GUNS N' ROSES Guitarist DJ ASHBA Marries Girlfriend In Las Vegas - BLABBERMOUTH.NET

GUNS N' ROSES Guitarist DJ ASHBA Marries Girlfriend In Las Vegas

September 24, 2013

According to the Las Vegas Review-Journal, GUNS N' ROSES and SIXX: A.M. guitarist Daren Jay "DJ" Ashba married Colombian model Nathalia Henao Monday (September 23) in Las Vegas. A dozen friends attended the wedding at the Little Church of the West, the 70-year-old chapel which has been the scene of more celebrity marriages — including those between Angelina Jolie and Billy Bob Thornton; and Richard Gere and Cindy Crawford — than any other wedding chapel in the world.

Ashba and Henao made headlines last month when an internal investigation was launched after the guitarist and his girlfriend were given a private tour in a Las Vegas police helicopter so that the rocker could pop the question. Ashba posted a photo of the event on his Instagram page, infuriating officials who were apparently trying to determine if any department policies or regulations were violated in granting this ride-along.

Ashba, who joined GUNS N' ROSES in March 2009 following the departure of Robin Finck, and his new wife met three years ago in Rome.

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