Study Here | Pembroke college
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Study Here

Hear from our students!

Henry Worlsey
Henry Worsley (2021, History and Italian)

At first I was anxious about the workload, but once I arrived I soon realised that it’s very manageable - almost everyone seems incredibly passionate about what they're reading, whether that’s medicine or Machiavelli, and that sense of enthusiasm made getting into the groove much easier.

Ruth Arnold
Ruth Arnold (2020, Biology)

I want to encourage everyone who doesn't feel 'good enough' because I've been there. In and amongst various personal hardships of the past 3 years, I have been surrounded by wonderful tutors and fellow students who have helped me along the way. So thank you Pembroke!

Benjamin Bréant smiling
Benjamin Bréant (2019, MPhil International Relations)

As a graduate, Pembroke College has a lot to offer. While I was navigating the many projects of my DPhil, I knew that I had an anchored support in my MCR, and with the wider community and staff in college. Being part of Pembroke College also positively impacted my research, whether it was by discussing with other fellows, or by encouraging me to go and present my projects at conferences.