Five Paragraph Essay | Definition, Structure & Example - Lesson |
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Five Paragraph Essay | Definition, Structure & Example

Janelle Barowski, Bill Brown
  • Author
    Janelle Barowski

    Janelle is a tutor for Nursing and Health Administration. She has an Associate's degree in Nursing from Middlesex College. She also has a Bachelors and a Masters degree in Nursing Administration and Leadership from Western Governors University. She currently is a practicing pediatric and geriatric nurse.

  • Instructor
    Bill Brown

    Bill holds an M.A.T. He has taught English/Language Arts to secondary students.

Learn about the essay structure of a five-paragraph essay and how to write a five-paragraph essay. Read five-paragraph essay examples to understand how to properly format a five-paragraph essay outline. Updated: 11/21/2023
Frequently Asked Questions

How many sentences are in a 5 paragraph essay?

There is no limit to the number of sentences in a 5 paragraph essay. On average, the conclusion paragraph has 5 to 7 sentences, and the introduction paragraph has about the same. The body paragraphs have about the same in each one as well, but this varies. There is no hard rule on how many sentences there are in this type of essay.

How do you write a 5 paragraph essay?

Begin by picking a topic, and thoroughly researching it using valid, current research. Then, formulate the argument based on the research. Make an outline of the essay in bullet form, including main ideas. Start by writing the introduction paragraph and work your way to the conclusion.

What are the 5 paragraphs in an essay?

There are five paragraphs in a formal essay. The first one is the introduction paragraph. The middle three are body paragraphs that add detail. The last paragraph is a conclusion paragraph.

The five-paragraph essay is a basic essay format that can be expanded upon to meet the needs of the author. These essays are common in middle school and high school and on standardized tests. These are formal literary works that are written to prove a particular point to the reader. Personal opinions should not be included in a 5 paragraph essay.

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  • 0:07 The Five-Paragraph Essay
  • 2:12 Thesis Statement
  • 3:34 Body Paragraph Content
  • 4:37 Maintaining Focus and…
  • 6:13 Conclusion Paragraph
  • 8:02 The Power of Five

The essay structure of this literary work is divided into 5 paragraphs that have their format and use within the essay.

The five-paragraph essay outline is divided into the following segments:

  • Introduction paragraph
  • Body paragraph presenting evidence
  • Body paragraph presenting new evidence
  • Body paragraph presenting different evidence
  • Conclusion paragraph

This essay structure is used when the author is attempting to prove an argument concisely.

Formal essays stick to the five-paragraph format.



The purpose of the introductory paragraph is to present the argument to the reader and provide an overall idea of the purpose of the paper. This paragraph is placed as the first paragraph in the essay and will be the basis of what the paper will be about.

The introduction paragraph starts with a hook statement that grabs the reader's attention. It might be a rhetorical question or an interesting statistic that sets up the purpose of the essay.

After the hook, the introduction paragraph will state the main purpose of the paper. What is the paper about? That question will be answered in this portion of the introduction paragraph. It will give context to the paper and will set the reader up for the thesis statement.

The introductory paragraph has a thesis statement. The thesis statement is a single sentence that presents the point the essay is trying to make and the main ideas of the three body paragraphs. This may be the most important sentence in the essay and it provides a significant amount of information. It must be well written. The thesis statement is the last sentence in the introductory paragraph.

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