreen action.

Seven Chances has stood the test of time.

Its enduring popularity and continued screenings at film festivals and retrospectives are a testament to its timeless appeal.

The film’s portrayal of female characters reflects the social norms of the time.

While some may see it as outdated, it provides insight into the gender dynamics of the era in which it was made.

Seven Chances showcases Keaton’s ability to find humor in dire situations.

Despite the challenges his character faces, Keaton’s comedic genius shines through, providing moments of laughter even in the most desperate moments.

The film’s physical comedy is enhanced by Keaton’s impeccable timing.

His split-second reactions and perfectly executed stunts make for comedic gold onscreen.

Seven Chances has been referenced and parodied in various forms of popular culture.

From cartoons to sitcoms, the film’s influence can be seen in comedic works across different mediums.

The movie’s success helped solidify Keaton’s reputation as one of the silent film era’s greatest stars.

His unique blend of physical comedy and storytelling prowess set him apart from his contemporaries.

Seven Chances is a testament to Keaton’s dedication to his craft.

Despite multiple injuries during filming, he continued to deliver his trademark comedic brilliance.

The film’s climactic chase scene is one of the most iconic moments in silent film history.

It showcases Keaton’s ability to create thrilling and hilarious set pieces that still hold up today.

Seven Chances remains a must-watch for fans of silent comedy and Buster Keaton.

Its enduring popularity and timeless humor make it a classic that continues to delight audiences worldwide.


In conclusion, “Seven Chances” is an iconic film that has left a lasting impact on the world of cinema. With its unique storyline, brilliant direction by Buster Keaton, and memorable performances, it continues to captivate audiences even after all these years. The film’s timeless themes of love, desperation, and the pursuit of happiness resonate with viewers of all generations. Whether you’re a fan of silent films or simply appreciate masterful storytelling, “Seven Chances” is a must-watch movie that showcases the genius of Buster Keaton and the magic of early filmmaking.


Q: Who directed the movie “Seven Chances”?

A: “Seven Chances” was directed by the legendary comedian and filmmaker, Buster Keaton.

Q: When was “Seven Chances” released?

A: The movie “Seven Chances” was released on March 11, 1925.

Q: What is the main storyline of “Seven Chances”?

A: “Seven Chances” follows the story of a young man named James Shannon, who is given the opportunity to inherit a vast fortune if he gets married by 7:00 p.m. on his 27th birthday. Faced with the challenge of finding a bride in a limited amount of time, James embarks on a series of hilarious misadventures.

Q: How long is the movie “Seven Chances”?

A: The runtime of “Seven Chances” is approximately 56 minutes.

Q: Is “Seven Chances” a silent film?

A: Yes, “Seven Chances” is a silent film with a musical score accompanying the visuals.

Q: Are there any notable performances in “Seven Chances”?

A: Buster Keaton delivers a standout performance in the lead role of James Shannon. His physical comedy and impeccable timing have made this film one of his most celebrated works.

Q: Is “Seven Chances” considered a classic in the film industry?

A: Yes, “Seven Chances” is widely regarded as a classic film and has influenced many filmmakers over the years.

Q: Can I watch “Seven Chances” online?

A: Yes, “Seven Chances” is available to stream on various online platforms and can also be found on DVD and Blu-ray.

Q: Does “Seven Chances” have any special effects?

A: “Seven Chances” features some impressive special effects for its time, including a memorable scene with a massive boulder chasing Buster Keaton down a hill.

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