How to use our IRS Reimbursement Rate calculator now offers an IRS reimbursement rate calculation on our listed directions pages for the routes you create! This allows you to see the current IRS reimbursement value for your routes (based on the current year's official IRS reimbursement rate).

Where do I find this IRS reimbursement rate for my routes on MapQuest?

To enable the IRS Reimbursement Rate for your routes on

  1. Go to
  2. Click Route Settings
  3. Click to toggle the switch next to Use IRS Reimbursement for Fuel to the right
  4. Click Apply Settings

Once you've toggled this feature on, you'll see the IRS Reimbursement value on both your Route Options page, and on the listed directions page. 

Note: On Route Planner, you must click View Step-by-step Directions in order to see the IRS Reimbursement value. 

How does MapQuest calculate this IRS reimbursement rate for my routes?

Each year, the IRS releases an official rate (in cents per mile) for mileage reimbursement. The IRS Reimbursement value you see on your MapQuest routes is calculated by multiplying the number of miles on your route by the current year's IRS Reimbursement Rate.

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