Chewed Up, Spit Out, and Stepped On | Warrior Wiki | Fandom
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Chewed Up, Spit Out, and Stepped On is the sixth episode of the first season of the Cinemax original martial arts crime drama Warrior. It premiered on May 10, 2019. The series has since been acquired by Max.


Tensions escalate between the Hop Wei and Long Zii after an assassination attempt during a boisterous Chinatown parade. Big Bill sets out to pay his debt to Jack Damon, leaving Lee to keep watch over Lucy and the kids. Mayor Blake and Deputy Mayor Buckley get a mandate from Robert Crestwood, a senator with eyes on the White House.



Chinatown parade

Ah Sahm skips the Chinatown parade to hook up with Penny. Meanwhile, the Long Zii and Fung Hai make a move against the Hop Wei, setting off a bomb underneath Father Jun's station, nearly killing him, but fortunately, Young Jun and Bolo manage to save him in time before the bomb explodes, which leaves several dead and Bill shaken as Lee goes chasing after the perpetrators.

Ah Sahm tells Penny the story of how his sister saved his life. Five years ago, there was a guy a few towns over. Everyone said he was the one to beat, so Ah Sahm went over there with some friends and challenged him, but in the middle of the fight, Ah Sahm hit him, he lost his balance, and hit his head on the ground. And as it turned out, his father was Sun Yang, a local warlord. Sun Yang threatened to kill Ah Sahm and take his father's farm, but Mai Ling offered to marry him instead. To Penny, it sounds like in the end, Mai Ling was perfectly capable of taking care of herself, as are all women when given the opportunity.

Bill returns home to find Damon waiting for him, along with Lucy. He reveals that the parade went awry when a couple savages got a hold of some TNT. Damon claims that he's working a case and asks Lucy for some privacy. When she leaves, he reminds Bill that it's time for him to pay his debt. Bill claims that he has the money and will bring it to the Banshee tomorrow night.

Ah Sahm and Young Jun pay Chao an unexpected visit following the explosion at the parade, as they suspect that he may know why the Fung Hai attacked them.

Lee has been doing a bit of detective work in hopes of getting to the bottom of the explosion. Lee suspects that the Long Zii are looking for their piece of the opium business, which the Hop Wei won't give up without a fight. However, the men who bombed Hop Wei didn't run in the direction of Long Zii territory, leading Lee to suspect there's another tong involved, specifically the Fung Hai, who are said to be the most savage of the tongs. However, Bill isn't interested in doing any real investigative work, especially where the tongs are involved. Bill agrees to give Lee's theory some thought, but in the meantime, he arms Lee with a shotgun and tells him to sit outside his house tonight.

Young Jun wants to rally the tong for a counter-attack against the Fung Hai, who have joined forces with the Long Zii. Some of them are worried about starting a war, but as far as Young Jun is concerned, the bombing was the initiation of the war. Ah Sahm and Bolo support his call to war.

Mayor Blake and Deputy Mayor Buckley meet with Senator Crestwood after the bombing in Chinatown. With the recent events, not to mention the prostitution and gang wars, the senator is worried about the citizens of San Francisco. He wants to put an end to immigration and had a hand in drafting the Exclusion Act, but there is some strong opposition from President Hayes, which is why Crestwood intends to run for President, but it won't look good for him if citizens are being slaughtered in his own state. Mayor Blake gives his full support and plans to double their efforts in Chinatown.

Despite scolding Mayor Blake for the bombing in Chinatown, Senator Crestwood privately tells Buckley that it feeds his agenda perfectly, and soon enough, Buckley will be applying his efforts alongside Crestwood in D.C.

Young Jun leads Ah Sahm and Bolo into the Fung Hai gambling den, where they slaughter the opposing tong despite being vastly outnumbered.


Bill asks Leary for help

Bill reveals he owes Damon some money and asks Leary to speak with Damon and ask him for an extension. However, Leary refuses to vouch for Bill, as he's a bad bet. Although, when he reveals that Damon is working for the Fung Hai casino, Leary reconsiders.

Long Zii remains unaware that Mai Ling commissioned the hit on Father Jun, but he is prepared for retaliation nonetheless. However, when a Fung Hai hatchet man is dropped off at their doorstep, Long Zii suspects Mai Ling made a reckless decision.

As asked of him, Lee spends the night guarding Bill's home. Lucy brings him something to eat and asks why he's on her porch with a shotgun. Lee claims it's simply a precaution, as they have been investigating the tong wars. However, Lee is a terrible liar and she sees through his lie.

Leary covers Bill's debt to Damon, however, he remains bothered by the fact that Damon is working for the Fung Hai. When Damon tries to leave, Leary blocks his path and challenges him to two rounds, granting Damon a chance to regain his honor as an Irishman. Damon agrees to Leary's terms and they head out back to the ring, where they exchange blows. However, Damon is no match for Leary, who beats him mercilessly. He beats Damon within an inch of his life and then tosses Bill Damon's cane to finish him off. Bill is reluctant, but in fear that Damon would retaliate should he be given the chance to heal, Bill bashes Damon's head in with his own cane.

Father Jun, accompanied by Ah Sahm, Young Jun, and Bolo, attend a meet with Long Zii, Mai Ling, and Li Yong. Father Jun knows that the bombing wasn't his doing, though it was his tong. The most important thing now is peace. Long Zii is hoping that Father Jun is willing to renew the truce, with penalties of course. Father Jun has no desire for war, but there can be no peace until the Fung Hai are dealt with. These are Father Jun's terms, which Long Zii agrees to. However, Father Jun has no intention of actually honoring the deal and intends to kill Long Zii, which he is also aware of.

Bill returns home at dawn to find Lee waiting on his porch. Lee doesn't even bother asking what happened, as he knows Bill wouldn't tell him the truth, though Bill does thank him. Bill then heads inside, where Lucy asks for help with the kids, but he is exhausted and asks for some time to rest and tells Lucy that he took care of everything, even if she isn't convinced. Bill then shuts the door and cries into his hand to muffle the sound. It is then that he looks over and notices a coin on the floor.





  • The episode title, "Chewed Up, Spit Out, and Stepped On," was spoken by Lee to Bill.


Promotional images[]

Episode guide[]

