Let's make a list of everything we know about the hijackers : r/MaxHeadroomIncident Skip to main content

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A subreddit discussing the Max Headroom Incident

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Let's make a list of everything we know about the hijackers

NOTE: For the sake of convenience, let's refer to the guy in the Max Headroom mask as "Max", the girl in the maid costume with the fly swatter as "Maid", and the cameraman as "Cameraman".

  1. "Max" was a fan of Clutch Cargo, given that he could both hum the theme song and name the title of the final episode I Still See the X. This suggests he was probably born in the mid to late 50s since "Clutch Cargo" was a popular kids show in the early to mid 60s. This would put his approximate age in 1987, at the time of the hacking, at around 30 to 35. Of course, it's also possible that he was born later and only became familiar with Clutch Cargo via reruns.

  2. The video was pre recorded, not performed live, given the jump cut towards the end which would be impossible otherwise.

  3. Although "Max" was willing to show us his bare ass, a dildo, and some spanking, he was oddly reticent to swear. He uses the word "freakin" twice instead of "fucking" and never even comes close to cursing in any other capacity at all. This seems odd. He's willing to commit a federal crime, show his ass, show a sex toy, and get spanked on tv, but he won't swear? Very curious.

  4. They had to have equipment that was both powerful enough and close enough to the broadcast towers of the stations they hacked in order to be able to hack them. Their tech had to be just strong enough to bump WGN's signal for a short period without being able to break in with audio, and then strong enough to fully break into the WTTW broadcast for however long they wanted with full audio. This has always implied to me that it almost certainly had to be an inside job, so the hackers had to be employees (current in 1987 or former by 1987) of a tv station in Chicago. I think it's quite likely they were employees of WTTW but disgruntled former employees of WGN. Either that or, if it wasn't an inside job, they had to be hackers with extensive knowledge and almost unattainable equipment capabilities for private individuals at the time, as we found out during the K and J era of this investigation.

  5. It's possible that "Max" himself was neither a tech expert nor an employee/former employee with WGN, WTTW, or any other station. He could have just been a friend of the real mastermind who might have been "Cameraman" or even someone else entirely. It's quite possible that the people who made the video took no part in the actual hacking itself at all. Maybe they knew someone who worked at WTTW or WGN and they gave the tape to them to broadcast. Maybe the person they knew on the inside was the mastermind and got them to make the video, or maybe the video makers were the masterminds but didn't know how to actually hack in themselves but talked their friend who worked at WTTW or WGN into doing it for them.

  6. "Max" seems to be a fiscal conservative. He insults Chuck Swirsky by calling him a liberal, implying that he thinks being a liberal is a bad thing. However, given his willingness to possess and show a sex toy and his ass on tv, I couldn't really say he's a social conservative. My guess is he's a libertarian Republican type of guy.

  7. "Max" seems to personally harbour a grudge/contempt for Chuck Swirsky and WGN, since he explicitly insults both of them during the video. My guess is, he is a disgruntled former employee of WGN. I think his insult against Chuck was actually more of a throwaway comment, insofar as Chuck was probably just the first famous reporter that came to his mind when he wanted to make the point that, as a presenter on tv, he's better than most reporters already working. It'd be like if I did something similar today and to talk myself up I said something like "I think I'm better at this gig than Don Lemon, freakin liberal!" It's not that I have a personal beef with Don Lemon, he's just a tv personality I'm sure most people will know, so he's kind of a surrogate for the whole industry in that context. That's how "Max's" reference to Chuck comes across to me. However, him actually knowing to call WGN "the world's greatest newspaper" shows a bit more intimacy in his relationship with that brand. I don't know, but I'm not sure most people would just casually think to call WGN by it's full name like that. Seems like his beef with them is a bit more explicit and personal.

What else do we know?

Is there anything I've got wrong or missed here?

I'm very keen to hear more thoughts on this.

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Interesting. One thing I don't understand though, is if Max was a disgruntled WGN employee, wouldn't that narrow down the list of possible suspects to a point where the FCC could have found out who did it? I also thought I heard somewhere that the signal would have to have been sent out from atop of another sky scraper? So with all that information, could the FCC narrow it down quite a bit?

You would think so, right? I guess it depends how many employees WGN or WTTW had at the time, and how many worked in departments that could have made it possible to pull this off. Personally, I think it's more likely they worked at WTTW than WGN, if they even worked at either.

I also had a thought recently that perhaps the FCC actually did find the culprits, but instead of charging them they let them off in exchange for their help with future broadcast related incidents and issues. Maybe their knowledge and expertise was determined to be so advanced that the FCC felt they needed them. That's really conspiratorial though, haha. I have zero evidence for that other than the fact it should have been easy for them to narrow down the suspects and that they allegedly never deduced the perpetrators.


It may be a bit conspiratorial, but I love the thought of the FCC recruiting the culprits. Considering how recent of an invention satellites were, it might have been smart for the FCC to hire someone who knew how to do something so crazy.

Yeah, it's just a theory that popped in my head that did explain some of the facts. I know it's a bit tinfoil hat, haha, but I mean, MK Ultra was a thing, so who knows?

You would just have to look at Frank Abagnale for your answer to that. And that was much more serious of a crime.

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that also means its possible he had to sign a nda

Exactly, which would also explain why the perpetrators haven't come forward even after the statute of limitations expired. You're convincing me even more to believe my own theory, haha.

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You would just have to look at Frank Abagnale for your answer to that. And that was a much more serious crime.

It might be, because there is someone who will not release info about who did it until he dies.

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Ive been wondering if there was more to the video but he cut it off so he wouldnt get caught

Interesting thought. I also recently heard someone say that they believe that the start of the second intrusion (the one with audio on WTTW) wasn't the actual start of the video, and that the initial 20 or so seconds of the first intrusion (the one without audio on WGN) was the true start of the video. Their evidence was the fact that "Max" bounces around for the entirety of the 20 or so seconds of the first intrusion video, but that there's no section in the second intrusion video where he just bounces around like that for that long. Their theory is that they played the first 20 seconds or so of the tape during the first intrusion but didn't rewind before they broke into the WTTW broadcast for the second intrusion, so the tape just picked up where it had left off at that point.

I have to say, the 20 or so seconds of footage shown in the first intrusion is definitely not shown in the second intrusion at all. However, it could also be that they tried to do the first one live but then used a pre-recorded video for the second intrusion. That doesn't make as much sense though, because if you had pre-recorded footage already, why would you attempt to do it live but then switch to the pre-recorded stuff later? Seems more likely the start of the pre-recording was played during intrusion one and then the rest was played during intrusion two.

As for if there is any extra footage after the spanking, I kinda doubt it. Seems like that was a natural end point of the transmission. I'm willing to be convinced otherwise though.


its also possible that the first one was a test to see if it would work. that could also be why the audio sucks

Absolutely. That's definitely a possibility too. I'm not sure I think that would be so though, because I feel like their intention was to break into WGN but when it didn't work out as intended, that's when they fell back on WTTW. I feel like if they were trying to break into WGN, they'd have had their prime material ready to go since they wouldn't want to waste an opportunity like that in case they did manage to get on air. Again, just my speculation though. It's also entirely possible the WGN one was just a test and WTTW was their target all along.


that makes me wonder if he was a fan of dr who because it says when it ends there was a shock .... in dr who so could have it been lined up?

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u/manmanania avatar

I don't think it's clear whether the person who interrupted the broadcast was also the actor as Max Headroom. In other words, I think there has to be more than the three people listed, given that there would be people with specialist knowledge on broadcasting, filming, acting, editing, etc.

This "larger team theory" probably explains the timeline of the event, as when the WGN interruption failed, the additional member went over to WTTW and played from where they left off. If it was the same person, or a small team, the broadcast would restart from the beginning. However, this is not the case, which the second interruption speaks for itself.

Yes, I agree completely. I find that all the Youtube commentators who cover this topic talk as though the actor playing "Max" was also the mastermind of the whole thing and the tech genius who hacked the signals as well. I agree with you that that's not necessarily (or even probably) the case.

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It looks like the beginning of the tape is partially cut off, who is Max calling a nerd? Is the (because if/that's it) phrase at the very beginning actually a part of someone's name?

Let me just point out the fact shes not dressed as a maid she is dressed as Annie Oakley...could have some significance. Just saying.


I think you hit the nail on the head with the last point, but if the video was a threat we would've seen something happen to a host on WGN. I say that because he mentions blood on his glove from his brother.

I think this video was to show that networks like WGN were vulnerable to hackers or to show a form of power.