Movies That Will Change Your Life, Ranked By How Much They Inspire

Mike McGranaghan
Updated June 1, 2024 17 items
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438 votes
92 voters
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Vote up the movies that inspire you to change your perspective on life.

Every movie fan, no matter how casual, can name at least one film that was inspirational to them or somehow changed their outlook on the world. It's one of the unique powers of cinema. For a couple hours, you get to experience the world through somebody else's eyes. You learn what they learn. If you embrace the lesson deeply enough, it can leave you permanently affected.

The following films are all examples of inspirational storytelling at its finest. They're entertaining, insightful, emotional, and occasionally profound. Each of them delivers a potent message designed to uplift viewers. In other words, these are movies that will change your life.

  • Premise: Depressed George Bailey (James Stewart) makes a wish that he'd never been born. He's frustrated over what he sees as a series of circumstances beyond his control that have kept him stuck in the small town of Bedford Falls. Of particular concern is a financial mistake made by his uncle Billy (Thomas Mitchell) that could inadvertently land George in jail for fraud. An angel named Clarence (Henry Travers) stops him just as he's about to jump off a bridge. Clarence then magically shows him what life would be like for his family and friends if he didn't exist. The revelations are stunning, giving George a fresh new perspective on his life. 

    Most Inspiring Moment: The most inspiring moment is also the most famous. The townsfolk reveal that they've raised enough to repay the money Billy lost. George expresses newfound appreciation for his family, embracing them tightly. He realizes that his life is pretty blessed, he just couldn't see it before. One of the bells on their Christmas tree rings, leading his young daughter to remark that “Every time a bell rings, an angel gets his wings.” Viewers know this means Clarence has fulfilled his purpose in showing him how, as the title suggests, wonderful life is.

    How Does It Change Your Outlook On Life?: Director Frank Capra made the ultimate movie about appreciating what you have in life. George thinks he has hit rock bottom. Then he sees how different things would be for his loved ones if he wasn't around. That makes him take stock of how rich he really is. Maybe not financially, but certainly in terms of love and being loved. Watching his adventure is enough to make any viewer take stock of their own riches. The film points out that life might look bad once in a while, but if you count your blessings, you'll certainly realize that the situation is much better than you think.

    49 votes
  • Premise: John Keating (Robin Williams) is the new English teacher at Welton Academy, a fancy prep school for boys. His teaching methods are unorthodox, which initially confuses his students. Over time, most of them come to appreciate how he prods them to think more deeply. Some of the boys even restart the school's unsanctioned Dead Poets Society that Keating was once part of. They gather in a cave to read and discuss poetry. That comes to an end when one of the students, Neill (Robert Sean Leonard), commits suicide after his parents shut down his desire to become an actor. Keating is blamed for encouraging Neill to pursue his passion, and when one of his pupils convinces several others to point fingers at him, he's fired from Welton. 

    Most Inspiring Moment: In the movie's concluding scene, Keating is cleaning out his belongings while the headmaster teaches class. Todd (Ethan Hawke) confesses that the boys were pressured into signing the letter that led to his ouster. When the headmaster threatens to expel anyone who advances discussion of this topic, several students stand on top of their desks, face Keating, and address him as “O Captain, My Captain” - the name of a Walt Whitman poem he previously had them read. It's a sign that they respect Keating and will continue learning as he wanted them to, even if he will no longer be there to do the teaching. 

    How Does It Change Your Outlook On Life?: Dead Poets Society uses its story to celebrate learning, outside the box thinking, and loyalty. Life is filled with moments when we're pressured to do something we're not fully on board with. Everyone at some point has caved to such pressure. The story finds Todd and the others in that situation, then, after Keating is fired, realizing how important it is to stand up for what's right. Watching the movie reminds us that following your conscience is key to maintaining integrity. 

    77 votes
  • Premise: Will Hunting (Matt Damon) is a recent parolee and math prodigy who gets a job as a janitor at the Massachusettes Institute of Technology. After violating his parole, Will is given the option to receive therapy from Dr. Sean Maguire (Robin Williams). He's resistant to treatment at first, but over time his guards come down, and he makes real progress. Maguire helps him understand that the abuse he endured as a child was not his fault. Accepting this sets Will on a better path, one that includes driving cross country to be with Skylar (Minnie Driver), the young woman he's fallen in love with.

    Most Inspiring Moment: The most inspiring moment in Good Will Hunting is also the saddest. Maguire confronts Will with the trauma of his past, which included his abusive alcoholic father giving him a choice of three objects to be beaten with. Will admits he picked the worst of the three - a wrench - in an act of pure defiance. Maguire repeatedly tells Will, “It's not your fault,” until the young math whiz finally breaks down in tears. He sobs uncontrollably as the psychologist hugs him. The sequence is a reminder that confronting trauma is the way to get through it, and the walls we build up to protect ourselves can be taken down when keeping them no longer serves a purpose.

    How Does It Change Your Outlook On Life?: Good Will Hunting deals with themes of abuse and trauma and how those things can impact our worldview to the point where we hold ourselves back. Will understands math to a degree that could get him a prominent, high-paying job, but the pain in his past has caused him to put his energy into acting out rather than advancing himself. By taking the effort to resolve that trauma, he opens the door for a new tomorrow where better things await. The movie is a powerful story about why it's vital to address your issues rather than bury them. 

    44 votes
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    64 VOTES

    Premise: Amateur boxer and loan shark debt collector Rocky Balboa (Sylvester Stallone) gets a lucky break when the fighter scheduled to take on heavyweight boxing champion Apollo Creed (Carl Weathers) is injured and can't take part in the bout. Desperate to find a replacement, Creed offers to fight a local pugilist. Rocky is the one who ultimately gets the shot. He trains furiously under veteran trailer Mickey Goldmill (Burgess Meredith). As he preps for the match, Rocky also romances Adrian Pennino (Talia Shire), a shy pet store worker. The movie builds to the climactic fight that finds him squaring off against a true champion. 

    Most Inspiring Moment: Everything in Rocky is structured to pay off during the big fight, so that makes it the most inspiring of many moments in the movie. The reason it's inspiring is what's unexpected, though. Creed wins the fight by a split decision, but Rocky manages to last fifteen rounds, getting in just as many blows as he absorbs. It doesn't matter that he didn't win because he proved his mettle, both to himself and to the boxing community at large. He's done what nobody thought he could do. He hugs Adrian after the fight, not even caring about the technical outcome.

    How Does It Change Your Outlook On Life?: Most sports movies are about whether the hero or heroes win the big game. Rocky is different. The film has a triumphant ending despite the fact that Rocky loses to Creed. It's okay because he knows Creed isn't his true opponent. He's fighting to prove his skill and his worth. By lasting fifteen rounds against the heavyweight champion, Rocky shows endurance. His victory comes not in winning but in not getting knocked out. The story is a metaphor for life, inferring that we're all really in competition with ourselves, not others, and fulfilling our potential is the true prize. Rocky encourages viewers to define what victory means for themselves. 

    64 votes
  • Premise: During WWII, when the men are away fighting, an entrepreneur puts together an all-female baseball league. The film follows the Rockford Peaches, coached by washed-up, alcoholic former player Jimmy Dugan (Tom Hanks). Sisters Dottie Hinson (Geena Davis) and Kit Keller (Lori Petty) prove to be the stars of the team. They're perpetually in competition with each other, especially when Dottie is selected to be the public face of the league. That's when Kit leaves to join another team. The siblings square off in the World Series, with Kit scoring the winning run, although there's a subtle implication that Dottie may have intentionally dropped the ball. 

    Most Inspiring Moment: When Dottie's husband returns home from war, she decides to quit the team and go back to being a housewife. Jimmy chides her, reminding her that baseball is in her blood. She protests that playing got too hard. He says, “It's supposed to be hard. If it wasn't hard, everyone would do it. The hard is what makes it great.” In just three sentences, he reminds Dottie of her talent and her passion.

    How Does It Change Your Outlook On Life?: It's hard to deny the power of seeing the Peaches thrive in baseball. They constantly face sexism from men who think women can't be “real” baseball players. The ladies prove those men wrong. We're often told that we can't do things. The reason frequently comes down to mere tradition. It's not that these things can't be done, it's that they haven't been done. A League of Their Own is a tribute to those who fearlessly shatter glass ceilings. 

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    Premise: Forrest Gump (Tom Hanks) is a man with a low IQ and a big heart. His optimistic world view takes him to places he could never imagine. He becomes an unlikely football star, a ping pong champion, and the captain of a shrimp boat. He serves in Vietnam and meets JFK. Forrest also makes important friends in Lt. Dan Taylor (Gary Sinise) and Bubba Blue (Mykelti Williamson). Then there's Jenny Curran (Robin Wright), the woman he falls in love with. The movie follows Forrest through his life as he has a series of adventures, along with a couple tragedies.

    Most Inspiring Moment: While being chased by a group of rednecks in a pickup truck, Forrest starts running as fast as he can. To elude them, he runs onto a football field where a game is taking place. His sprint across the field attracts the notice of the coach, who is baffled by this “local idiot” breezing past the players. From there, the film cuts to Forrest playing a college football game in a stadium full of people. He runs the length of the field, scoring a touchdown. The crowd goes wild. An unexpected talent has brought him success. 

    How Does It Change Your Outlook On Life?: When you first meet Forrest Gump, you almost feel pity for him. Frankly, he doesn't seem too bright. That doesn't prove to be a limitation, though. The character's positive perspective wins over everyone around him, while also opening doors that would otherwise be closed. His epic journey is inspiring in how it touts the importance of optimism. If you believe in yourself, the film says, you can go anywhere, even if no one else thinks you can. 

    60 votes
  • The Intouchables

    Premise: Senegalese immigrant Driss (Omar Sy) is fresh out of prison. Seeking to turn his life around, he gets a job working as the caretaker for wealthy quadriplegic Philippe (François Cluzet). Their strained relationship is purely employer/employee initially. Over time, though, the two develop a strong friendship that transforms both of their lives. Driss finds purpose, Philippe learns that life can still offer pleasures, even in his unfortunate condition.

    Most Inspiring Moment: Driss and Philippe arrive at a nice restaurant. The caretaker excuses himself. That's when Eléonore, the woman Philippe has been having a romantic exchange of letters with, arrives. Driss has arranged this date for him. He sneaks out, but not before Philippe can give him a grateful look. It's the moment that most defines the bond between the men, as well as the one that shows Philippe is ready to embrace life more fully again. 

    How Does It Change Your Outlook On Life?: A number of important themes come across in the film. For starters, it suggests that people of different races and social classes can get beyond those differences to find common ground and mutual respect. Another theme is the discovery of purpose. No matter how impoverished or troubled your background, it's still possible to find something that fulfills you. Finally, there's the idea that life can be good, even when bad things happen. Despite being wheelchair-bound for the rest of his life, Philippe learns that being quadriplegic doesn't mean life has ended. 

    37 votes
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    51 VOTES

    Premise: Rudy Ruettiger (Sean Astin) has dyslexia and works in a steel mill. It therefore seems unlikely that he could achieve his dream of playing football for the University of Notre Dame, especially since he's quite undersized for a football player. Undeterred, he gets tutoring to overcome his learning disability and manages to gain acceptance to the school against all odds. He joins the team as well but ends up sitting on the bench for the whole season. During the final game, he gets to play at the last second and manages to make the final play.

    Most Inspiring Moment: The whole story builds up to that inspiring ending. Rudy getting a chance to play ensures that he will be included on the team's roster. His dream has come true, thanks to unwavering determination and the support of the teammates who believe in him. 

    How Does It Change Your Outlook On Life?: Lots of things in life seem impossible. We all have something we wish we could do, yet don't try because the likelihood of it happening feels remote. Rudy is based on a true story, so the inherent meaning in its central character's victory hits extra powerfully. The film illustrates the power of refusing to give up on a goal that's important to you. If this working-class kid with a learning disorder can get into Notre Dame and succeed in his football debut, you can achieve your dream, too. 

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    Premise: Teenage Rubi Rossi (Emilia Jones) is the only member of her family who isn't deaf. She loves to sing and wants to pursue performance as a career. Her parents (Troy Kotsur and Marlee Matlin) discourage this, preferring she continue on in the family business of fishing. That's because, as deaf adults, they can't hear her sing and have no clue how talented she is. Rubi deals with the back-and-forth of wanting to follow her dream and also wanting to please her parents. A music teacher (Eugenio Derbez) pushes her to do what she loves.

    Most Inspiring Moment: Rubi's parents and brother surprise her by showing up her for audition at Boston's Berklee College of Music. Wanting to show her appreciation for their newfound support, she sings Joni Mitchell's “Both Sides Now” while simultaneously translating the lyrics into ASL so they will understand what she's singing. 

    How Does It Change Your Outlook On Life?: The Oscar-winning CODA is very much about the importance of pursuing your dreams, regardless of whether other people approve. For a while, Rubi tries to deny her desire to pursue music, so fearful is she of displeasing her parents. When she lets go of that fear, an important opportunity arises - and even more notably, her parents come around. The movie is a tear-jerking reminder that you can't be true to anyone else if you aren't true to yourself first.

    30 votes
  • Premise: Chris Gardner (Will Smith) had a business plan he thought would make him rich. Instead, it did the exact opposite. His wife leaves him as a result, causing Chris to be a single parent to their son Christopher (Jaden Smith). He applies for an unpaid internship at a brokerage firm, working his tail off in the hopes of getting hired for a paying job when the internship is over. Having no income means he and his son are often forced to sleep in shelters and, at one point, even inside a subway bathroom. His dedication pays off, as Chris is eventually given a full-time position. 

    Most Inspiring Moment: Chris shows up for what he believes is the final day of his internship. He wears a nice shirt, choosing to end the gig with his dignity intact. His supervisor tells him that he should wear another nice shirt tomorrow because he's being given a full-time job with a good salary. With tears in his eyes, he thanks the supervisor and other partners. His days of poverty are over, and he can now properly support Christopher.

    How Does It Change Your Outlook On Life?: The Pursuit of Happyness is based on a true story, so the rags-to-riches tale told is as inspirational as can be. The point of the movie is that you should never, ever give up, no matter how dire the situation becomes. To quit is to perish, and to persevere is to succeed. Chris's journey seems hopeless at times. Because he keeps plowing forward, he is eventually rewarded. Seeing him go from one extreme to the other proves that, while life can be hard, it's worthwhile to meet the challenges head-on. 

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    63 VOTES

    Premise: Young Mulan knows her ailing father has no choice but to be drafted into the Imperial Chinese Army after the Huns invade. A mandate requires one man from every family to join. Since she has no male siblings, Mulan decides to disguise herself as a boy so that she can take her dad's place. She teams up with a talking dragon and secretly falls in love with her captain. It becomes a scandal when her gender is revealed, but Mulan's skills as a fighter and leader ultimately wins everyone over. 

    Most Inspiring Moment: The majority of Mulan is about the discrimination the main character feels because she's a woman. When the Emperor bows down to her at the end, prompting everyone else to follow suit, it's a heart-warming moment. She has rightfully earned the respect she's been seeking. 

    How Does It Change Your Outlook On Life?: Mulan emphasizes the importance of self-confidence. No one believes in Mulan except Mulan herself. She knows that her fighting abilities are just as good as those of the men, so she finds a way to utilize them. The movie forces viewers to contend with their own skills. The message here is that if you know in your heart that you can do something well, go do it. Don't wait for somebody else to give you permission to do it because that permission might never come. 

    63 votes
  • Premise: Little Miss Sunshine revolves around the Hoover family. They're very dysfunctional. Dad Richard (Greg Kinnear) and mom Sheryl (Toni Collette) are constantly fighting. Son Dwayne (Paul Dano) is electively mute. Grandpa Edwin (Alan Arkin) abuses meds and was kicked out of his nursing home. Brother Frank (Steve Carell) is suicidal. The Hoovers hop in their yellow van and make the trek from New Mexico to California when daughter Olive (Abigail Breslin) qualifies for a child beauty pageant. They experience many troubles along the way, but also realize how much they care about each other, in spite of the difficulties they've been facing. 

    Most Inspiring Moment: The most inspiring moment is deceptively simple. Edwin gives a tearful Olive a pep talk after she confesses feeling like a loser. He says, “A real loser is somebody that's so afraid of not winning they don't even try.” Profound wisdom is conveyed in those fifteen words. 

    How Does It Change Your Outlook On Life?: Edwin's advice constitutes the movie's core. Olive goes and gives the pageant her best shot, and each family member in his or her own way realizes they need to follow suit. The film prompts you to ask yourself what you're not trying because of fear. Even if the Hoovers' problems aren't completely solved by the end, they're at least making an attempt to improve their lives. It's especially inspiring to see little Olive facing her fears. If a child can overcome nervousness and give the world a solid effort, anyone can. Little Miss Sunshine might also spur people to appreciate their family members, no matter how imperfect, a little more. 

    39 votes
  • Premise: Shy Walter Mitty (Ben Stiller) works as a photographer for LIFE magazine. He has feelings for coworker Cheryl (Kristen Wiig) that he can't bring himself to express. Instead, he creates vivid daydreams in which he is an adventurer who ends up sweeping Cheryl off her feet. Walter gets a chance to experience some real adventure when he's assigned to track down noted photojournalist Sean O'Connell (Sean Penn) to retrieve a picture needed for the cover of the magazine's final issue. As he treks through Greenland, Iceland, and other locales, Walter has a series of experiences that build his confidence and give him a new lease on life.

    Most Inspiring Moment: At the film's end, Walter sees LIFE's final cover. It's not the picture he was sent in search of. Instead, it's a photo of him sitting outside the building examining a contact sheet. You'd have to be asleep to miss the connotation. By taking this assignment for LIFE, Walter has actually come out of his shell and had some awesome adventures. And there's every indication that he's going to continue on this new path.

    How Does It Change Your Outlook On Life?: If for no other reason than Dead Poets Society, everyone knows the Latin term carpe diem. It means “Seize the day” and is meant to be a reminder to live life to the fullest. Walter Mitty is not seizing any days when we first meet him. In fact, he's got himself fairly walled up. His work assignment teaches him the value of taking every good opportunity that comes his way. His journey is similarly a direction to the audience. If you hide away, nothing exciting will happen. If you embrace every moment, you'll be able to look back with fondness at the amazing stuff you got to do.

    21 votes
  • Premise: Jess Bhamra (Parminder Nagra) is an teen who idolizes soccer legend David Beckham. She's got some skills on the field, so at the behest of friend Jules (Keira Knightley), Jess joins a team. Her traditional Punjabi Sikh parents believe playing sports is not lady-like, meaning she has to sneak around behind their backs. She strikes up a romance with the coach, Joe (Jonathan Rhys-Meyers), too. Everything comes to a head when the Bhamras find out how serious she is about soccer. Her father softens up, agreeing to let her accept a scholarship to play in the United States. 

    Most Inspiring Moment: After initially disapproving of Jess's involvement in soccer, her father decides to prioritize her happiness and allows her to sneak out of her sister's wedding to play in a game. She makes the winning kick and is subsequently offered a scholarship in California by a talent scout. Even better is that Jules is also offered a scholarship. The young women now have a chance to make their dreams come true. 

    How Does It Change Your Outlook On Life?: Bend It Like Beckham tells viewers to just go for it. Forget tradition. Forget lingering self-doubt. Forget gender roles. Forget conventional wisdom. Just go for it. Jess's tale is a reminder of how important it is to make a good run at something you're passionate about. We only get one life on this Earth, so leaving those passions by the wayside is nothing short of a tragedy. Added to that is the secondary message that if you can prove your ability, any naysayers around you will change their tune. 

    42 votes
  • Premise: Brittany (Jillian Bell) is a party girl. She lives to have a good time, and that includes drinking and substance use. Her doctor informs her that she's on a bad path if she continues to live an unhealthy lifestyle. Scared by that prospect, Brittany makes the choice to become more physically fit. She joins a group of runners who prove to be much better influences than her hard-partying friends. Inspired by their dedication, she buckles down and trains to run the New York City marathon. Pursuing this goal helps her find the balance she truly needs in life.

    Most Inspiring Moment: It may seem a bit obvious, but the scene where Brittany crosses the finish line at the New York Marathon is the one most likely to leave viewers choked up. She briefly considers quitting after cramping up, but finds the courage to push on. The pain subsides as she sees and hears her friends cheering her on from the sidelines. Despite visible discomfort, she achieves her goal and finishes the race.

    How Does It Change Your Outlook On Life?: Brittany Runs a Marathon gives viewers a heroine they can identify with. Most of us would like to be healthier and/or more in shape than we are. Getting the motivation to do that can be difficult. Brittany's journey serves as an example of how healthiness can be achieved, both physically and mentally. By leaving behind her partying ways, choosing more well-adjusted friends, and committing to an exercise routine, Brittany makes major positive changes in her life. It doesn't matter that she still doesn't fit into the stereotypical definition of “physically fit.” She finds what's right for her. The movie gets you believing that you can follow in her footsteps. 

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    Premise: Life didn't turn out the way Liz Gilbert (Julia Roberts) thought it would. Despite being married and having a career, she's somehow unfulfilled. In an attempt to find herself, she takes a trip though India, Italy, and Indonesia. Her goals, as the title suggests, are to eat, to pray, and maybe to love. She does indeed start up a fling with Felipe (Javier Bardem), a businessman from Brazil whom she meets in Bali. The prospect of falling in love and potentially getting hurt again proves frightening, but on the advice of her life coach Ketut, she opens her heart to Felipe, declaring her feelings for him in the end. 

    Most Inspiring Moment: Liz sits quietly reading a book. Felipe watches her. He gets up from his own seat, turns on some music, and walks over to her. “It's time,” he says, extending his hand. She takes it and the two begin a very sultry slow dance. The power of this moment is in its possibility. Liz is allowing herself to accept his attention and affection. After feeling emotionally dazed for a while, she's beginning to consider that the future could bring love again. 

    How Does It Change Your Outlook On Life?: Based on a true story, Eat Pray Love is practically a guidebook on finding yourself. The disappointment of a failed marriage has left Liz confused about what she wants. Her trip brings clear answers to that question. The movie deals frankly with the notion that you can always engage in improving your circumstance. Something good may be just around the corner, even if you can't see it yet. Additionally, Eat Pray Love addresses the value of taking time to learn from your mistakes so you can create a better tomorrow. 

    24 votes
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    17 VOTES

    Premise: Cheryl Strayed (Reese Witherspoon) goes off track after the death of her mother. Her depression and grief lead her to excessive drug use and marital infidelity with a series of promiscuous dalliances. In an effort to heal her pain, Cheryl decides to spend three months hiking the Pacific Crest Trail, despite having no prior hiking experience. Being ill-prepared forces her to think outside the box in terms of finding solutions to problems. Three months of living like this comes to provide a new sense of self-confidence, plus a total change of outlook. 

    Most Inspiring Moment: There are lots of inspiring moments in Wild as Cheryl achieves little victories involved with hiking - and surviving - the PCT. Still, it's hard to beat the last scene where she emerges from the trail and finds herself on the cusp of civilization once again. The voice-over narration is what does it. Cheryl talks about realizing her life is “mysterious, irrevocable, and sacred." It's a beautiful summation of the personal journey she's just been on. 

    How Does It Change Your Outlook On Life?: Wild understands a basic truth, which is that we all screw up in life at some point. We get caught up in the wrong things, or we make ourselves miserable by failing to be content with what we have. Cheryl's trek emphasizes the notion that “me time” is important. Making the hike allows her to clear her head of the noise. The movie spurs you to think about the noise in your own head and how you might similarly become a better version of yourself by taking the time to actively pursue mental and emotional clarity. 

    17 votes